The Assassin's Creed franchise has certainly had a mixed journey when it comes to characters. These stealth adventure games craft some of the most beautifully realized recreations of past societies one could imagine. Unfortunately, the people who populate these sprawling environments aren't as engaging.

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Characters in the series tend to come off as bland, existing only to serve the protagonist and the story with little personality of their own. This particularly hurts famous figures that players encounter, many of whom aren't nearly as interesting as history makes them out. Sometimes, though, the developers succeed in their translation, portraying these icons in intriguing ways without sacrificing their authenticity.

Updated November 22, 2021, by Christopher Anaya: The Assassin's Creed franchise features various historical figures within its games. Most – if not all – video game depictions of these individuals reflect their real-life counterparts with great detail and remarkable accuracy. However, a select few historic characters stand above the rest. These particular individuals present every quality and trait of their respective historical figures. Thus, making them influential and engaging characters that players cannot help but revere. As such, updates were made to add depth to existing entries and introduce new ones. Therefore, better-informing readers of these awe-inspiring larger-than-life individuals.

12 Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci is one of Ezio's best friends in Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood
  • Born: April 15, 1452, in Anchiano, Italy
  • Died: May 2, 1519, in Amboise, France
  • Occupation: Polymath
  • Seen in:Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • Affiliations: Assassins: Italian Brotherhood, Templars: Italian Rite (forcibly), Hermeticists (forcibly)

The Renaissance period is easily a series highpoint due to the radically improved gameplay and storytelling. Instrumental in this is the famous genius, Leonard da Vinci. To date, he's among the most developed historical figures in the series. He and Ezio both have chips on their shoulders and a passion to prove themselves, and this fuels their friendship through Assassin's Creed 2 and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

The developers also incorporate several of his unfinished inventions into full-fledged gadgets for the Assassin to use. Sure, some of these are one-offs gimmicks, but they nevertheless illustrate da Vinci's immense talent for innovation.

11 Caterina Sforza

Caterina Sforza is a powerful figure in Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood
  • Born: 1463, in Milan, Italy
  • Died: May 28, 1509, in Florence, Italy
  • Occupation: Noblewoman
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • Affiliations: Assassins: Italian Brotherhood, House of Sforza, House of Riario

A recurring figure in Ezio's adventures, Caterina Sforza is certainly a firebrand. She's exceedingly confident and takes no grief from anyone. Even when she's surrounded by enemies, she still speaks her mind and then some. What does she do when her castle is surrounded? Flash the invaders from the ramparts!

That may sound like gross embellishment, but it's not as fictionalized as you might think. Caterina was an authoritative woman in her time, often taking stately matters into her own hands whenever her husbands were away – or dead. This, combined with her vulgarity, earned her the nickname "Tigress." That's an apt description for her in-game counterpart.

10 Mary Read

A disguised Mary Read is a prominent pirate in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  • Born: 1685, Kingdom of England
  • Died: April 28, 1721, in Port Royal, Jamaica
  • Occupation: Pirate
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
  • Affiliations: Assassins: West Indies Brotherhood, British Army, Pirate Republic

This cunning lass was one of the few females to make a name for themselves in the Golden Age of Pirates. Disguised as a man, Read's abrasive, no-nonsense attitude and maritime experience made her more formidable than the average scallywag, and that shows in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag.

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Throughout her adventures with Edward Kenway, she comes off as an old-hat sailor, someone who knows her way around the sea and can navigate the merciless pirate hierarchy through sheer grit. Making her an Assassin further shows her uncompromising ingenuity and killer instinct, albeit while reeking of desperation.

9 Socrates

Socrates discusses philosophy to no end in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
  • Born: 470 BCE, in Athens, Greece
  • Died: 399 BCE, in Athens, Greece
  • Profession: Philosopher
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
  • Affiliations: Periklean Circle

As one of the world's great philosophers, Socrates was guaranteed to appear in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. It was unclear how a non-combative character would translate into an action-based game, but the title's RPG approach helps with this.

