Just like in real life, survival without food and water is near to impossible in the dangerous world of ASKA. As you start your journey and explore the island, you’ll find food and water to replenish your energy, but as you progress further in the game, hunger and thirst become much more difficult to manage.

Without these resources, survival would be challenging since you're the one responsible for providing food for the villagers. For players who are finding it hard to manage the supply of food and water, this guide explains how to do so.

ASKA: How To Get Firewood

Learn how to efficiently gather and use Firewood in ASKA to keep your village warm and well-fed.

How To Get Food In Aska

Food is one of the very first resources you'll need in ASKA. While you begin with a partially filled water container, you'll need to explore the environment in search of food.

Initial Food Sources


Mussels are a good food source during the earlier stages, as you will find them around the coastline, attached to the rocks.


Berries are a versatile food item. They not only satisfy your hunger but also help with thirst. They can be found easily while you are exploring the forest, attached to the bushes.


While you're exploring the forest, you will come across many vegetables like Onions, Beetroot, Carrots, Garlic, and Cabbages, which can be consumed directly.


Various kinds of mushrooms can be found within the forest, including regular, yellow, and gray. They normally appear after rainfall. However, Yellow and Grey Mushrooms are poisonous, and you will need to cook them first to get rid of their negative buffs.

When you advance and get access to a Gatherer’s Pit, you can then assign NPCs with basic gathering jobs who will then go out and collect vegetables for you.

How To Increase Food Supply In Aska


As your village expands, the food supply will also increase as you'll need to keep up with the needs of your villagers. Here are some reliable methods to ensure a steady food supply:


Whenever you collect vegetables, you will also get their respective seeds. Fortunately, you can use these seeds to grow more vegetables on your farm. However, to start farming, you need to actually build a farm first. Once you have built the farm, assign a villager to manage the farming-related tasks.


Another viable source of food is meat, which requires hunting. To hunt effectively, you'll need a hunting weapon like a bow and arrow. Equip your weapon and look out for animals like deer to hunt. Once you spot one, attack it, and after successfully killing the animal, use a knife to gather meat.

To save time and effort, you can also build a Hunter’s Hut and assign an NPC to it. Just equip the NPC with a hunting weapon, and they will hunt animals in their designated region.


Fishing also serves as an important food source because you can fish all year-round. Nevertheless, you will need a fishing rod and bait like meat or berries. Once you have these resources, equip your fishing rod, visit the coastline, and cast your rod. Wait for the fish to take the bait, and once it is done, use a knife to harvest its meat.

Similar to Hunter's Hut, you can also build a Fishing Hut and assign an NPC to it. Just make sure to build it near the shore and equip your villager with a rod and bait.

ASKA: How to Heal and Build a Shelter

Ensure your survival and thrive in the ASKA's harsh environment with this step-by-step guide that teaches you how to heal and build a shelter.

How To Cook In Aska

Although you can consume vegetables and fruits directly, meat and certain mushrooms need to be cooked first to remove their negative effects. To cook food, you will need to construct a barbecue on your Campfire. Here are the resources required:

8x Sticks

Sticks can be collected by chopping down long sticks.

4x Rope

Rope can be crafted with the help of two Fibers.

Once you have these resources, you should be able to build the Barbecue on your Campfire.

Additionally, to make the cooking process even easier, you can assign a villager to it. The assigned villager will in return handle all cooking-related tasks, to ensure a steady supply of cooked food without requiring your constant attention.

How To Get Water In Aska

Water is a vital resource in ASKA for managing your thirst level. While Berries can help initially, ensuring a steady supply of water becomes essential as you advance. During the early stages, you will also find Natural Collectors while exploring. These collectors gather rainwater, which can be used for hydration, but the downside is that it only covers a small portion of your thirst level.

Building A Rain Collector

To have a more reliable water source, build a Rain Collector. It collects more water than Natural Collectors and can hydrate you and a few villagers. To build a Rain Collector, you will need the following resources:

6x Sticks

Can be collected by chopping long sticks.

3x Long Sticks

Can be collected by chopping trees.

Building Water Well

As your village continues to grow, the need for water increases. A Water Well will help you meet the hydration needs of a larger group of villagers. To build a Water Well, you will need the following resources:

12x Small Stones

Can be collected directly from the ground.

20x Stones

Can be collected by chopping long sticks.

A Water Well can only be constructed on a Natural Water Collector , so make sure to set up your base near to the Water Collector.

ASKA Tag Page Cover Art

June 20, 2024
Sand Sailor Studio
Thunderful Publishing
Survival , Crafting