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One of the main gameplay aspects in Armored Core 6 is giving players full control when building their ideal AC. But for players just starting out, the items on the Shop might seem expensive. Luckily, the game is generous when it comes to selling various frame parts and weapons to get some much-needed COAM.

Armored Core 6: 10 Best Weapons, Ranked

The following ten weapons pack a serious punch in Armored Core 6.

However, as the game opens up, some parts tend to prove their value when utilized to their full potential during story and Arena missions. These AC units and frame parts should not be sold since they provide players options once more armaments and upgrades become available:

L/R Arm Units

As a general rule, players should have at least one weapon type especially when starting out to make them more accustomed to how each of them would handle their current AC builds. But if given the choice to keep some weapons, here are some that should stay in a player’s Assembly:

SG-027 Zimmerman

SG-027 Zimmerman Shotgun

As far as shotguns are concerned, the Zimmerman is the best option in the game. It has one of the strongest Direct Damage and stagger stats and is especially dangerous when dual-wielded and fired at enemies at close range. Its only downside is its firing rate: the Zimmerman only fires one shell at a time and has a slow reload compared to other weapons.

Armored Core 6: 6 Best Early-Game Upgrades You Should Get As Soon As Possible

These Armored Core 6 upgrades are must-haves for players early in the game.

LR-037 Harris

LR-037 Harris Linear Rifle

The Harris is the Kinetic equivalent of a sniper rifle in the game. It does good damage and shines exponentially when players get around its charged attack. Range-wise, it’s a great starting weapon to have for players opting for long-ranged warfare. As for the firing rate, this weapon struggles since it’s rather on the slow side.


VE-66LRA Laser Rifle

The VE-66LRA is one of the mid-range laser rifles that deal consistent damage at decent range. Its charge attack is also potent, though players need to get the timing correct to hit their target. As with most Energy weapons, the VE-66LRA takes up a good chunk of the EN Load: players need to install a good generator when running with this weapon.

Armored Core 6: How to Save Loadouts

Learn how to save loadouts in Armored Core 6 along with other helpful tidbits.


Vvc-760PR Plasma Rifle

The Vvc-760PR is one of the stronger early-game weapons players can purchase in Armored Core 6. As a plasma rifle, the Vvc-760PR deals excellent damage against enemies, thanks in large part to the subsequent explosions after its initial round reaches its target. Its charged attack is also great for taking out mobs, but players have to get its charge speed memorized for it to hit consistently.

L/R Back Units

Most of the Back Units available for players in the game revolve around missile launchers. And while they have their uses, their variety is mainly about how many missiles and types of missiles players can unload on their targets. Whether they’re vertical or direct missile launchers, it is up to the players to decide which missile type they are more comfortable running with. But of course, some Back Units are better left unsold:


Songbirds Grenade Cannon

As far as grenade launchers and cannons are concerned, the Songbirds are the most reliable when it comes to raw damage and ammunition costs. The Songbirds are excellent when dealing Direct and Impact Damage against targets: they are especially devastating against staggered bosses when fired upon in close range. Players just need to get accustomed to its slight delay before firing: against speedier ACs, they can avoid getting the brunt of the damage if players take their time firing the Songbirds.

Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon - 6 Best Tips For Customizing Your Mech

If players want to create the best mech in Armored Core 6, then they are going to want to learn a few tips.


VE-60SNA Stun Needle Launcher

Also known as the Stun Needle, this Back Unit is an exceptional weapon to add to any AC build. It deals excellent Direct and Impact Damage on top of filling up the target’s stagger meter. This is especially powerful against bosses, and once they are tagged, players are given ample opportunities to stagger the enemy and open them up for more punishment. Its downside would have to be its limited ammunition count and cost: players running these need to make each needle count.

Leg Parts

an AC with various Leg Part options

Among all Frame Parts, the Leg Parts are considered to be one of the more important pieces in Armored Core 6. This is due to the fact that Leg Parts determine how many weapons and other Frame Parts players can add to their ACs.

Armored Core 6: Best Early Game Builds

Experimentation is at the heart of Armored Core 6, but not even that will stop these part combos from dominating the early stages of the game.

As far as which Leg Parts should stay in one’s Assembly, it is up to the player’s preference, but ideally, they should have at least one lightweight, one heavyweight, one tetrapod, and one Treads Leg Parts to have the various AC play styles covered. In most cases, players tend to choose which Leg Parts look the most aesthetically pleasing for their AC builds which is fine, but having more options is always good to keep their AC builds competitive.


Generators provide the players’ ACs their Energy which they spend when zooming around or firing their Energy Weapons during missions or skirmishes. This is why having an assortment of Generators available in one’s Assembly is crucial for fine-tuning their builds once players gain access to more Parts.

DF-GN-06 Ming-Tang

DF-GN-06 Ming-Tang Generator

The Ming-Tang is the go-to Generator for players who want their ACs to have constant Energy to spend. It is one of the earlier Generators available that has good EN Capacity and recharge times to keep ACs flying and zipping about the battlefield. That said, it is a heavy Generator and is not especially great when paired with Energy Weapons.


VP-20S Generator

For players still undecided on the direction their AC builds are going to be, the VP-20S is a good early-game Generator to have. It posts decent overall Generator stats on top of being one of the lightest Generators in the game. This makes it a viable option for lightweight ACs and middleweight ones until players gain access to more powerful Generators.

IA-C01G Aorta

IA-C01G Aorta Generator

AC builds running Energy Weapons should use the IA-C01G Aorta Generator. This is one of the Coral Generators available that wants its Energy to be fully spent because it has an excellent Post-Recovery EN Supply. Maximizing this stat means always overclocking the AC’s Energy to red line, and waiting for the Post-Recovery EN Supply to continue dishing out the damage and zipping around the battlefield.

Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon

PS5 , PS4 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
August 25, 2023
From Software
Bandai Namco Studios
Action , Shooter