Right away, this guy establishes himself as a thinking man, disillusioned with the narrow views of his peers. He comes with a fountain of knowledge and perspective, and players can engage with him for however long they see fit. For instance, they can join in a debate between him and Thrasymachus, discussing the nature of leadership and one's preconceptions of it. It's not as in-depth as it could have been, but it's still food for thought.

8 Cleopatra

Like her movie counterparts, Cleopatra enraptures countless followers in Assassin's Creed: Origins
  • Born: 69 BCE, in Alexandria, Egypt
  • Died: 30 BCE, in Alexandria, Egypt
  • Profession: Queen
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed: Origins
  • Affiliations: Ptolemaic Dynasty

Aside from her straight-shooting personality and occasional brutality, one thing that stood out about Cleopatra was her magnetic quality. She seemed to have an uncanny allure that not only enraptured some of the most powerful people in the world but also inspired legions of followers to flock to her.

This tracks with her appearance in Assassin's Creed: Origins. She commands the screen, and every exchange carries a hint of danger. Her responses are short and to-the-point, conveying the decisiveness that one would expect in a strong ruler without raising her voice. Assuming you can look past her excessive promiscuity, it's easy to see why characters and players alike do her bidding.

7 Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin has many occupations in Assassin's Creed III, Rogue, and Unity
  • Born: January 17, 1706, in Boston, Massachusetts
  • Died: April 17, 1790, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Profession: Polymath
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed 3, Assassin's Creed: Rogue, Assassin's Creed: Unity
  • Affiliations: Assassins: Colonial Brotherhood, Templars: American Rite, Patriots, Founding Fathers, Freemasons

It went without saying that Assassin's Creed 3 – with its Revolutionary setting – would include America's Founding Fathers. Ben Franklin is no exception, as he tasks players with collecting pages of Poor Richard's Almanack. It feels somewhat obligatory, yet it still offers a serviceable gameplay nod to his career as a writer.

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However, Franklin's additional appearances in Assassin's Creed: Rogue and Assassin's Creed: Unity show something else. He wasn't just an author or inventor and witnessing his duties as an ambassador to France demonstrates that. His presence in all three games paints him as an active figure in several facets of worldly affairs. He was truly a man of many occupations, and you feel that during his time in the series, especially when you see his enthusiasm for each of his exploits.

6 Gaius Julius Caesar

Much like Rome and other versions, Julius Caesar is an imposing leader in Assassin's Creed: Origins
  • Born: 100 BCE, in Suburra, Italy
  • Died: 44 BCE, in Rome, Italy
  • Profession: Statesman, General, Triumvirate
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed: Origins
  • Affiliations: Templars: Order of the Ancients, The Roman Republic

This Roman ruler was simultaneously popular and controversial for many reasons. He had the charisma and skill of a great commander, often leading arduous campaigns himself and emerging victorious. He was also a radical reformer, uprooting the Roman Republic and turning it into an empire in the supposed interest of the common people.

Amidst all the Egyptian splendor, you see that drive in Assassin's Creed: Origins. Caesar searches for the most surefire way to win and gladly relies on anyone whom he deems most useful. It doesn't matter if these choices meet with convention or not. This extends to his military exploits. He's shown getting down and dirty in battle, likely earning the respect of his men in the process. At the same time, his attitude carries that familiar sense of danger, as he doesn't believe he's beholden to anyone. All of this plants seeds of the tyrant that he'll be labeled as.

5 Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli

Niccolo Machiavelli schemed in real life as he does in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • Born: May 3, 1469, in Florence, Italy
  • Died: June 21, 1527, in Florence, Italy
  • Profession: Diplomat, Philosopher, Historian
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • Affiliations: Assassins: Italian Brotherhood, Mercenaries: Renaissance

People often describe great, meticulous schemers as "Machiavellian." They see all of the angles, manipulating people and situations to suit their agendas. That is just the kind of man who would lead the Assassins during the Renaissance.

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A pivotal player in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Machiavelli is as cold and calculating as you'd expect. His true intentions are rarely obvious, so much so that other characters sometimes question his loyalty. He always aims for what he thinks is the most beneficial outcome for society, and Ezio regularly acts as a tool for that. Not only gives purpose to many of the missions but also shows the deviousness and practicality of the man in charge.

