Vince is arguably the main character of As Dusk Falls' first book. He is the character players will take over and guide through the ordeal at the Desert Dream motel. Through the first chapter, players will learn more about Vince, his family, and his current life situation as well as the events that led up to him being at the Desert Dream motel. Vince is constantly put in danger throughout all of As Dusk Falls, so players need to be cautious about what decisions they make while guiding him through.

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As Dusk Falls: How to Save Vince

vince and michelle in as dusk falls

Throughout the first book, Vince will face a myriad of choices with consequences affecting his relationship with others and his future. Vince will need to be saved three times by the player, twice in chapter 3 and once in chapter 4. Failing to do so will result in all other characters being impacted by his death, which will have repercussions later in the story. In chapter 3, Vince needs to be saved by the player in these scenarios:

  • When Vince is being hunted by Dante in the Desert Dream motel, players will need to successfully complete the quick time events (QTEs) in order to escape. If the player fails to complete the QTEs in time, Vince will be electrocuted by Dante resulting in his death.
  • Along similar lines, if players choose to not tell Sharon about the pager Vince will be hunted by Tyler instead. During the fight, Jay will point a gun at Tyler preventing him from downing Vince. Tyler will argue back and try to convince Jay to kill Vince. Here players are given the opportunity to convince Jay otherwise. Failing to do so will result in Tyler drowning Vince in the Desert Dream pool.

If Vince survives through chapter 3, he will be taken hostage by the Holts and driven away in a car. Vince can die once more in chapter 4.

  • When playing as Jay in the getaway car, Tyler and Sharon will move away and converse about plans. Here players are given an opportunity to free Vince; players should take this opportunity as if Vince does not escape, he will die in the subsequent car crash afterward.

As Dusk Falls: Saving Vince's Relationships

Vince and Michelle looking somber in As Dusk Falls

Throughout the first book, Vince will interact with his family members, and players will need to make decisions that can deeply affect his relationships. Vince will have the opportunity to repair his relationship with both Michelle and Jim through the conversations between them.

  • In order to save his relationship with Michelle, Vince will either need to trust Michelle that she did not cheat on him or forgive her for doing so. This will happen during a flashback in which Vince discovers a text from one of Michelle's coworkers.
  • In order to save his relationship with Jim, Vince must allow Jim to stay with him and Michelle after they move.

Of course, this is entirely up to the player's discretion on whether they want to nurture Vince's relationships or leave them estranged.

As Dusk Falls is now available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Beginner Tips For As Dusk Falls