Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is massive, full of hundreds of optional quests for players to uncover and complete. Anyone tackling the game without a guide or the internet handy is going to miss a lot, even after pouring over one-hundred hours of game time into the experience. One might argue about whether Assassin's Creed Valhalla or Odyssey is better, but in terms of time, even the franchise's most recent game can't touch the size and scope of this one.

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With a world so large, inevitably, the average player will either miss, forget about, or simply not be aware of certain side quests if they aren’t following a walkthrough. Even then, walkthroughs sometimes don't cover every single part of the world or help players get to the side quests that they describe, which is a shame, because these moments in the game are what enrich the world for the fans.

Updated October 15, 2022 by Talha Bin Rizwan:Even after nearly half a decade since its release Assassin's Creed Odyssey continues to retain an active player base with thousands around the world enjoying the game. The game world is vast and full of things to explore and players will have no shortage of content during their journey.

Between their family to save and a cult to take down, the game has some well-written side quests that will entertain the players for a long time. Some are out there and easily found while some may require a closer peek at them to reveal. It is therefore important that players keep an eye out for these quests that can be easily missed if they are not careful.

14 Merciful Gods

Assassins Creed Odyssey Merciful Gods Beginning

During the quest, players are tasked with investigating the disappearance of tributes from a shrine dedicated to Hermes in a small cave. After defeating the bandits, players will leave the cave and report the discovery to the quest-giver.

It can be tricky to find, as the woman may not always appear and players will move on, not realizing they missed out on this amusing quest. Exiting from an unorthodox passage allows the Misthios to stumble across a woman praying to the gods for financial help. The player must pretend to be a god and promise to deliver wealth to the woman. This will kick-start Merciful Gods.

How To Complete Merciful Gods

Acquiring the quest can be tricky as players can easily miss it. Players will find a woman praying at the shrine of Hermes in a cave on Kephallonia. The easiest way to find her is during the quest 'Hungry God' after dispatching some bandits in a cave, players will be able to see her praying through a hole in the wall.

The Eagle-Bearer will need to go back to the cave with the bandits and take the looted offerings from a chest there. They will then take the offerings to the woman's home and investigate her house. Players will then need to place the offerings in a basket at her house, after which the quest would be completed.

13 He Waits

Assassins Creed Odyssey The Minotaur Meets Alexios

Many players may pass over this quest because of how much is required to begin it. After reaching at least level 35 the player must go to Messara and seek out a young boy named Andros near Knossos Palace. This begins a string of quests with many moving parts until, finally, the player accesses the Labyrinth.

Beating the Minotaur is one of the toughest fights in the game. Many players stumble over sheer frustration, either giving up on the string of seemingly meaningless quests or finding they’re too weak to beat the Minotaur. They leave and then get sidetracked by other quests. However, this one is worth seeing through to the end.

How To Complete He Waits

Players will need to defeat the Minotaur in this quest which can be challenging for many. The boss is one of the mythical creatures players find in the game and isn't necessarily one of the stronger ones, but he is not a walk in the park either. The Eagle Bearer needs to complete the quests 'Of Minotaurs and Men' before beginning the quest and open the Labyrinth. Once it is, players must jump down and dive in. A nearby NPC, Andros, asks the Eagle-Bearer to find his father which they can do easily by following the string. It eventually leads the players to Nikios, who they can loot for his ring to give to Andros later on.

Players must go back by following the string to a gap that has two jumps. The Eagle-Bearer must jump the gap and move on to the left. They must then take the first right when possible, and face the wall with a gap that has a ridge. They must jump to it and continue to the left. The Eagle Bearer must then jump down and take a right and then jump across the gaps twice. After the second jump, take another immediate right. The game will then lead the players down a path that opens to a hallway with stairs that lead to a gate that opens to reveal an arena with the Minotaur. Players must then defeat the Minotaur, and acquire the First Civilization artifact, after which the quest will be finished.

