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Armored Core 6 marks the return of From Software's intense mecha action series. Soulsbourne fans will feel right at home with the punishing combat and difficult boss fights. Series veterans will know that the build of the player's AC is just as important as skill. Some bosses will be far easier to defeat with the right weapons and setup.

Players should get used to constantly tinkering in the garage with their AC design. One of the earliest boss fights players will face is the Juggernaut. This heavy tank needs to be defeated to complete the Operation Wallclimber mission. This guide will explain how to defeat the Juggernaut and the best build players should use. Take note that there is a full mission before this boss encounter. Make sure to stock up at the resupply drone placed before this fight.

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Best Build for Beating Juggernaut


The optimal build for defeating the Juggernaut will be balanced or skewing to a lighter load. The Juggernaut's slow movements can be used to the player's advantage. This is also early on in Chapter 1, so part selection may be limited. If the player finds an alternate method that works, stick with it, as there is some variability with builds in boss fights. The build strategy here is high damage output along with nimble evasion. The Pulse Blade is one of the best weapons in the game and will come in handy through most boss encounters. The Booster and Generator should have quick energy recharge, while the FCS should aid in mid-range capabilities or missile lock-on.


  • Left Shoulder - BML-G1 Four Cell Missile Launcher
  • Right Shoulder - BML-G1 Four Cell Missile Launcher
  • Left Arm - HI-32 Pulse Blade
  • Right Arm - HML-G2 Missile Launcher or XUAN-GE Bazooka

AC Body

  • Head - Melander C3
  • Core - VP-40S
  • Arms - Melander C3
  • Legs - Melander C3
  • FCS - FCS-G1/P01
  • Generator- AG-J-098 JOSO
  • Booster - ALULA 21/E

Juggernaut Moveset


The Juggernaut has a limited moveset compared to later bosses. It will shudder for a moment before dashing straight across the boss arena towards the players. A quick boost to the left or right when it charges.


It will occasionally attack with missiles, or it's forward guns. Keep an eye on the HUD for indicators when the missiles are firing.


The Juggernaut will begin to shoot glowing mines to protect its rear when it's significantly damaged around 50% health remaining. Keep an eye out, as these can end up all over the floor of the area.

Juggernaut Strategy

The Juggernaut is heavily armored on its front side. The goal is to quickly boost to shoot down or behind the armor. Rusty will aid the player during the first half of the fight. Use this time when the Juggernaut is distracted to slash at it from behind and fire missiles.

When half of the Juggernaut's health is depleted, Rusty will abandon the player. Assault boost when it charges to quickly get behind it. If players are careful, they can even land on its rear end and sit there attacking freely. Stay flying above it to dodge the mines at low health. Most weapons should work as long as the build is evasive enough and players stay behind the Juggernaut.

Armored Core 6 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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