Recent rumors suggest that Ubisoft is currently developing an Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag remake, and that is exciting news. Edward Kenway’s adventure is one of the most unique entries in the long-running franchise, and fans have been clamoring for a return to the high seas for years. A possible remake could do wonders for this acclaimed title but starting with Assassin’s Creed 4 also seems like a strange choice.

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag may be a fan favorite, but it is not very old. It is also not the first game in the series, its gameplay still holds up very well, and it feels a little too early to start remaking any games in this franchise. While fans will likely flock to the remake, Ubisoft may want to start its Assassin’s Creed remake journey at the very beginning.

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Ubisoft Should Start the Assassin’s Creed Remake Train From the Start

altair killing templars

Modern hardware could do wonders for Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, but the game only came out 10 years ago. If a remake is being made then it is likely a couple of years out, but even that is far too close to the original release date. Most remakes seem to be games that came out multiple generations ago, and Assassin’s Creed 4 is not that game. Crafting a remake of a game that was released at the start of the last generation just seems like an odd place to start this remake adventure.

Remaking any Assassin’s Creed game right now feels a bit too early, but if Ubisoft wants to remake these iconic games then it should start at the beginning. Unlike Assassin’s Creed 4, the first Assassin’s Creed came out two generations ago. Its gameplay is a bit rough around the edges, its graphics could use some polishing, and much of the game needs to be modernized. It feels the most dated out of any Assassin’s Creed game, and it is about time Ubisoft honored Altair’s adventures in some way.

If Ubisoft wants to start with one of the more popular entries, then it should start with the Ezio trilogy. This trilogy of games defined what it meant to be an Assassin’s Creed game, and Ezio quickly became the face of the entire franchise. He is still used as the mascot to this day, and this trilogy has heavily influenced the trajectory of the series since it first began. While these games feel more polished than the original title, they also came out two generations ago. The graphics could use some updating, the mechanics could be improved, and the story could shine on brand-new hardware.

Ezio and Altair helped make the Assassin’s Creed franchise the series that it is today. Without these titles, Edward Kenway would have likely never sailed the high seas and Ubisoft’s catalog would look very different. They should not be forgotten in favor of some of the more successful entries, and they both feel like worthy candidates for the remake treatment. While it is still too early to remake any of these games, these two assassins should be first in line when it is time.

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag still looks and plays great on today’s hardware. While the franchise has changed drastically since, this title is still well worth a playthrough. There is not much that a remake could or should change right now, so there is no reason for Ubisoft to start here. While the game should be remade eventually, it does not feel like the right time. Instead, the studio should focus on developing new Assassin’s Creed titles or honoring the ones that started it all, but Ubisoft seems to have other plans.

Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag Remake is rumored to be in development.

MORE: Why Ubisoft May Be Remaking AC4: Black Flag Instead of Earlier Games