The Nintendo Switch has a lot of positives in terms of its portability, battery life, and the promise of increased third party support in comparison to some of Nintendo's past consoles. However, one of the obvious downsides is the lack of its internal storage, which clocks in at a mere 32 gigabytes. This results in many gamers shopping for expandable storage options, especially when the console's main launch title immediately consumed about half of the console's internal storage capacity.

Thankfully, it turns out the upcoming release of ARMS won't fill up nearly as much space as some of console's other high profile games, with the fighting title weighing in at a very reasonable file size of 2.2GB.

This means that gamers who wish to install ARMS only need about 7% of the Nintendo Switch's internal memory to do so, which is a far cry less than several titles which are considered the Switch's "must-haves." By comparison, The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild took up about 13.3GB of space, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe ran a total of 6.75GB, which are about 42% and 21% of the console's internal memory, respectively.

arms alternate character color

Nintendo recently confirmed that ARMS would be receiving free characters, arenas, and new arm options via post-launch DLC, an act which should only result in a marginal increase for the game's hard drive space requirements. If the game proves to be a hit among fans, the creator wishes to turn the game into a franchise, which may mean certain titles with larger file sizes could be on the horizon.

The modest file size certainly makes it easier for gamers who want to join in on the Global Testpunch this weekend, which is more-or-less a free beta available to Switch owners from May 26 to May 28, and April 3 to April 4. North American gamers also get a bonus day to play on April 2, and then it's back to waiting until June 16 for the game to fully launch.

Do you think ARMS can become a hit on the Nintendo Switch, Ranters?

ARMS will launch on June 16, 2017, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

Source: Reddit