Assassin's Creed Valhalla throws players into the age-old conflict between the Order of Ancients and the Hidden Ones. Set during the 9th century, the protagonist Eivor attempts to lead their Viking people to a brighter future in England. However, to survive the ensuing struggles, players need to acquire new skills and weapons to triumph.

Since Valhalla is steeped in European folklore, some of its greatest mythological artifacts can be found in-game. One of these items is Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur which also grants the Caladfwlch trophy/achievement. However, players won't simply come across the fabled weapon. Instead, Excalibur is locked away in a cave that only opens by exploring the rest of England.

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Treasures of Britain

To open the path to Excalibur, players must gather 11 Treasure of Britain tablets scattered throughout the world. Eight of these tablets are found in underground locations, while the other three are obtained by defeating some powerful foes: The Zealots.

East Anglia

Players should keep moving through Grimes Graves until they come across a black flag. Shortly after, there will be a table with some dishes on top. Break the items to find the tablet inside.


Within the Old Cellar, Eivor must shoot the glowing wine caps on nearby barrels so the tablet floats up within reach.


Players need to obtain three keys within the Cavern of Trials and then position some rocks as jumping platforms to get this tablet.


Move through the Santlache Mine by shooting down ladders and breaking barriers until there's an underwater section. Dive and keep swimming straight ahead until Eivor can resurface, and the tablet will be in the next room.


There will be pockets of poison gas inside the Red Lichen Cave and surrounding the first tablet here, so keep a torch handy. However, the poison doesn't instantly kill, so daring players can also rush through and heal up afterwards.

After taking the boat inside the Wocig cave, players must complete a climbing puzzle before they reach the second tablet surrounded on all sides. Use a torch or explosive arrow on the nearby pots to make a hole big enough for Eivor to slide through and grab the tablet.


Keep moving through Wiccan's Cave by sliding under gaps and shooting ice. The tablet is inside a house that require the player to shoot from several different windows to unlock the door. Note that several boars and chickens will also attack Eivor while trying to open the way.


The last underground tablet is within the Deoraby Spar Cavern. Follow the blue lights while jumping through the cave, and the tablet will be waiting at the end.


This zealot is riding on a horse through Cent's roads. Assassin's Creed Valhalla players can roam around scanning anyone they come across, because Woden will be marked as an Order member if encountered. Alternatively, Eivor can wait in one spot for Woden to patrol through.


Heike can be found on horseback on one of Essexe's roads. The same strategy for finding Woden also applies to scanning this Zealot.


Hrothgar is holding the final tablet, and patrols through Suthsexe on his horse. Use the same methods as Woden and Heike to track him down.

Unlocking Excalibur

assassin's creed excalibur in-game

With all 11 tablets in hand, players can go to Myrrdin's Cave in the Hamtunscire region. Players will need to jump past two areas and dive through an underwater section before arriving at a platform surrounded by 11 stone pillars. Insert each tablet into a pillar and Excalibur will appear.

As one of the most powerful weapons in-game, Eivor can use the fabled sword throughout the rest of Assassin's Creed Valhalla's storyline to dispatch their foes. While the road to acquire Excalibur may be difficult, Eivor's heroic feats add another chapter onto the blade's storied history in pop culture.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: Powerpyx