Assassin's Creed Nexus, the upcoming VR entry in the franchise, will seemingly feature Ezio from AC1, Connor from AC3, and Kassandra from AC Odyssey as playable characters. This comes after various members of the Access the Animus community worked together to crack a code hidden in Assassin's Creed Nexus' recent teaser.

Assassin's Creed Nexus, which may just be a codename for now, recently had a brief teaser at the VR Meta Showcase. Prior to this, it was practically Ubisoft's worst-kept secret as there were many rumors of its development, despite not then being an officially announced game like Assassin's Creed Mirage, AC Jade, AC Red, or AC Hexe. Now, it seems it'll be getting some screentime at Ubisoft Forward, and it seems fans may see Ezio, Connor, and Kassandra in VR action.

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Hidden within the teaser are a couple of binary strings that translate to "Fetching memory data genetic memory string 0X" followed by a series of numbers. Access the Animus community members, including TheEagleBearer, Sky, Dwarf, L3vinu, and Pascalpalace, worked closely together in cracking this code, discovering that the series of numbers translate to birthdates. These numbers, as seen below, correspond directly to what's known about Ezio, Connor, and Kassandra's birthdays, suggesting these three are playable to some degree in Assassin's Creed Nexus.

Of course, it's entirely possible that these numbers were meant to translate to something else, but it seems highly unlikely. Kassandra's birthday is perhaps the most convincing because very little is known about it and the code nullifies it the right numbers at the right time. Of course, one of the many rumors about it is that Assassin's Creed Nexus would let players step into the shoes of past protagonists, but to what degree and why remains to be seen. They could be similar, they could be different, they could be past segments of their main games, or they could be entirely new. They could be story related, they could be combat related, or perhaps they'll give fans a new way to engage in Assassin's Creed-style parkour.

It remains to be seen if these are the only three characters Assassin's Creed Nexus launches with, or if there will be more. In the grand scheme of things, it stands to reason many beloved characters and perhaps new ones would be explored in a VR game scanning through genetic memories, but fans will know more come Ubisoft Forward.

Assassin's Creed Nexus will be at Ubisoft Forward.

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