INTERIOR/NIGHT's As Dusk Falls contains a multitude of characters, varying in all sorts of demographics. Jay Holt happens to be one of the more prominent and remains present throughout almost the entire story. Not only does the player encounter him several times while playing as Vince, but the player will also assume his position during the first and second books.

Jay is by far one of the more redeeming characters, and the game really asks players to empathize with him and his situation. As a young teenager forcefully thrust into a crime spree, As Dusk Fall's story begs the player to ensure Jay gets out safely, here's how to do exactly that.

RELATED: As Dusk Falls: How to Save Vince

How to Save Jay

As Dusk Falls Jay Surprised

As one of the members of the Holt Brothers, Jay finds himself in a precarious situation. While not necessarily putting himself in danger, he is at risk throughout a large majority of As Dusk Falls and therefore must be guided correctly. Jay has multiple endings, some of which he can be saved in. Ultimately, Jay's endings can split into two paths: he either is arrested by the police or he successfully makes it all the way to Canada. In Canada, he lives alone in a National Park and asks Zoe to meet with him so that they can reconcile. The players will be acting as Zoe in this instance, and their decisions during the visit will decide Jay's fate.

  • If the player chooses to blame Jay and the Holts for the Desert Dream incident, they will be given the choice to turn Jay in or forgive him. In this case, the player should choose to forgive Jay, as turning him into the police will result in him being arrested.
  • Further on into the conversation, the player will be prompted with more dialogue options. The player should look to forgive Jay as much as possible so that they can reconcile. The important choice is to not turn Jay into the police.
  • If Jay is turned into the police, there is a chance to save him before he is executed. In order to do so, the player must select to witness Jay's execution as Zoe. This will result in Jay's sentence being commuted, therefore saving his life.

Saving Jay's Relationships


Unfortunately, the player cannot save Jay's familial relationships, as the ensuing drama results in them all splitting up. If the player chooses to save Bear's life by stopping him from hanging himself, Jay will mention that he has remained somewhat in contact with Bear via letters. While in conversation with Zoe, he will also mention that he has not heard from either Sharon or Tyler since the incident.

If the player chooses to jump with Vanessa off the cliff when crossing the border, he will mention that they lived together for some time, but ultimately Vanessa chooses to move away.

The only possible relationship that can be maintained is Jay's relationship with Zoe. If the player selects "No, you're not" when Jay asks if he is broken, Jay will invite Zoe to have dinner, potentially salvaging the relationship.

As Dusk Falls is now available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: As Dusk Falls' Multiplayer Feature Explained