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On their journey through the 9th century, Britain in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Eivor, and the player will come across various altars to which they can make offerings. Doing so is necessary to complete one of Valhalla's many mysteries and also rewards players with skill points, so they are typically worth the effort to complete.

The Wroeken Offering Altar is found in Sciropescire, northwest of Wenlocan Abbey, and asks players to offer up five small brown trout to complete the mystery in AC: Valhalla. Though this may sound simple, finding these small brown trout in Assassin's Creed Valhalla can be tricky if the player doesn't know where to look.

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Updated September 18th, 2022, by Michael Llewellyn:Assassin's Creed: Valhalla is to get one final piece of DLC to finish the Viking saga before moving on to Assassin's Creed: Mirage and other projects. If one is only discovering AC: Valhalla now, they will realize just massive the game is with its quests, characters, and lore. One of the many quests worth tackling in Valhalla is the offerings at The Wroeken Altar. The Altar is in Sciropescire - known today as Shropshire - at the Welsh border. Among these offerings are the five small brown trout that Eivor needs to get to complete the quest. This guide now includes extra steps in locating these often elusive fish.

How To Get The Fish

Before heading off on a fisherman's adventure, one should ensure the use of Odin's Sight as frequently as possible. Locating the schools of brown trout in AC Valhalla is a much easier task. Odin's Sight ability is mechanically similar to the Eagle Vision abilities from past games. To activate Odin's sight click the L3 button, and the fish will be more visible underwater.

The steps for finding and obtaining the trout are as follows:

  • Players will need to make sure that they've built the Fisherman's Hut back in Ravensthorpe,
  • The Fisherman's Hut costs 600 Supplies and 45 Raw Materials at the settlement.
  • The Fisherman's Hut allows Eivor to obtain a fishing rod to catch fish.
  • To get the rod, speak to the hut owner's grandson, a young boy named Arth.
  • Arth will get his grandfather to build Eivor a fishing rod.
  • Another method for hunting fish is archery. Shooting fish out of the water with the bow will achieve the same goal, but using the rod is much easier.
How to get 5 brown trout (small)
  • Find the Wroeken Offering Altar, west of Wenlocan Abbey,
  • Then head towards the city of Oxenaforda in Oxenefordscire and find a small boat.
  • Players can then row this boat west across the Thames.
  • Eivor should find several schools of fish. The small brown trout in question is within these schools.
  • Aim for the smaller schools when fishing instead of larger, solitary fish.
  • Use the fishing rod (or bow) to catch five small brown trout in AC Valhalla.

Fishing in Assassin's Creed Valhalla may take a while, as other schools of fish are also swimming in the Thames. That said, small brown troutin Vahalla is abundant and found throughout the river, so it shouldn't be much of a challenge to get ahold of five.

  • After obtaining all five fish, players can fast-travel back to the waypoint near the Wroeken Offering Altar and give up the five fish. Doing so should complete the mystery and reward the player with skill points to upgrade Eivor's extensive skill tree and learn new abilities.

For those players still having trouble catching the fish, use Odin's Sight to locate the schools of brown trout in AC: Valhalla. Typically, the schools of small fish are comprised entirely of small brown trout, so using the fishing rod or bow in these areas should make catching the fish simple. One should stay on the small boat while fishing, as it provides better mobility and won't scare fish away.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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