Assassin’s Creed gave us the option to play as multiple protagonists a few years ago in Syndicate, but Odyssey was the first game that had players go down an entirely separate path if they chose one character over the other. As it goes, you have to pick between Kassandra and Alexios before you start the story, which leads to the other becoming the villainous Deimos.

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It’s a difficult decision to make since open-world games generally last so long that you become attached to the protagonist, meaning there’s not much chance you’ll play again as the character you didn’t originally choose. If new players are still on the fence over this decision, then check out these 8 reasons to pick Kassandra, and 8 reasons Alexios is the appropriate choice.

Updated on October 10, 2021, by Talha Bin Rizwan: Though the game was initially released a few years ago, many fans consistently revisit Assassin's Creed Odyssey. The game's rich lore and setting combined with an engaging questline have kept players coming back.

Players have the opportunity to play as either of the two siblings: Kassandra or Alexios. Both siblings offer players a unique gameplay experience, but the story remains the same with similar events being played out for Kassandra and Alexios. However, this begs the question that which sibling should players really play as in Assassin's Creed Odyssey? Should players choose to play as Kassandra or Alexios?

16 Kassandra: She's The Canonical Hero

ac odyssey and greek sexuality

In case you were wondering who really is the real protagonist of the game, it's Kassandra. Though the game provides no clarification within the story over this, other media in the world has. The novelization of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, where the adventures we take part in the game are written down in print, follows Kassandra instead of Alexios.

Here it’s confirmed that Kassandra was the older sibling and that Alexios went on to become Deimos. Now that fans know that, it’ll greatly take away the fun of playing as Alexios since everything from his perspective isn’t actually what happened. Odyssey is really Kassandra’s story that players experience.

15 Alexios: He Looks More Like An Assassin's Creed Hero

image of Alexios in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Previous protagonists in the series like Ezio and Altair appear more similarly to Alexios’s build and style. He is simply more reminiscent of the classic Assassin’s Creed hero. He can even be compared to Connor or Arno, making fans feel as if they’re truly playing an Assassin’s Creed game.

Odyssey already removed much of the “assassin” portion of the fun since there’s no actual creed during the story. But playing as Alexios will at least help fans suspend their disbelief -- especially long-time fans.

14 Kassandra: Better Voice Acting

image of Kassandra and her voice actor Melissanthi Mahut in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

There’s no question about it - Kassandra is a hundred times a more engaging character to follow because of the level of her voice acting eclipsing Alexios'. The direction for Alexios sounds clunky, so he comes across as a bit of a meathead who can’t think for himself. Essentially, he feels like he’s all brute and has no brains.

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Voice actress Melissanthi Mahut brings Kassandra to life beautifully. She has the right conviction where it’s required and doses of empathy here and there. Even if players just play the intro to the game as Alexios and then Kassandra, they'll see a difference.

13 Alexios: Better Chemistry With Phoibe

image of Phoibe and Alexios in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Little Phoibe endeared herself to fans the moment they met her. Though she and Kassandra have a little and big sister vibe, fans might prefer her relationship with Alexios. It can play better than Kassandra’s in the sense that the two play off each other and their different experiences as different genders. Fans who have played the game will remember just how important the relationship between these characters is.

One can examine from a more psychological perspective, too. Consider Phoibe as an allegory for the protagonist's need to do right by a child. This helps them make up for the lack of their own childhood. Kassandra comes across more like family, while Alexios can be both fatherly and the friend Phoibe wants.

12 Kassandra: She Complements The Supporting Characters

image of Myrrine and Kassandra in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Other than with Phoibe, though, Kassandra’s chemistry with every other character exceeds that of Alexios’. In the matter of Myrrine, Kassandra comes across as the genuine child in search of her mother. Alexios seems better suited as Deimos who has to be convinced to let go of his brutal ways.

Then there are characters like Sokrates, Herodotos, and Barnabas. They all seem natural with Kassandra where their dynamic is that of unlikely friends coming together to help each other. In this regard, Alexios just looks like hired muscle for the aforementioned characters rather than their true friend.

11 Alexios: Smack Talk Fits The Character

image of Alexios and Socrates in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Since there’s not much depth that shines out of Alexios, it makes sense that smack talk comes across better from him. Scenes that require sadness and conflict aren’t good on Alexios, but he excels at both brutality and sharp quips.

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If players don’t want to invest themselves in the relationship between the Misthios and friends, pick Alexios. His sarcastic jabs at the supporting characters’ expense are good enough for simple amusement. It also makes it easier to play a morally questionable character.

10 Kassandra: Going Against Deimos Feels Natural

As mentioned above, Alexios fits Deimos’s description better. He has that rage-induced look, and his inferior voice acting fits Deimos’s one-dimensional speaking manner.

This complements Kassandra’s character -- a well-rounded foil for Deimos. In this way, the two have a good dynamic as it becomes clear that Kassandra is the one fans are meant to root for. Her characterization has enough variety for her to be able to bring Deimos back from the dark side.