12 The Blood Fever

Assassins Creed Odyssey The Blood Fever Quest Giver

It's almost unbelievable that this quest was a side quest at all; NPCs all over have unique dialogue for the Misthios depending on the decision made here. More unbelievable is how easy it is to miss despite being in the starting area.

When thinking about the awesome and frustrating areas within Assassin's Creed Odyssey, don't forget about the starting area. A side road through Kausos goes through a plague-ridden village, where players will have to decide what to do with the infected.

How To Complete The Blood Fever

Players can acquire the quest by talking to Phoibe at Markos' Vineyard on Kephallonia. She will tell the Eagle-Bearer that a nearby village has been afflicted and asks them to investigate. The game will give a marker that the players can follow to get to the village. As soon as they arrive, they will be met with an apocalyptic sight. The Eagle-Bearer will find a priest with his guards and a family who will be begging him to spare them.

Upon investigation, the players learn that the village has been infected with a plague and that the priest had been fighting it by culling the village, the family has also shown signs of infection, but they want to live. Players can choose to let the priest carry on or intervene and save the family. If the priest is allowed to carry on, then Phoibe shows up and the players have to console her. If the players intervene and save the family, then the whole of Kephallonia gets infected by the plague. Whatever the players choose, the quest will end.

11 Call To Arms

Assassins Creed Odyssey Alexios In A Call To Arms Battle

Discovering this mission requires players to spend some considerable time exploring the Island of Melos. Hardcore completionists will eventually find an NPC called Darkios. Players find that he is arranging a battle royale-style tournament called Battle of One Hundred Hands, where one hundred contenders will take part, hence the name.

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This massive battle royale requires the player to grind through ninety-nine enemies before the battle is won. For those not looking for achievements it may be tempting to ignore this one, especially for all the searching it takes to find the right camp.

How To Complete Call To Arms

Players will be given the marker for the quest during the game which will lead them to the Island of Melos. Once they arrive, they will hear a man named Drakios speaking about the Battle of One Hundred Hands for which the players can sign up. He will have players train with a champion competing in the fight who will then vouch for them. The game leads them to Roxana who has the Eagle-Bearer race with her, spar with her and shoot a few wolves with their bow.

She is also a romance option and players will need to reply with flirtatious responses to romance her. After everything is said and done, Roxana vouches for the players and they are able to take part in the battle. Alternatively, they can pay 4500 drachmae to Drakios and bypass the training, but they lose the opportunity to romance Roxana.

10 The Goddesses' Hunt

This quest has it all: romance (one of the best choices for either Alexios or Kassandra), an exclusive armor set, a boss fight, and a dire boss fight. Starting it requires finding one hidden area where Daphnae, leader of the Daughters of Artemis, awaits for the Misthios to approach.

There are more hidden areas to find after this one. The player is tasked with hunting down eight legendary creatures from all over the Grecian Isles which are, themselves, in hidden places. Only then does this lengthy side quest come to its harrowing conclusion and provide a set of gear to inspire the latest and greatest Kassandra cosplays.

How To Complete The Goddesses' Hunt

To acquire the quest, players need to first complete 'The Daughters of Artemis.' Players find an NPC named Daphnae on Phokis, talk to her, and she will ask them to kill the Kalydonian Boar, which can be found in the Northern part of the Sacred Lands of Apollo.

The Eagle-Bearer must kill the best and bring its pelt to Daphnae who will give players a Legendary weapon and give the quest 'The Goddesses' Hunt.' They will have to hunt multiple legendary beasts across Greece and return their pelts to Daphnae. The game gives players quest markers to follow making finding them easier. They need to kill them all and bring their pelts to Daphnae.

9 Writhing Dead

Assassins Creed Odyssey Taking On Medusa In Writhing Dead

Finding and accessing Medusa requires a few steps, some of which require the player to have a good memory. It all starts with the Romancing the Stone Garden in Lesbos with a quest that involves saving a lost lover from the petrified temple, the hiding place of Medusa. Don't get any funny ideas about romancing someone you shouldn't; Medusa means business.

