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One of the most important collectibles in Assassin's Creed Mirage is the gear chest. These chests contain important items like new weapons, new clothing, and upgrade schematics. Players can find cartographers who sell directions to these chests and other collectibles, but they don't explain how to reach them.

A particularly difficult chest to reach in Assassin's Creed Mirage is in Four Markets, which is on the west side of Baghdad. The chest is easy enough to spot using the compass and Eagle Vision, but players will have to explore the entire market if they want to find the way to reach it.

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How to Get the Four Markets Gear Chest in AC Mirage

Where to Find the First Clue

assassins creed mirage four markets chest notice

There's only one way into the building with the Four Corners chest, and it's an unstable stone wall around the back. Players of the last few Assassin's Creed games will know that the only way to break a wall like that is to throw an oil jar at it, but no oil jars are visible in the area.

Players can always carry an oil jar from another corner of Baghdad, but players can use Eagle Vision to locate oil jars one room over. Sadly, the door on the near side is barred, and the far side is locked.

Players won't spot the key just by looking around but can find a clue nearby. Climb the chest building to find a table covered in scrolls. The table has a notice Basim can read, mentioning that the building's owner is having tea in the Silk Quarter. This may confuse some players because "Silk Quarter" in the notice refers to the area the game calls "Four Markets." So, to find the owner, players should search the neighborhood just north of the building.

Where to Find the Four Markets Storage Key

assassins creed mirage four markets chest key

Players may have to hunt around for a while to find the key. Not only is the owner some distance away from the chest, but there's also another key in the market called the Four Markets Chest Key. This key opens a completely unrelated chest that holds crafting materials.

The correct key is held by a man on the second floor of a building north of the Four Markets map marker. Here's the right building on the map:

assassins creed mirage four markets chest map

Once Basim gets close, the key owner should appear in Eagle Vision. Players with the first upgrade for Enkidu can also spot the key from the air. A doorway to the right of the key's owner leads up to the floor he's on, or players can jump right through the window he stands next to. Getting the key is a medium pickpocket attempt.

RELATED: Assassin's Creed Mirage: All Core Challenges

How to Get Through the Stone Walls

assassins creed mirage four markets chest stone wall

Once Basim has the key, he can return to the chest and open the locked door. Players can then unbar the back door, grab an oil jug, and bring it to the triple-sized stone wall. Simply throw it at the wall to destroy enough of it to get in.

assassins creed mirage four markets chest stone ceiling

However, players aren't done with challenges yet. Another unstable stone barrier prevents Basim from reaching the upper floor, where the chest is waiting. To deal with it, players must climb up onto the wood awning above the busted stone wall.

assassins creed mirage four markets chest window

The window here has sturdy bars that keep Basim from getting in, but they're wide enough for a dagger. The window has a bad angle on the barred door on this floor, but players can easily hit the oil jugs in the middle of the room. These jugs are close enough to destroy the stone ceiling and open a route to the chest.

The last thing players must do is drag a stone shelf across the lower floor to place it under the opening in the ceiling. After that, players can climb up and open the Four Markets gear chest.

Inside is the Zanj Uprising Dagger, which deals extra normal damage but less defense damage compared to the starting dagger. It also has a special ability that refills Stamina after a successful dodge.

Assassin's Creed Mirage is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.