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Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a sprawling Viking epic, whose expansive content stands out even more when compared to the "back-to-basics" Mirage. This applies to the slew of items players will collect in large numbers during their long journey. Despite Ubisoft pulling back from its long list of weapons and gear in Odyssey, there are plenty of items, resources, and other materials to be found here.

MORE: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Who To Give Silver To

This can make it tough for players looking to make some quick silver in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, as it's not always clear which are safe to flip at vendors and which should be (or can be) used. Luckily, even when factoring out the option to pawn weapons and gear, there are plenty of items that can safely be sold in a hurry; even some relatively valuable bits.

4 (Big) Fish

Assassins Creed Valhalla Eivor Catching Bullhead Fish

At first glance, fishing may not seem to serve much of a purpose in Valhalla. It certainly contrasts with the epic, combat-heavy nature of the game. Yet, this seemingly more drab Viking task can pay off in more ways than one. Not only is collecting fish useful in building up a Fishing Hut in the settlement and scoring great rewards like runes, but they can also be sold directly to merchants for some decent silver.

Players will want to be resourceful and pick the right locations when fishing, specifically aiming to gather big fish and quality fish like salmon and mackerel. These larger, more coveted fish prove more resourceful when it comesto their overall value and Fishing Hut requests.

3 Animal Parts


Much like fishing, hunting can seem like a more mundane task; though one that yields surprisingly good rewards down the line. Players will want to collect various animal hooves, furs, tusks, and other components to complete Hunting Deliveries at the Hunter's Hut. These will provide rewards that include useful Ingots and rare runes.

But for those who wish to avoid the Hunter's Hut or focus little on it (as it's mostly not essential), or have finished their progress on the building — selling the parts to merchants is a good option. Most individual animal parts are fairly cheap on their own, but building a large enough collection can yield ample silver. This is especially the case for relatively valuable bits like Reindeer Antlers, which can bring in seven silver apiece.

These animal parts fall under the "Trade Goods" section in the vendor selection screen.

2 Excess Runes

Assassins Creed Valhalla Rune View In Menu

Valhalla is rather unique in its stripping down of weapons and gear despite its rewarding ARPG bent. However, the game's rune system fills in much of the details when it comes to character progression and customization. As such, there's an abundance of runes to be found during Eivor's journey, many of which will inevitably not be needed.

Thankfully, these items can be pawned at various vendors throughout the game. Of course, their value depends on a number of factors — such as their usefulness and whether the variant is of minor, standard, or greater quality. Players will want to opt for selling more valuable runes that include the "greater" tag, as well as diamond runes.

As there are few diamond weapon runes and still fewer diamond armor runes, these items are especially valuable. Just be sure the rune in question is either a duplicate or won't fit the particular build that well.

Players can farm runes fairly simply, by completing Hunter's Hut and Fishing Hut tasks, going on raids, and plundering chests strewn across the locales of Valhalla.

What to Do After Beating Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Finishing the main campaign of Assassin's Creed Valhalla isn't the end of the game by a long shot, and there's plenty to do in the aftermath.

Greater Rune Of Life

One of the most valuable runes in the game, the Rune of Life, as one might expect, boosts Eivor's health. The greater variant of this bumps up health a whopping18.9. However, this can be a good one to sell, given the abundance of armor reinforcements and health rations elsewhere.

Greater Flanking Rune

This is a great option to flip at vendors despite its valuable nature. The greater version of the Flanking rune will add ten points in back damage, though this perk is more niche compared to most other weapon runes. Players who are more stealth-focused may want to hang onto at least one of these, though most others will get farther in selling them.

Greater Rune Of Perfection

This rune boosts criticals up to a solid 8.0, which is certainly useful against tougher foes. Yet, it targets a very specific stat that is also covered in part by the Rune of Finesse, which boosts critical chances.

1 Trinkets

Assassin's Creed Valhalla trinkets selection at the merchant

Even moreso than Odyssey, the random items known as trinkets are useless aside from their sheer value in silver. Ubisoft even reinforces this notion with a quick-sell feature that allows players to pawn their whole collection of trinkets to vendors no matter how large.

And given the loot and combat-heavy nature of Valhalla, players making a deep run in the game will surely build up a nice collection of these bits — which range from old pillows to bird cages to broken shields. Savvy merchants will have their various parts to salvage, while Eivor will score tens or even hundreds more pieces of silver to apply to more useful ventures.

assassin's creed valhalla
Assassin's Creed Valhalla

November 10, 2020
RPG , Action