To actually access the temple, players will need to find a mercenary on the Island of Chios who has the key. After this long series of quests that the player will likely perform over the course of the main quest, they'll finally have access to one of the toughest boss fights in the entire game.

How To Complete Writhing Dread

To begin the quest, players need to head to Lesbos, in the city of Eresos. They need to run atop a hill to find a mob surrounding a young woman. The woman will tell players about her lover who has been trapped inside the temple where the "Writhing Dread" lies. It turns out their love was forbidden, hence the mob which attacks when the conversation ends. The Eagle-Bearer needs to take the mob out without harming innocents. The woman then leads players to the Dread Ruins and the Petrified Temple within. To gain passage, the Eagle-Bearer needs to acquire a key and a spear. The key can be acquired from the Daughters of Artemis on Phokis, while the mercenary who wields the spear can be found on the highest peak in the Ancient Pearl area of Lesbos.

Once both items are acquired, players need to return to the woman who opens the way to the temple. Inside, players will find the mythical creature Medusa and must battle her. A good bow is key to fighting Medusa and players must keep in mind to avoid her orange petrifying gaze which will turn them to stone. Once she is dead, the quest will be completed.

8 What Lies Below The Surface

Assassins Creed Odyssey What Lies Below The Surface Fake Minotaur

It's a second Minotaur fight! At least, that's how it's structured. But in order to face this "beast" and acquire his mask, players will first have to complete other side quests, starting with "Minotaur De Force" on the Island of Pephka.

Leiandros will give the Misthios a bunch of busy work to do, calling them "challenges." Most players don't put up with these objective wastes of time because they'll be gearing up for the actual Arena challenge, but those who do are treated to a terrifying and hilarious encounter. It is one of the best Assassin's Creed Odyssey Secrets that breathes life and color into the wonderful world of the game.

How To Complete What Lies Beneath The Surface

Players can start the quest by talking to Leiandros in Pephka. He asks players to bring back three tokens to him after which he will let them fight the Minotaur. The game will lead players to the locations where the tokens can be found, and the tasks for obtaining them are quite easily accomplished. The Eagle-Bearer then needs to return to Leiandros where they find a group of warriors preparing to fight the Minotaur. By following them, they will find the cave where the Minotaur is after which the warriors leave. Players will need to venture inside and find the Minotaur and the ambushers with him.

The Eagle-Bearer then needs to dispatch the ambushers and then talk to Leiandros who reveals that his daughter is being held captive. He will then lead players to Zakros where they must talk once more. Leiandros' daughter is being held in a cave underground. It is best to clear out the enemies outside using stealth as Leiandros, who will also fight during this battle, is not much use. Once everything is clear, players need to enter the cave, find Amara, rescue her and bring her outside. The quest ends once players talk to her when she is outside.

7 Art Leading Life

Assassins Creed Odyssey Art Leading Life Aphrodites Statue

This quest starts off innocently, as the player is instructed to simply go around all of Greece and observe the artwork there. The quest giver, Phidias, is not hidden himself, as the Misthios will drop him off at his shop as part of the main quest. However, these statues are all over the place and some are terribly inconvenient to get to.

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Just because gamers can complete this quest, though, doesn't mean they should. As a forewarning, this optional sidetrack will unravel a conspiracy that results in the death of a central character. Uncover this mystery with that word of warning in mind.

How To Complete Art Leading Life

To start the quest, players need to free Phidias first in the quest 'Escape From Athens.' He can then be found in Elis in his new workshop and will be paranoid. He wants the Eagle-Bearer to investigate the statues of the gods all over Greece for clues hidden in them. The first one can be found in the Temple of Zeus on Elis. Players need to climb the statue, retrieve the clue on the statue's chest and return to Phidias. He will then ask them to investigate more statues.

