Combining history with fiction--the Assassin's Creed franchise is well known for how every game interweaves what we know about our history with the fantastical. Every game brings new ways to immerse players into the world of our past, while also taking some artistic liberties. Players can traverse ancient civilizations and meet the people who had an integral part in writing (or in some cases, re-writing) history.

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Assassin's Creed Odyssey brings Greek and Spartan heavy-hitters to life and provides factual bits and pieces of their lives. Of course, not everything is historically accurate, and a lot has been changed in-game to fit the narrative Ubisoft has told. The game cleverly brings many recognizable historical figures into Kassandra's story, all playing an important role in her fight against the Cult of Kosmos.

10 Praxilla

The poet Praxilla in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Known during her time as a prolific and talented poet, Praxilla helps to provide a bit of familial drama in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Kassandra first meets Praxilla in the Port of Kreusis, off the coast of Boeotia.

She asks you to find her stolen Lyre, which Kassandra later discovers was stolen by Praxilla's estranged son, Orchimedes. After Kassandra completes the Praxilla's Admirer, Lyre Lyre, and Praxilla's Legacy quests, the misthios learns more about the poet's past.

Praxilla left her husband, Achaikos, and her son years before the events of Odyssey to pursue her passion for poetry. Alessandra does have the option to help Praxilla and her son reconcile. While an incredibly interesting series of side-quests, Praxilla does not have an essential role in Kassandra's story.

9 Alkibiades

Kassandra first meets Alkibiades as she meets many other historical figures within the game: at a party hosted Perikles. Like Socrates, Alkibiades is a recurring character throughout Kassandra's quest--offering various side quests and extra opportunities for the misthios.

Alkibiades is also the force behind Kassandra meeting several historical characters, including the poet Praxilla. Within the world of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, he often provides a little more flavor to otherwise standard quests for Kassandra.

Historically speaking, Alkibiades was an integral part of the second half of the Peloponnesian war but was eventually forced to flee from his enemies.

8 Phidias

The artist Phidias in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Phidias is accredited as the artist behind the statue of Zeus in Olympia, known as one of the Seven World Wonders of the ancient world. He is also the sculptor of the iconic statue of Athena at the Parthenon. In Assassin's Creed Odyssey, he is a close friend of Perikles who is forced to flee Athens.

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Perikles tasks Kassandra to get Phidias out of Athens safely after he is targeted by the Cult of Kosmos. Later, Kassandra can find Phidias at Olympia, the birthplace of the modern-day Olympics. Phidias tasks Kassandra with finding clues to decode a Spartan Scytale--and is tortured and killed by Deimos while Kassandra is out looking for them.

Deimos seeks Phidias out to help decode the same scytale Kassandra is working to find the clues for, but since Phidias was only able to see the clue from Zeus' statue, he is killed.

7 Kleon

Kleon in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Known historically as Perikles' rival, Kleon holds a new role in Assassin's Creed Odyssey as a high-ranking member of the Cult of Kosmos. Kassandra first meets him after a debate between himself and Perikles. He continues to instill unease and distrust amidst the people of Athens, which all comes to a head after the city falls to a plague.

After Perikles' death at the hands of Deimos, Kleon becomes the new leader of Athens. Kleon, with the support of Athenians, wanted a more aggressive approach to the war against Sparta. He later executed thousands of Mytileneans who had previously revolted against Athens.

Kleon meets his death at the Battle of Amphipolis and is seen once again in a simulation of the Underworld.

6 Hippokrates

Hippocrates in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Known as the father of Medicine, Hippokrates is one of many that Kassandra must help in order to eventually find her mother, Myrinne. The misthios finds Hippokrates in the Cave of Pan, southeast of Argo. Before providing information, Hippokrates tasks Kassandra with retrieving his notes from a nearby fort.

After assisting him, Hippokrates is not seen again until the fall of Perikles and Aspasia's escape from Athens. As Kassandra attempts to convince both Hippokrates and Sokrates to flee, they both make the decision to stay and help their fellow Athenians.