9 Alexios: He's Historically Accurate

For those who want to stick as close to history as previous Assassin’s Creed protagonists largely have, then Alexios is the way to go. After all, he fits the stereotypical description of a Spartan warrior. In fact, women didn’t go to war in Sparta and were largely the leaders of the household when men were out in battles.

This makes Kassandra come across as not entirely genuine since her role in leading troops to war within the game is fictionalized. On the other hand, someone like Alexios could have been historically in charge of the Spartan force.

8 Kassandra: Armor Looks Appropriate On Her

image of Kassandra in armor in the menu in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Since the game's release, there have been numerous armor updates including special sets. At launch, however, the game didn't opt for different armors for either protagonist. Players were left with making Alexios wear armor that is clearly meant for female use. Since armor of a higher level is the ideal choice, players couldn't do anything other than make Alexios look ridiculous in such garb.

RELATED: Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Kassandra's Best (& Worst) Outfits, Ranked

Kassandra didn't have any of those problems, and instead looks awesome in practically every armor she dons. This issue has subsequently been ameliorated with the added armor sets and other updates.

7 Alexios: Fighting Sequences Suit Him

image of combat in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

As was the case with Jacob and Evie in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, the physical appearance of both protagonists leads to them having one feature that suits them. In the case of Kassandra, she fits the part where players need to be stealthy and quick. In contrast, Alexios shines in the sequences that carry direct and bloody action.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is intended to motivate the player to throw out the stealth practice of the previous games. So players may have more fun using Alexios to mow down scores of enemies and feel part of the Ancient Greek battlefield.

6 Kassandra: Be A Romantic Goober

image of Kassandra romancing Roxana in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

As mentioned, Kassandra cannot establish extremely intimate relationships with anyone. However, she comes quite close in a few cases throughout the game. One of the first instances is Odessa with whom she can share a brief, but intense experience.

But the most romantic interaction may come with Roxana and their Romeo and Juliet-esque affection amid the Battle of 100 Hands. Though Alexios can be a "bad boy", Kassandra can play the role of a gooey romantic better.

5 Alexios: Be A Heartbreaker

image of Alexios romancing Odessa in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

There are no real dedicated romances in Odyssey as found in Bioware games like Dragon Age. But that doesn't mean the player can't knock boots with anyone who happens to express interest.

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Both characters can have plenty of one-time experiences, as it were, but Kassandra seems to found more intimate interactions with some of them such as Odessa and Roxana. Alexios, on the other hand, plays the role of dashing charmer quite well. Think of him as Tuxedo Mask except that, when he disappears, he never, ever returns.

4 Kassandra: She Doesn't Take Any Guff

image of Kassandra being intimidating in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Though both characters are intimidating, something about Kassandra just says "Don't push it bub." She and Alexios have similar builds, but, because Kassandra is a woman, her bulk seems more imposing -- especially in certain armor types. Players divine infinite glee watching her shakedown the likes of Markos, Alkibiades, and anyone else foolish enough to get on her bad side.

3 Alexios: He's A Bit More Sassy

image of Alexios being sassy in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

It is unclear throughout the game which body movements are motion captured and which are procedurally generated. But, on the whole, Alexios has more sarcastic body language as in the image above.

Fans can hear the passive-aggressive sarcasm dripping from the slightly tilted head and raised eyebrows. Kassandra, though beautiful and powerful, doesn't always share this penchant for sass.

2 Kassandra: Alexios Makes A Far More Terrifying Deimos

Alexios is more scary as Deimos in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Comparing both Kassandra and Alexios as Deimos, the latter makes for a much more intimidating and terrifying Deimos. When players are first introduced to Deimos at the cult's meeting place in Phokis, Alexios comes off as a dangerous and powerful character while Kassandra's Deimos seems to have something lacking. Alexios' expressions, posture, and the way he carries himself are befitting for the ultimate weapon of the Cult of Kosmos.

It feels more natural when the cult's members are intimidated by Alexios' Deimos between their interactions than Kassandra does.

However, Kassandra suits the role of a heroic character far better than Alexios. Kassandra's behavior, expressions, and overall demeanor are better suited for someone who will save the Greek world from the machinations of the cult. Moreover, having a female protagonist is a nice change of pace in the Assassin's Creed series as most of the playable characters have been male.

majority of the players play as alexios from assassin's creed odyssey

Nearly two-thirds of the player base for Odyssey chose to play Alexios as their protagonist. In an issue of Game Informer, the game's director Scott Philips revealed that the majority of players favored Alexios over Kassandra. Phillips said he was surprised as in playtests, the preference over both siblings was divided close to a 50/50. He added that the developers were expecting that players would prefer Kassandra over her brother, and the numbers would be the other way around.

However, players chose otherwise and decided to play as the male counterpart of the two siblings. If players choose to play as Alexios, they will be playing as the popular choice alongside hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of players around the world.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey was released on October 5th, 2018, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Stadia.

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