The Statue of Aphrodite can be found at the easternmost fast-travel point of the Kytheran Islands where the Eagle-Bearer can find the clue on the statue's backside. The Statue of Poseidon can be found between the island of Samos & Chios where the clue will be on its trident. The Statue of Theagenes can be found in the Agora in the City of Thasos where clues can be found on its backside. Afterward, players need to return to Phidias who they will find dead after being crushed by a slab of marble. They will then need to loot his body for the map, which leads them to a fort on eastern Lemnos. The treasure will be inside and players need to press the buttons in a particular order given on the looted items. A door will open revealing a chest, players need to loot it and the quest will end.

6 Heart Of Stone

Assassins Creed Odyssey Heart Of Stone Starting Location

Players might elect to skip the Pirate Isles entirely since most everything there is optional. However, even those who do track down these thieves on the high seas might pass over the island of Seriphos since there's no mandatory reason to visit it.

Here, a man named Aetios is hosting his very own version of The Bachelor as he chooses a wife. Viewers who dislike the pretentious show and the annoying contestants will enjoy completing this side quest, as one of the possible wives, Kallikleia, aims to win by less-than-honorable methods.

How To Complete Heart Of Stone

The quest can be started by following its marker on the Pirate Island. The Eagle-Bearer finds that a rich man, Aetios, is choosing a woman to marry and Kallikleia needs their help to win. She has them find some ingredients for her potion. They can be easily found with help from Ikaros, and once collected, players need to bring them to the woman who will be with a witch, behind the temple of Athena.

When players arrive, they learn that Kallikleia was double-crossed by the witch and wants them to kill her. Players can either indulge her or refuse to act. In both cases, the quest ends.

5 Birds Of A Feather

Assassins Creed Odyssey Xenia Talking To Kassandra

The starting point of this side quest isn't so bad. Players will meet Xenia on Keos as early as chapter six as they hunt pirates for a set of gear that would be considered by even the best Alexios cosplayers. Players might even do a little extra conversation and get lucky enough to pick up this quest. But that's only the start of what can easily be the hardest hidden quest in the game.

She's looking for the Golden Feather of Ajax and she's got a bunch of treasure maps that give approximate areas all over the world map. Only one of them is correct. Even those who find the right map can easily miss the objective without diligent exploration.

How To Finish Birds Of A Feather

Players will meet Xenia as part of the main quest on the island of Keos. She will ask the Eagle-Bearer's help to search for the Golden Feather of Ajax. The problem is that she has a bunch of maps and only one of them is the right one. The feather can be found on the Isle of Salamis between Attika and Korinthia, at the Southern most tip.

Players need to find a brazier and loot the vases, only to find that the treasure has been taken. They need to follow the quest marker to a tomb in the central region of the island where they will find some bandits. The Eagle-Bearer needs to take care of them and loot their bodies to find the feather. The quest ends when the feather is delivered to Xenia.

4 A Business Opportunity

Markos and Kassandra talking in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Markos is one of the first NPCs players will meet, and is revealed to be the Misthios' long-time friend. He will give players their first set of quests eventually leading up to them getting the Adrestia and starting their Odyssey. Not much is said about Markos during the main quest, but if players visit the island of Kos, they can meet their old friend once again.

Markos will be found imprisoned at the Artemisia Fort in one of the cages. Players must break him out and carry him to safety to his vineyard, where he will give players another set of side quests. They will be rewarded with Markos' mother's axe and his wine which he has been striving to make. This quest is one of the best secrets in Assassin's Creed Odyssey and is very easy to miss if players never visit Kos and the fort.

How To Complete A Business Opportunity

Players need to head to Kos and visit the Artemisia Fort. The area will be heavily defended so players will need to be careful or risk getting ambushed. There they will find a few cages, which they can mark using Ikaros, holding a few prisoners.

One of these prisoners would be calling out to anyone who would listen and players will recognize the voice belonging to the Eagle-Bearer's friend Markos. They will then need to break the cage door, rescue Markos and escort him outside the fort walls. Doing so will complete the quest.

