Assassin's Creed Hexe is one of many titles on the horizon that will play a role in the franchise's future success (or shortcomings), among other games like Assassin's Creed Mirage and Assassin's Creed Red. This title is the most mysterious of them all, with Ubisoft being very guarded about the type of game it is.

Despite this, fans have already been hard at work deciphering the most likely setting of Assassin's Creed Hexe, with the teaser trailer providing a lot of hints. If this rumored setting is legit, then Hexe could be exploring a unique yet important time in human history among an unexplored culture. As a result, Assassin's Creed Hexe's narrative could hone in on a pivotal moment of the Assassin Brotherhood, the Witch Hunts, and show the Brotherhood at its lowest.

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The Theories Behind Assassin's Creed Hexe's Setting

Fans were quick to break down Assassin's Creed Hexe's teaser trailer, with many fans deducing that the codename "Hexe" is German for Witch. Not only does this point toward a Witch Hunt setting in Germany, within the time of the Holy Roman Empire, but it's also worth noting that the mysterious language seen in the trailer isn't Isu either. It's the Alphabet of the Magi, which was used around the 17th century in various occult practices. All of this, as further proof, pairs well with the sinister imagery of its trailer, showing a dimly lit forest, a crackling fire, and a crudely constructed symbol of the assassins hanging from the trees above the flames.

Basedon this, it seems Assassin's Creed Hexe will take place sometime in the 1600s, the most intense period of persecution against supposed witches. Ultimately, this would confirm that Assassin's Creed Hexe will feature the Assassin Brotherhood as opposed to the earlier organization of the Hidden Ones, with the change between these two factions occurring in 1090 AD. Of course, this means the Brotherhood is likely among those being persecuted, and perhaps it even introduces Isu artifacts as "magic." However it goes down, showing a low point for the Brotherhood in a dark period of history could do a lot to shape its course from thereon.

How Assassin's Creed Hexe Can Shape the Brotherhood

AC IRL ezio paris rome

With Assassin's Creed Hexe likely featuring the Assassin Brotherhood, the game would break the recent franchise tradition of focusing solely on the Hidden Ones. This would be a breath of fresh air on its own, but beyond that, most games put the strength of the Brotherhood at the forefront. Its ability to rebuild is seen in AC1, its ability to fight the Templars are shown throughout Ezio's trilogy, and its resiliency in the face of overwhelming odds is shown in AC3. But to be hated, persecuted, and seen as vile by everyone, not just the templars, would be a real test.

Assassin's Creed Hexe also has the potential to actually explore a coven of witches, showing how the Isu influence continues throughout a modern period. Perhaps they will be allies because of their connection to this "magic" and the social isolation they are facing, with the artwork suggesting a moment of weakness, a dark turn for the Brotherhood, isn't impossible. Of course, the game wouldn't want to play into the tropes of witches too much, so it would be wise if they were not evil—they were just desperate as enemies of the Templar-infested Holy Roman Empire. A moment of weakness could lead to a strong showing for the Brotherhood.

The other side of that coin is the Brotherhood's persecution could show it at its most resilient and barebones, having to work off of limited resources and connections. If the aforementioned Holy Roman Empire is the main source of Templar threat in AC Hexe, then it would also be a display of one of the Brotherhood's most difficult opponents, given the influence and reach of the Empire. With these factors, Assassin's Creed Hexe could deeply shape the Brotherhood from thereon, telling a needed tale of how the organization persevered through the height of the Templar Order even with odd allies, weak moments, and a sense of impending doom penetrating their very core.

Assassin's Creed Hexe is currently in development.

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