
  • Datamined ending suggests Assassin's Creed is heading for a far-flung future, potentially changing the Assassin-Templar war.
  • Cut dialogue hints at the ongoing conflict between Assassins and Templars in the distant future.
  • Ubisoft's comments and upcoming projects imply a major restructuring of Assassin's Creed's modern-day narrative through Assassin's Creed Infinity.

Following a datamine of Assassin's Creed Mirage, an unused ending cut from the official game seems to hint that the series is headed for a far-flung future, potentially laying the groundwork for some major changes to its Assassin-Templar war. While the discovery of a second post-credits scene should be treated with skepticism, the combined half-finished cutscene and its transcript could shed some light on Ubisoft's plans for Assassin's Creed's future. With dialogue between Animus operators referencing the twenty-first century as "ancient history" and alluding to "the Great Shift," it's possible that Assassin's Creed Mirage would have taken the series forward in an all-new direction.

Though players are still uncertain about why this second post-credits scene was cut and what it means for upcoming games like Assassin's Creed Red, Assassin's Creed Hexe, and Assassin's Creed Inifinity, it does suggest that Ubisoft could be planning to break from the series' traditional modern-day backdrop. But the cut dialogue discussing DNA memories of Assassin ancestors appears to suggest that the series' defining conflict between the Templars and Assassins is still ongoing in the distant future. Combined with Assassin's Creed's scope of upcoming projects and Ubisoft's comments, this cut ending could be cryptically teasing a future twist to the Assassin-Templar war.

Assassin's Creed Mirage Leaves One Big Basim Question Lingering

Basim's adventures in Assassin's Creed Mirage leave an important question connected to his past and motivations without an answer.

Exploring The Potential Future of Assassin's Creed

Starting with the first and original Assassin's Creed game, each mainline game since has always had a playable modern-day section ranging from an explorable hub to linear levels. However, Creative Director Stephane Boudon confirmed that Assassin's Creed Mirage wouldn't have present-day segments when speaking to Game ZXC, meaning that the revelation of a cut post-credits scene in the distant future is even more unusual. While it does offer one explanation for why the out-of-place ending was cut from the final game, it also could have been an intentional stark contrast to grab players' attention had Ubisoft kept the plot twist in.

However, other comments from VP Executive Producer Marc-Alexis Cote in an interview with Eurogamer allude to a major restructuring of Assassin's Creed's modern-day narrative or its "meta-story" through Assassin's Creed Infinity. In particular, he states that Assassin's Creed will "serve better the people who love the Abstergo, the Assassins, how this plays out and give them more content." With this context in mind, Assassin's Creed Mirage's ending was possibly removed because it revealed too much and not because it clashed with the game's story, especially if Ubisoft introduces a new distant future meta-narrative as it streamlines the Assassin's Creed series at large.

Assassin's Creed Mirage's Hidden Connections to Assassin's Creed Hexe

Assassin's Creed Mirage Basim artwork next to Codename Hexe logo

Alongside the cut post-credits scene itself, the same datamine also uncovered a connection to Assassin's Creed Hexe when its original codename "Neo" appeared in the file names. It seems likely that Assassin's Creed Mirage's cut ending was going to tease a shift to the distant future that players would then see first-hand in Assassin's Creed Hexe. This would also explain why Assassin's Creed Mirage didn't have any modern-day sections and why Assassin's Creed Hexe was originally titled "Neo," providing Ubisoft the opportunity to ease players into the new futuristic meta-narrative that Cote's referenced.

The Changes This Could Have On The Assassin-Templar War


Given that Cote's also spoke about how the conflict between the Assassins and Abstergo would play out in upcoming games, everything so far seems to suggest that, even in the distant future, both sides are still fighting. But while Assassin's Creed games have so far left the war's outcome undecided, this shift beyond a modern-day setting rumored for Assassin's Creed Red or Assassin's Creed Hexe might lock the meta-narrative into a struggle against the inevitable. Though, knowing that Assassin's Creed leans heavily on ancient civilizations and magic technology, this distant future could be a larger paradoxical plot with the Assassin-Templar war being waged throughout time.

Source: Eurogamer