Popular Twitch streamer Asmongold has weighed in on the ongoing Nadia doxxing controversy, saying that she should be permanently banned from the streaming platform. Nadia was recently banned from Twitch for 14 days after she revealed the full name of a viewer who was donating money to her to send hate messages. However, Twitch quickly reversed the ban, and Nadia's channel has since been restored.

Nadia claims to have received multiple abusive donations from a specific individual. The last message from the person in question accused Nadia of cheating, and the streamer responded by repeatedly saying the individual's full name on stream. Nadia was then banned from Twitch for sharing personal information, though as previously mentioned, Twitch has since reversed the ban.

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Nadia has returned to streaming Call of Duty: Warzone 2, but Asmongold thinks that her punishment should have been harsher. Speaking about it on a recent World of Warcraft stream, Asmongold said, "Yeah, I think everybody should report her channel. And I think she should get banned." He went on to say that if the ban wasn't permanent, then it should last for at least a few months.

After making these comments on his Twitch stream, Asmongold took to Twitter to expand on his opinion. Asmongold doubled down on his previous statement, saying that doxxing someone on Twitch should result in an "indefinite ban." He added that he was "livid" that there's even a conversation about whether Nadia should be banned after the incident.

Asmongold is not shy about sharing his opinions. A couple of months ago, one of Asmongold's viewers was upset after learning the Amouranth was secretly married. The viewer said that they donated $3,000 to Amouranth, and she told him that she was single. Asmongold responded to the viewer by telling them that they were a "f***ing idiot" for donating $3,000 to her and that they were "pathetic."

Asmongold is also known for commenting on various Twitch controversies, lending his opinion to the gambling stream debate, streamer bans, and more. He's become of the most famous Twitch streamers in the world, to the point where Stranger Things star David Harbour even watches his streams. It's unlikely that Twitch will permanently ban Nadia based on Asmongold's recommendation, but hopefully other streamers will learn from the situation and avoid doxxing their viewers and donators.

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