An incredible mod has been released for Assassin's Creed Unity that finally lets it live up to its full potential. Already seen as one of the Ubisoft games with the best parkour, players can finally traverse Paris in even smoother ways with this mod.

When it was first released, Assassin's Creed Unity was one of the most controversial games of all time. It was Ubisoft's first release to leave behind the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 behind, and took advantage of the power of the newer consoles in a way that blew gamers' minds. Visually, it looks like it could pass for a 2023 release to this day, and on its release, it was one of the games with the best graphics ever. The issue is that it was filled with hilarious visual bugs and poor performance that made it almost unplayable. It got better over time, but the reputation stuck. Over the years, the game has become known as a hotbed of wasted potential, and could be seen as the base of the perfect Assassin's Creed game if Ubisoft were to take its features and smooth them out.

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Redditor Ghost_LeaderBG shared the link to the overhaul mod online, which is available to download on Nexus Mods. The mod is titled ACUFixes, and everything it does is just remarkable. It brings a host of quality-of-life fixes, with a removable hood being one of the important ones. As well as this, it brings separate buttons for entering windows, a grab ledge button, and less sticky cover, among other fixes. These might all seem small, but when coming together, they work wonders for Assassin's Creed Unity.

The main benefit here is the improvements made to parkour. Of course, parkour in Assassin's Creed is one of the staple features of the series, and to many Unity represents the series' pinnacle. It's fair to say that Paris was better for the fast-paced movement on display than Assassin's Creed Syndicate's London, and the RPG games have dialed back on the parkour massively. Despite this, there are definitely valid criticisms of some of the finer details that some feel hold Unity back from true greatness. This mod should address the complaints, turning Assassin's Creed Unity into the game it was destined to be.

As fun as it is to go back and play the other games in the franchise, the future of Assassin's Creed is also looking immensely promising too. It was recently reported that Ubisoft is working on 11 Assassin's Creed titles, with plans in place for the distant future. Some might think that's overkill, but it seems as though a lot of these are either mobile or VR projects, so it's not as though the studio is flooding the market with mainline entries. After 2020s Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the series has taken a three-year hiatus to ensure it gets things right going forward. Hopefully that pays off and Assassin's Creed remains a powerhouse for years to come.

Assassin's Creed Unity is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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