Following all of the rumors and teases by Ubisoft itself, Assassin's Creed Valhalla was finally revealed in a stunning cinematic trailer. New details regarding the game became immediately apparent, none moreso than the fact that the latest game in this long running franchise is taking place during the Age of Vikings. Players will be able to pick between a male or female version of the Viking known as Eivor who leads his people from Norway to the shores of England.

The trailer also revealed the narrator of the trailer to be a very important and key figure in this game's story. Alfred the Great, one of the major leaders during this time period, looks to play a significant role against the player and the faction of Vikings attempting to settle and raid the English countryside. Considering this is an Assassin's Creed game and Alfred is likely a major antagonist, it also stands to reason that Alfred may be allied with the pre-Templar faction as well.

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Considering his importance not only inside of Assassin's Creed Valhalla but in the actual history of England, here's a bit more context into who this powerful king was.

assassin’s creed valhalla (3)

England During the 9th Century

Assassin's Creed Valhalla takes place during the 9th century, a medieval time period known for its brutal battles and skirmishes between the Viking culture and the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of modern day England and Scotland. Back then, these lands were not yet united, divided into the four major kingdoms of Northumbria, East Anglia, Mercia, and Wessex.

By this point of time in the game, these kingdoms have been the target of Viking raids for about a hundred years. The player leads this new group against the forces of each of these kingdoms and major cities like Winchester, London, and Jorvik, better known as York. While each kingdom will be led by a powerful figure, the Kingdom of Wessex in the south was largely viewed as the strongest and most capable of turning back the Vikings. The reason is largely due to its leader at this time, Alfred the Great.

Who is Alfred the Great?

The youngest of five sons born to King Aethelwulf of Wessex, Alfred eventually took over as King in 871 following his older brothers. Upon taking the throne of Wessex, Alfred continued his family and country's legacy of fighting back the Denmark Viking invaders. His tactics included using blockades, fast moving mobile forces, counter attacks, and simply paying Vikings to leave when all else failed.

Of the four kingdoms, Alfred's domain proved to be the most capable. At this point, the kingdoms of Mercia and East Anglia had seen their kings tortured or killed and Viking settlements started appearing in the southern sections of Northumbria. Wessex, on the other hand, continued its resistance to the mounting threat and started seeing major victories including the Battle of Edington.

assassins creed valhalla king alfred

Following this decisive victory, a treaty was signed that created the boundaries of the English kingdoms and the Viking Danelaw territory. The treaties also called of peaceful relations between the two sides, though battles and conflict still broke out from time to time. Another major event that occurred from the treaty is the conversion of Danish King Guthrum to Christianity from his culture's belief in the Norse pantheon of Gods. Eventually, Alfred and his descendants would eventually take back the city of York from the Vikings, and ultimately, his actions helped lay the foundation for what would ultimately become the country of England.

Outside of his work pushing back the Vikings from his land, Alfred was largely viewed as learned and merciful. In fact, during his rule he reformed the legal system, military structure, and changed education from being taught in Latin to Anglo-Saxon. Alfred died at age 50 or 51, though how this happened remains a mystery for historians. It's possible that the great king died from a lifelong battle with an illness, many suspect was some form of Crohn's Disease.

Regardless, for all of these important changes that Alfred was able to make during his reign, he was given the title "The Great" following the Sixteenth century reformation in England. Interestingly enough, Alfred remains the only English king to every receive such a title.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla launches Holiday 2020 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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