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Some of the most important collectibles in Assassin's Creed Mirage are in gear chests. These rare chests contain weapons, clothing, or upgrade schematics that allow Basim to improve this gear at tailors and blacksmiths.

However, each gear chest is tucked away in a hard-to-reach spot. One of the hardest to open in Assassin's Creed Mirage is the gear chest in the Scholar's Estate, which is in the southwest of Baghdad. Unlike many gear chests, this one has a lock on it. Players will need to find the key that opens it if they want to collect its contents.

RELATED: Assassin's Creed Mirage: How to Get the Four Markets Gear Chest

How to Reach the Scholar's Estate Gear Chest

assassins creed mirage scholars estate approach

The Scholar's Estate has walls all around it, and a surprising number of guards are watching over every inch of the estate. Several walls also feature spikes that make them impossible to climb, but others are just as easy to climb as any wall in Baghdad.

Using Eagle Vision, players should be able to spot the gear chest on the second floor of the central building. Check the northeast side of the building to spot a weak window, which is where players can get in without being spotted. Simply climb up to the wooden platform beneath the window as directly as possible, and the guards shouldn't spot Basim.

assassins creed mirage scholars estate window

The wooden bars covering this window are the kind players can destroy. Either a regular attack up close or a thrown dagger should demolish this barrier and let players in.

assassins creed mirage scholars estate bookshelves

The next obstacle is a pair of moveable bookshelves. Move the left bookshelf first to create some wiggle room, then pull back the right bookshelf to create enough space to reach the chest.

assassins creed mirage scholars estate notice

The chest has a lock on it, but a note on a nearby table has a clue about the key's location. Based on what it says, the key should be in the storage room of the Scholar's Estate. That doesn't say much, but it does mean the key isn't far. Players won't spot it with Eagle Vision from this room, but Enkidu with the first upgrade should be able to find it from the air.

Where to Find the Key for the Scholar's Estate Gear Chest

assassins creed mirage scholars estate key

The storage room turns out to be just past the practicing guards down in the courtyard, in the east corner of the estate. Players can reach the front door of the storage room without being spotted by guards if they stick to the rooftops. However, the front door is barred, and the back door has two guards standing next to it.

Basim has plenty of ways to deal with two guards, including a direct attack. Once they're down, the back door should open without a problem. To get the key, check the table in the alcove to the left. Don't forget to loot the small chest in the storage room for resources. Players can now return to the chest and open it up.

assassins creed mirage scholars estate chest contents

The chest contains the Abbasid Knight Sword (or one of its upgrade schematics). This sword deals the same damage as Basim's starting sword, and it has the special skill On the Edge. When Basim's health drops below half, his light attacks deal an extra 30% damage.

Assassin's Creed Mirage is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Assassin's Creed Mirage: Things You Should Know About 9th Century Baghdad