4 Alfred The Great Of Wessex

A Split Image Of Alfred The Great
  • Born: 849 CE, in Wantage, Kingdom of Wessex
  • Died: 899 CE, in Winchester, Kingdom of Wessex
  • Profession: King
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
  • Affiliations: Templars: Order of the Ancients, House of Wessex

Few monarchs are as important as Alfred the Great. Without this, his country Wessex would have fallen to the Vikings. He rallied his scattered people, fortified the land against further attacks, and instituted tremendous improvements to education and religion. All of this was to unite the various regions into one kingdom of England.

While he initially appears to be a mustache-twirling villain, the Alfred in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla remains a pious and forward-thinking figure. He's someone who plays the long game. You know what his ultimate goal is, but it's always ambiguous as to how he plans to reach it. The smartest one in the room is often the most interesting. That remains so here. His biggest weakness is that he's not quite as interesting as his counterparts in Vikings and The Last Kingdom.

3 Edward Thatch AKA Blackbeard

Blackbeard was as menacing in history as he is in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  • Born: 1680, in Bristol, Kingdom of England
  • Died: November 22, 1718, in Ocracoke, Province of North Carolina
  • Profession: Pirate
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
  • Affiliations: Royal Navy, Pirate Republic, Captain of the Sea Dog's Bite, Captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge

He's history's most notorious pirate. Even those who know nothing about the period have heard of Blackbeard. His exploits were legendary, and he was a feared figure across the sea. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flagdelivers on that larger-than-life quality. Edward Thatch is an imposing presence whenever he's onscreen. He has a slightly unhinged quality to him, using his demented demeanor to scare enemies into submission.

Like da Vinci, though, he gets far more development than most historical icons due to his close friendship with protagonist Edward Kenway. He comes to believe in the pirate way of life, rising as an active leader in maintaining it and growing fiercely loyal to his allies along the way. Thus, making him the most fully developed interpretation of Blackbeard to date. Considering how many versions of this hairy hell-spawn have emerged over the years, that's no small feat.

2 Alexandrina Victoria

A Split Image Of Alexandrina Victoria
  • Born: May 24, 1819, in London, United Kingdom
  • Died: January 22, 1901, in Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
  • Profession: Queen
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
  • Affiliations: House of Hanover, British Empire, Order of the Sacred Garter

Queen Alexandrina Victoria is among the most renowned monarchs, and women, in history. She carried out numerous – and somewhat bold – advances in culture, industry, politics, etc. Thus, making Victoria's reign a period of great prosperity and progress. Victoria's status, her boldness, is depicted perfectly in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

Upon the player's first meeting with Victoria, it is clear that she is headstrong and critical towards her enemies. Regardless of the situation, she cares little for the opinions or livelihoods of those that wrong her. Moreover, Victoria proves to be resolute in her actions and decisions, never faltering. Even under the threat of a widescale bombing, Victoria remains stalwart and unphased, maintaining her unwavering demeanor.

1 Alkibiades

A Split Image Of Alkibiades
  • Born: 450 BCE, in Athens, Greece
  • Died: 404 BCE, in Phrygia, Achaemenid Empire
  • Profession: Statesman, Orator, General
  • Seen in: Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
  • Affiliations: Delian League, Periklean Circle

Alkibiades, despite his enigmatic nature, was a revered Athenian statesman, mischievous reveler, and notorious defector in history. He possessed stark differences from his peers, chiefly his self-absorbed and unscrupulous outlook. Even so, Alkibiades was remarkably personable, intelligent, and charismatic. Every one of Alkibiades's qualities – both good and bad – is reflected flawlessly in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.

The player's first encounter with Alkibiades portrays his entire personality within a short duration. During a vital gathering organized by Perikles, Alkibiades requests players to find oil, bring it to him, and join his companions in "activities." From then on, his flamboyant yet calculating personality continues to develop. Alkibiades would indulge in carnal pleasures, execute illegal acts, and help unfortunate souls without rhyme or reason.

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