Assassin's Creed Mirage offers players all sorts of tools so that they can turn Basim into the best assassin he can be. Gamers start off with no more than the Hidden Blade, a Sword, and Throwing Knives, but not too long into the main story, they'll be able to acquire other tools to take their assassinations to the next level.

Assassin's Creed Mirage: The Master Thief of Anbar Quest Guide

The Master Thief of Anbar is the first quest in Assassin's Creed Mirage, and here is how players can complete it.

This guide focuses on the Blowdart, a tool that can be quite useful in a handful of situations. Players who are having a hard time deciding which tools they should unlock first in Assassin's Creed Mirage should take a look at this article to see if the Blowdart is the right weapon for them.

How to Unlock the Blowdart

unlocking the blowdart in assassin's creed mirage

Players will have to stick to Throwing Knives as their only tool during the first few hours of Assassin's Creed Mirage, as the option to unlock additional tools only becomes available after Basim has completed his first major assassination gig during the First Order mission.

After taking down Al-Ghul, gamers will start the My Old Home mission, which is quite short. This will open up two main story missions: Nehal's Calling and Branching Out. Even if players are more interested in the Nehal's Calling mission, they should start the Branching Out mission, as it only requires them to talk to Roshan before it grants them the possibility of unlocking tools.

After talking to Roshan at the hideout, Abu Jafar Muhammad will give Basim the opportunity to unlock a new tool. Unlike skill points, once the player chooses a tool, they will not be able to go back on their decision. Here, gamers can choose to unlock the Blowdart. If they opt for another tool instead, they must then progress through the Trickster skill tree to increase their tool capacity.

Blowdart Upgrades

Players can upgrade their tools by talking to Abu Jafar Muhammad. Here are the upgrades that they can unlock as they progress in Assassin's Creed Mirage:

Upgrade Tier

Upgrade #1

Upgrade #2

Upgrade #3

Tier 1

Extra Capacity: Increases the ammunition capacity for this tool by two.

Increased Duration: Increases how long the effect of this tool lasts.

Extended Range: Increases the effective range of this tool.

Tier 2

Cloud Impact: Applies the Blowdart's current effect as an area of effect.

Lethal Dose: Targets are poisoned instead of put to sleep.

Potency: Target can no longer be awakened by other guards. Enraged targets die after the effect ends.

Tier 3

Berserker Dart: Causes the target to go into a fit of rage, attacking anyone nearby. Replaces the sleep effect.

Deep Slumber: Damage does not wake the target. Sleep effect lasts indefinitely.

How to Use the Blowdart

basim using blowdart to knock out guard

The Blowdart works just like the Throwing Knives; players must open their Tool Wheel to equip the Blowdart, and then all they have to do is aim and shoot an enemy to knock them out.

If the player hasn't upgraded their tool or selected poisonous or lethal modifications, the target will simply fall asleep for a period of time.

A blue timer wheel will appear on the screen, indicating how much longer they'll remain asleep. However, if another guard notices what has happened, they will wake them up - this actually works perfectly as a distraction.

Assassin's Creed Mirage is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.