With every new entry in the Assassin's Creed franchise comes a welcomed change in scenery. Whether exploring Italy during the Renaissance or preventing beheadings in Paris in the midst of the French Revolution, Ubisoft has managed to bring these time periods to life with believable scenery and an immerse point of view.

One of the most appealing aspects of each game, however, has been the way that players interact with prolific figures that impacted history during that particular time frame. With Assassin's Creed Syndicate en route, it's safe to say that that trend won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Speaking with Syndicate's executive director, Francois Pelland, we asked whether or not historical figures from 1868 London, England will be interacting with newfound protagonists Jacob and Evie Frye. Much to the surprise of few, that will indeed be the case.

“That’s the motivation of the brand, you know. The motivation is that history is our playground. We’re very cautious and very passionate about making a world that is historically relevant or historically accurate, but as well as the characters you’ll meet."

"When you think of the Industrial Revolution of London [in] 1868, you think of Charles Dickens, you think of Charles Darwin. Those are the two, we’ll talk more about others later on. There are tons of people that were there in that period that really influenced the way we live now, the way we see the world.”

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For those unfamiliar with the work of either individual, Dickens is heralded as one of the best authors of all time – penning such classic pieces as A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, and David Copperfield. Meanwhile, Charles Darwin is responsible for the theory of evolution, a scientific theory that debuted in his book On The Origin Of Species and loosened the grip that religion had on the world at that time – making way for the Industrial Revolution to occur.

It'll be interesting to see how each historical figure will appear within the confines of Assassin's Creed Syndicate, but appearances from the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci, George Washington, and even Napoleon Bonaparte in past games have all been exciting encounters that flushed out each definitive member of history. Whether these characters will be allies or foes, however, is what makes their participation in the narrative all the more intriguing.

It also appears that both figures will be flushed out in pre-order DLC, which should only give more depth to their in-game characters. With that in mind, stay tuned to Game ZXC to find out what role each Charles will play in the game's greater narrative.

Which historical figures would you like to see in the new Assassin's Creed? Get at us in the comments.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate will be arriving for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on October 23, 2015.