Assasin's Creed Mirage is the latest installment in the Assassin's Creed series. Players take control of Basim Ibn Ishaq in the stunning recreation of Islamic Golden Age Baghdad. This installment of the notoriously historically intensive game has impressed fans with a distinctly inspired digital world that pays homage to the rich and impelling culture of 9th-century Arabia.

As most Assassin's Creed games follow historical figures and events, Assassin's Creed Mirage is no short of significant references to some lethal and tide-turning events of the Islamic Golden Age. 9th century Baghdad serves as the perfect setting, and Ubisoft developers pay keen attention to showcasing a powerhouse empire in its cultural, educational, expansionist, and development prime. These are just a few of the juicy historical references Assassin's Creed Mirage makes nods to.

Assassin's Creed Mirage: All Round City Historical Site Locations

In Assassin's Creed Mirage, the center of Baghdad is packed with historical sites, but some can be hard to spot.

5 Zanj Rebellion

Ali leads Rebels

Noted as one of the most brutal insurrections at the hands of the enslaved Bantu peoples in South Asia and the Middle East, the medieval Zanj Rebellion is modeled in Assassin's Creed Mirage, which includes multiple characters that embody the historical figures of the rebellion. The cultural knowledge, academic climate, and wealth that occupied the ancient Sawad and significant city ports such as Barsa are locations and views seen throughout the game as distinct mosques, academic halls, marshlands and markets. These settings become the backdrop for prime attacks, battle scenes, and stealth missions for Basim and others as the players progress in the game.

The Zanj Rebellion was one of many uprisings that lasted at least ten years. The Bantu peoples successfully unleashed their wrath upon their oppressors until the Abbasid Caliphate ended the revolt in 883. These events unfold in Assassin's Creed Mirage, supported by central characters like the cultured and academically gifted inventors, the Banu Musa brothers, Al Hassan, Ahmad, and Abu Jafar Muhammad. Others, such as Fuldah, Tabid Al- Nubi, and Rayhan

4 Alexander the Great's Death

Alexander the Great Asssassin's Creed Cropped

Assassin's Creed Mirage is filled with historical references, lore, and fine details. This is a reference that players can easily miss. At Alamut, during Basim's initiation ceremony, Hidden One and revolutionary warrior Tabid Al- Nubi confides in Basim, highlighting a major reveal. Tabid references a poison he has in the works that was once utilized by the ancient Greek assassin, Iltani, who poisoned the Macedon king, Alexander the Great.

In real world history, there has been a lot of speculation as to how Alexander the Great died, and poison is one theory. This subtle dialogue can be skipped but gives keen insight into the covert nature of the Hidden Ones' work. Such a small detail also provides fans references to former Assassin's Creed games such as AC Origins and AC India, highlighting the locations of Alexander the Great's tomb, among other notable historical settings.

Assassin's Creed Hidden Blade Tier List

The hidden blade has been a staple of Assassin's Creed since the very first game, with each assassin getting their own version of the weapon.

3 Baazar and the Building of Baghdad

Basim Overlooks Central Baghdad

Assassin's Creed has maintained its notoriety due to its historical integrity and innovative, historically inspired characters. For Ubisoft creators, choosing Baghdad as a foundation for the events in AC Mirage and Basim's journey culminates beautifully as fans can reflect on the rich and thriving culture that the city offered real-world citizens before booming into a thriving empire.

When one thinks of ancient Islam, images of the vast marshlands, pipping hot deserts, bustling marketplaces, trading ports, and academia halls all come to mind. AC Mirage includes the iconic Baazar, showcasing the versatility of the the ancient Arabic empire as it transformed from wayside village to a pinnacle point of Islam. For characters like Basim, Tabid, or the Banu Musa Brothers, these settings are seamlessly integrated into various missions in the game.

2 Dipping The Assassin's Creed Feather

Basim Holds Feather for Dipping Ritual

The tradition of dipping a feather into an enemy/target's blood is a staple in the Assassin's Creed series. In Assassin's Creed Mirage, it's revealed to fans that this ritual first began with the founder of The Hidden One's organization, Bayek. Basim carries on this ancient Egyptian belief in the game.

Harking back to Assassin's Creed Origins, characters such as the Lord of Duat provide pivotal details to Basim's storyline in Assassin's Creed Mirage in referencing the ancient Egyptian practice of judgment. It's believed that the goddess Ma'at owned a white feather, which she used to weigh a person's heart against their misgivings in life. This judgment was believed to determine someone's place in the afterlife. Subtle details like the Lord of Duat being named after the Egyptian afterlife could easily fly over players' heads.

Assassin's Creed Mirage - How To Get The Isu Armor, Dagger & Sword

The Milad set left behind by the Isu is one of the best in AC Mirage; here's how to find it.

1 The Monstrous Tailsman and Lovecraftian Lore

Basim earns Monstrous Talismans

Side quests always offer up some juicy Easter eggs that fans and players thoroughly enjoy. The references to Lovecraft and his literary works included in AC Mirage is worthy of the limelight. One of these references is to the infamous Necronomicon which is mentioned in some of HP Lovecraft's stories. This fictional book appears in the side mission Book of the Dead, where the Necronomicon is referenced among a list of missing books. While the Necronomicon is a fictional book, an anthology of HP Lovecraft's work was published under the same name.

The infamous Book of the Dead is not the only HP Lovecraft reference, though. During the game, Basim is gifted the Monstrous Talisman, which strongly resembles one of Lovecraft's most iconic monsters, Cthulu. This proves that Assassin's Creed creators are masters of detail and know how to attract keen-eyed fans.

Assassin's Creed: Mirage
$45 $60 Save $15

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
October 12, 2023
Ubisoft Bordeaux