Hippokrates later helps to start a social revolution against Kleon. Throughout the game, Kassandra can find Hippokrates helping the sick and dying. Several times, he asks Kassandra to help him with his task. Hippokrates' influence on medical practices and ethics, including the Hippocratic Oath, is still seen in modern-day medicine.

5 Aspasia

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Kassandra Meets Aspasia For The First Time

The wife of Perikles, Aspasia is first introduced as an intelligent ally in Alessandra's quest to defeat the Cult of Kosmos. She is the one who suggests that Alessandra travel throughout Greece to search for clues about her mother.

While little is known historically about Aspasia, ACO has given her an integral role in Alessandra's story, as the Ghost of Kosmos. After fleeing Athens during the Plague, and after the death of her partner, Aspasia continues to help Kassandra in her quest.

Despite her role in the cult, after spending time with Perikles and seeing what the cult had created in Deimos, Aspasia came to the understanding that the cult must be destroyed. It isn't until much later, after the cult is defeated, that Aspasia reveals herself.

4 Sokrates

Socrates is Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Possibly one of the most polarizing characters in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Kassandra's first encounter with Sokrates paints a solid picture of how the relationship between the two would go. Sokrates meets Kassandra for the first time at the trial of his mentor, Anaxagoras, who is being ostracized from the Polis. He figures out that Kassandra manipulated the vote, and questions her extensively.

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Sokrates and Kassandra meet again and again over the course of a few years. Often getting himself into trouble through his arguments, Sokrates' partner eventually asks Kassandra to help save him from a group of bandits.

Sokrates is also a heavy hitter in the attempt to unseat Kleon from power and helps weave unrest within the Athenian population. Sokrates is most known for his method of debate: the Socratic method, which earned him the distaste of a large portion of Athenian society.

3 Perikles

Perikles in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Perikles is heralded as a driving force behind Athens becoming a democracy. Kassandra meets Perikles at the debate with Kleon. After the discussion, Perikles enlists Kassandra's help to save his friend, Phidias from the cult. Eventually, Kassandra can choose to help Perikles ostracize Kleon and solidify his own position over Athens.

Perikles is also known as the 'first citizen of Athens' and ordered the construction of the Acropolis--the home of the Parthenon. He fostered a love for arts, politics, and culture within Athens. But Assassin's Creed Odyssey, his love for the Parthenon leads to his murder. Despite her best efforts, Perikles is killed by Deimos after the plague befalls Athens. His death forces Aspasia and Kassandra to flee Athens and allows Kleon to take control.

2 Brasidas

Brasidas was known historically as the most prestigious Spartan officer during the beginning of the Peloponnesian War. His fate, however, was changed to fit the narrative of Assassin's Creed.

Many fans know the introduction of Brasidas into the world of Odyssey as one of the most impressive entrances in the game. Brasidas charges into battle to aid Kassandra in destroying the warehouse of the Monger, a member of the Cult of Kosmos who has all of Korinth under his control.

Kassandra does not meet Brasidas again until she arrives in Sparta, two years after killing the Monger. He later continues to help Kassandra in her quest to defeat the cult, including defending her against the two kings of Sparta. Brasidas meets his end on the battlefield at the hands of Deimos.

1 Herodotos

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Herodotus Ubisoft
Assassin's Creed® Odyssey

Herodotos is heralded as the "Father of history," and is known for the Histories, a recording of the Greco-Persian wars. Kassandra first meets him at the Sancturay of Delphi, where he offers his knowledge and help. Herodotos then helps Kassandra gain entrance into the cult's secret meeting where she discovers that Alexei, now called Deimos, is alive.

Herodotos is a driving force in the fight against the cult, and an irreplaceable ally. Thanks to his connections and knowledge, Kassandra is able to travel throughout Greece to find and defeat every member of the cult. After the death of his parents and a betrayl, Herodotos and Kassandra finally part ways. It isn't until the power in Leonidas' spear gives out that Kassandra and Herodotos meet again. She gives him the spear, which is later found in his grave by Layla Hassan.

Assassin's Creed Origins is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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