3 A Small Odyssey

Odessa talking to Misthios after being freed Assassin's Creed Odyssey

During the quest to retrieve the Shroud of Penelope from Odysseus' Palace, players can find a woman locked up in a cage that will call out to them. She is revealed to be Odessa, who was named after Odysseus and claims to be his descendant. She will task players with escorting her through the ruins of the palace as she explores and learns more about Odysseus, and will then ask the Misthios to escort her back to her boat.

It is a small, world quest that can easily be missed if players do not free Odessa from the cage. However, she can still be encountered later on at the Port of Nisaia where she will have another set of quests for the player. She can also be romanced and recruited as an Epic level lieutenant for The Adrestia.

How To Complete A Small Odyssey

Players can start this quest early on in the main quest when they are finding the Shroud of Penelope. They will hear a voice calling out from a cage revealing an NPC named Odessa that they need to rescue.

Once she's free, the Eagle-Bearer needs to take her to safety away from the immediate area, after which she reveals she wants to visit the Palace of Odysseus nearby. Upon doing so, she will make some remarks about Odysseus and her heritage after which she asks the Eagle-Bearer to escort her to her boat. Doing so will end the quest.

2 Tough Love

Mikkos telling Misthios about some investigative leada in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

At the city of Myrina in Lemnos, the player will be hailed by a civilian who has some information on Barnabas' Nephew, Neleus. He will send the Misthios to the home of Mikkos, Neleus' caretaker. When players arrive, they will see Barnabas arguing with Mikkos over Neleus. Mikkos says that Neleus is genuinely sick, but Barnabas is convinced that Neleus is up to his pranks.

Players can suggest a gentler approach or side with Barnabas. However, choosing a tougher option will have adverse effects throughout the quest. The Misthios will have the opportunity to not only romance Mikkos, but if they romanced Roxana before, she will show up at the end of the questline and players will have the chance to rekindle their romance once more.

How To Finish Tough Love

The quest can be acquired when players arrive at Thasos where an NPC will be calling out to the Eagle-Bearer. He will direct players to Mikkos' home where they will find Barnabas arguing with him. Players learn that Mikkos believes that Neleus is legitimately unwell but Barnabas believes that he is not. Barnabas says that Neleus has a history of faking illness to get out of different situations and he is doing that here as well.

Players can choose to react sympathetically and side with Mikkos or choose to support Barnabas. Doing so, and after finishing the dialogue, will end the quest after which 'Have You Seen My Mikkos?' will begin in which players investigate a problem on Thasos.

1 Call To Arms

Drakios accepts the Misthios into the Battle Of One Hundred Hands Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Once players arrive at the island of Melos, they will start hearing about a tournament called "The Battle of One Hundred Hands." They will eventually run into Drakios, who will be calling out to warriors who would like to participate in the tournament. Players can sign up but will be told to train with another competitor. They will meet Roxana, with whom they can spar and flirt, eventually leading to a romance. She will later vouch for the Misthios' skill.

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The Misthios will have to eliminate all other competitors until only Roxana and themselves remain. If Roxana was romanced, she can instead be reasoned with to stand down and join the players' crew as a Legendary-level lieutenant. If she is recruited, she joins players in taking out Drakios who had been using the tournament to recruit soldiers for the Cult.

How To Finish Call To Arms

The quest can be started by talking to Drakios on the island of Melos where he would be yelling about "The Battle of One Hundred Hands." The event is a battle royale for which the players can sign up. Drakios will have players train with Roxana to prove that they are capable enough to compete or they can pay 4500 Drachmae to bypass the training and move ahead. Choosing the latter locks players out of an excellent romance and a Legendary Level Ship Lieutenant.

If players chose to train, then they need to find a champion named Roxana who will have them perform three tasks to prove their capability. They will need to defeat her in combat, shoot some wolves, and race her up a hill. A romance scene can play afterward but in any case, Roxana vouches for the players and the quest moves forward to the battle. Players will need to defeat all other contenders in the contest until there are only two left, themselves and Roxana. Players can either defeat her or convince her to side with them in which case, they fight Drakion who turns out to be a member of the Cult of Kosmos. Once he's taken care of, the quest ends.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Stadia, and Amazon Luna.

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