When playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey you'll come across many romanceable options. Many of which offer a great section of the story or just an interesting side quest. Even those you only interact with for one quest are very well developed characters. Most of the romances are also optional, giving the player control over Kassandra or Alexios's destiny.

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But there are some characters you meet that come without a flirt option that really should be there! Sometimes, it would make more sense if the assassin could flirt with them, rather than be condemned to the friendzone. On the other side of the coin are characters where the option to flirt comes out of no-where and makes little sense!

10 Should Be - Atlas

Atlas is a cruel, power-hungry villain, and one of the better characters in the Fate of Atlantis DLC. With his questline, Kassandra/Alexios can make him jealous by romancing his partner Elpis.

While Atlas certainly isn't the most morally sound character, a romantic storyline with him would have been a great "evil" option for the game. There are many times when the player can make morally questionable choices. Teaming up with Atlas would have been a great plot twist and a lot of fun!

9 Shouldn't Be - Adonis

Adonis's romance is probably the most complicated in the game.

What's great about this relationship, is Adonis returning your feelings relies on the player choosing other dialogue options along with the "flirt" choices, and your actions in his quests. Having to work harder for the romantic ending with Adonis makes it more satisfying and realistic. However, even if you get everything right, there is no happy ending with this character! No matter what else you do or say, if you romance Adonis it will go badly. Not very satisfying after all!

8 Should Be - Phidias

When you first meet Phidias, one way of getting past the guard is to pretend to be his lover. The guard will wink at you and let you in.

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This would have been an interesting thing to explain to Phidias. Or, in order to distract the guards when they burst in, you could continue the pretense. Romancing Phidias would also have given a chance for Kassandra/Alexios to get closer to him and give his fate a bigger impact. Or maybe it could have just been fun!

7 Shouldn't Be - The "Eagle Barer"

One Really, Really Bad Day is a humorous quest in The Lost Tales of Greece DLC. When trying to save a small town from a pirate invasion, everything that could go wrong does, thanks to your imposter. The "Eagle Barer" lies and tricks the villagers, causing the deaths of at least three characters.

While the deaths are comical, your comical romance (or one-night stand) with your wannabe counterpart doesn't feel right.

6 Should Be - Hekate

Hekate is your guide through Elysium during The Fate of Atlantis. She is much smarter and self-aware than Persephone, looking out for The Eagle Barer and others. Given how easy she is to talk to and the chemistry between her and Kassandra/Alexios, a romance would have flowed easily.

Not being able to romance her doesn't ruin the character or her role in the game. It's certainly not necessary. But she's very cute and fun, so a romance with her would have been cute and fun to pursue.

5 Shouldn't Be - Zopheras

Zopheras isn't a bad character. Nor is her romance particularly damaging. It's just all very unfulfilling.

The Eagle Barer meets Zopheras in Sparta after agreeing to run some errands for a magistrate. Zopheras is determined to stay a strong Spartan, despite her mother wanting her to work on the farm. The Eagle Barer agrees to train her.

There is a lot of potential with Zopheras that is lost in the quest. It just feels like a quick repeat of Roxanna's quest, with none of the depth.

4 Should Be - Barnabas

As another guest in Odyssey teaches us: age is just a number!

Barnabas is your constant companion throughout the game. He is loyal and gives the Eagle Barer fine company throughout the quest. Being able to sail off into the sunset, literally, on the Adrestia would have been a fine end to the journey. A misthios couldn't ask for anyone better!

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As stated during an interview released in November 2018, Barnabas is the favorite character of Melissanthi Mahut, Kassandra's voice actor, and would have been her romantic choice.

3 Shouldn't Be - Aspasia

This romance takes what was awkward about The "Eagle Barer" and multiplies that!

After learning that Aspasia (spoilers) is actually the leader of The Cult of Kosmos, you have the option of killing her, letting her go, or for some reason kissing her! Destroying the Cult is one of the game's main objectives, as they are responsible for the destruction of your family and the deaths of many.

While the kiss doesn't blossom into anything more, there is no build-up to it that makes any sense. It's just awkward and unnecessary.

2 Should Be - Brasidas

A tough soldier who looks epic storming through a burning warehouse- Brasidas is the ultimate Spartan general!

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When examining the Eagle Barer's relationship with Brasidas, it seems strange that romance isn't an option. The choices you make when taking down the Cult affect your relationship with him and his perception of you.

He is handsome, charming and his chemistry with the Eagle Barer makes them a match made in Elysium. Particularly during The Fate of Atlantis, you can make a deal with Persephone to see him again.

1 Shouldn't Be - Natakas/Neema

This romance was very controversial and for good reason.

Originally, in Legacy of the First Blade, a romantic relationship with Natakas or Neema (the character will always be the opposite gender to Kassandra or Alexios) would occur regardless of any choices you made in-game. While they do have good chemistry, forcing the romance put a lot of players off.

With the release of the final chapter, the forced romance was removed, however, given the DLC's nonsensical and depressing ending, this DLC and it's paring are better off being forgotten.

NEXT: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: 5 Reasons Why Alexios Is Underrated (5 Ways He’s Not)