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Synchronized Viewpoints are essential for players who want to scavenge and check everything Assassin's Creed Mirage has to offer. Luckily, there are no restricted Viewpoints from the start of the game, so Basim can immediately go on a journey to Sync all the Viewpoints available in and around Baghdad.

While they’re not restricted, some Viewpoints in Assassin's Creed Mirage are heavily protected, so it’s better for Basim to run and Parkour his way around his enemies. There are a total of 21 Viewpoints in Assassin's Creed Mirage split between five districts, which are the Wilderness, Harbiyah, Abbasiyah, Round City, and Karkh.

Assassin's Creed Mirage: How To Steal The Mirror (The Bronze Mirror Heist Contract)

To finish The Bronze Mirror Heist Contract in Assassin's Creed Mirage, players must infiltrate a Hammam in the Abbasiyah district.

Northern Wilderness Viewpoints Locations In Assassin's Creed Mirage

northern wilderness viewpoints assassin creed mirage

The Northern Wilderness is where players start their journey in Assassin's Creed Mirage. It contains four Viewpoints:

  1. Anbar
  2. Aqarquf Dunes
  3. Dur-Kurigalzu
  4. Northern Oasis


northern wilderness anbar viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Anbar is the hometown of Basim in Assassin's Creed Mirage. Players can easily climb the tower to sync the area.

Aqarquf Dunes

northern wilderness aqarquf dunes viewpoint assassin creed mirage

The closest Viewpoint to the city of Baghdad. Once players sync the area around, they can notice the city.


northern wilderness dur-kurigalzu viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Dur-Kurigalzu is a small mountain in the middle of nowhere. Players can get on top of that mountain to synchronize the surrounding area.

Northern Oasis

northern wilderness oasis viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Many secrets are hidden around the Northern Oasis in Assassin's Creed Mirage. Once players are done synchronizing the area, they can jump-dive to uncover some of these secrets.

Harbiyah Viewpoints Locations In Assassin's Creed Mirage

harbiyah viewpoints assassin creed mirage

Entering the city of Baghdad, players will start their journey inside Harbiyah where they can find four Viewpoints scattered around that area. They are:

  1. Under the Factories
  2. Great Mosque
  3. Under the Harbor
  4. Nestorian Monastery


harbiyah factories viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Under the Metal and Dyeung Factories, players can find the Viewpoint tower right next to the Harbiyah Bureau.

Great Mosque

harbiyah great mosque viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Climbing the Great Mosque can be challenging, but the Viewpoint has a great view to showcase the area around Harbiyah.


harbiyah harbor viewpoint assassin creed mirage

This Viewpoint is located between the Upper Harbor and the Prince’s Palace.

Nestorian Monastery

harbiyah nestorian monastery viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Although the Nestorian Monastery Viewpoint is within the Harbiyah, it’s still isolated far in the northeast.

Abbasiyah Viewpoints Locations In Assassin's Creed Mirage

abbasiyah viewpoints assassin creed mirage

The Viewpoints of Abbasiyah are located far from each other, stretching all over the western side of Baghdad. There are three Viewpoints, and they are:

  1. Dome of the Ass
  2. Abbasiyah Mosque
  3. Observatory

Dome Of The Ass

abbasiyah dome of the ass viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Dome of the Ass is located in the far southwest of Baghdad.

Abbasiyah Mosque

abbasiyah mosque viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Located in the center of Abbasiyah, the Mosque’s Viewpoint has a great position to reach anywhere in the area.


abbasiyah observatory viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Just like the Harbiyah Viewpoints, players can quickly reach and synchronize the area around the Observatory.

Round City Viewpoints Locations In Assassin's Creed Mirage

round city viewpoints assassin creed mirage

The Round City is located in the center of Baghdad in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. It has four Viewpoints, which are:

  1. The Eastern Viewpoint
  2. The Northern Viewpoint
  3. The Southern Viewpoint
  4. Palace of the Green Dome

Eastern Viewpoint

round city eastern viewpoint assassin creed mirage

The Round City can be dangerous for Basim, so it might be better to travel through the eastern side of the area once players upgrade him enough.

Northern Viewpoint

round city northern viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Once players cross the Damascus Gate, they can climb the Northern tower in the Round City of Baghdad and sync the surrounding area.

Southern Viewpoint

round city southern viewpoint assassin creed mirage

The Round City and its Viewpoint towers are considered an endgame area, so players must be prepared for the danger lurking around the towers.

Palace Of The Green Dome

round city palace of the green dome viewpoint assassin creed mirage

It’s nearly impossible to reach the top of the Palace of the Green Dome without running away from tons of soldiers guarding the area. It’s a highly protected area located in the center of the Round City.

Southern Wilderness Viewpoints Locations In Assassin's Creed Mirage

southern wilderness viewpoints assassin creed mirage

The continuation of the Wilderness in Assassin's Creed Mirage spread widely south of Baghdad. The Southern Wilderness consists of three Viewpoints:

  1. Wilderness Mosque
  2. Jarjaraya
  3. Southern Oasis

Wilderness Mosque

southern wilderness center mosque viewpoint assassin creed mirage

After climbing on top of the Mosque, players can scan the vast desert around that lone building.


southern wilderness jarjaraya viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Jarjaraya is a populated village located under the agricultural fields of Baghdad in the south.


southern wilderness oasis viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Just like the Oasis in the north, many secrets are hidden underneath and around the area.

Karkh Viewpoints Locations In Assassin's Creed Mirage

karkh viewpoints assassin creed mirage

Karkh is the southern part of Baghdad in Assassin's Creed Mirage. It has three Viewpoints:

  1. Al-Midhana Al Ateeqa
  2. Monastery Of The Virgins
  3. Qadi District Office

Al-Midhana Al Ateeqa

karkh al-midhana al ateeqa viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Al-Midhana Al Ateeqa’s tower is located in the far southeast of Baghdad.

Monastery Of The Virgins

karkh monastery of the virgins viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Monastery Of The Virgins Church is located In the far south of Baghdad. Climb on top of the Church to synchronize the surrounding area.

Qadi District Office

karkh qadi district office viewpoint assassin creed mirage

Qadi District Office is right under the Basra Gate, the entrance to the Round City.

Assassin's Creed Mirage is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.