Although not quite to the extent of the Star Wars fanbase, Assassin's Creed players have been divided over the direction of the franchise for some time. Some prefer the older action-adventure style of gameplay where there was more of a focus on assassinations and the Hidden Blade, whereas others enjoy the new RPG elements that have come to the series. Now, it seems Assassin's Creed Valhalla is trying to bridge both.

Ubisoft has been incredibly forthcoming with information since its reveal, and it seems several old and new features are finding common ground in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. For example, while it will have RPG elements and a romance system like Assassin's Creed Odyssey, the grind has been reduced. Social Stealth, an iconic feature of the original series, is also returning alongside the newly-confirmed Insta-kill Hidden Blade.

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Many likely remember playing as Ezio, walking up behind a group of guards, and instantly killing them with the Hidden Blade. Done right in combat, Ezio would stylish put himself into various groups of enemies and kill them. It's unconfirmed to what extent, but as seen below in the words of Assassin's Creed Valhalla creative director Ashraf Ismail, the Insta-kill feature is back:

“Eivor receives the hidden blade quite early on...We continue with the idea that Eivor is not a trained assassin. Eivor is a Viking who receives this badass weapon and has to learn very quickly. Early in the experience, Eivor will learn a technique that, with the right timing ... can one-shot-kill virtually anybody.”

His phrasing here carries a few implications. First, it's not something players will be able to do instantly, as Eivor must learn it, but it's learned early in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Timing, like in the original games, is important, and it can "one-shot kill virtual anybody." This would suggest that assassination targets will be less of a fight like in previous games, and more of a tactical approach. Of course, how exactly this is implemented remains to be seen.


Social Stealth, the Hidden Blade, and the Insta-kill all coming back is huge for fans of the franchise, for all fans of the franchise. It seems to be a love letter, bringing the old and new together. So despite the recent gameplay snafu, it still seems safe to say the Assassin's Creed Valhalla hype train has left the station.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: Kotaku