
  • A new mod called EZ-CORE has been created to make Armored Core 6 easier, addressing the accessibility issue faced by some players.
  • FromSoftware is known for developing challenging games like the Souls series, and Armored Core 6 continues this trend.
  • The EZ-CORE mod includes six balance adjustments and four optional changes to decrease the difficulty, making combat less risky for struggling players.

A new mod rebalances Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon to offer easier difficulty. Difficulty in FromSoftware games is a frequently discussed and often controversial subject. That's no different in Armored Core 6, which puts the player up against increasingly large mechs and machines with increasingly large weaponry. Fans of FromSoftware games often thrive in these challenging conditions, but others consider it an accessibility issue. With mods like this, everyone can play Armored Core 6 the way they want.

Difficulty is closely associated with FromSoftware's Souls games, specifically, given their massive popularity. Demon's Souls, the Dark Souls trilogy, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and most recently Elden Ring are all beloved for their challenging gameplay. Yet long before Demon's Souls in 2009, FromSoftware was making exceptionally difficult games. The King's field trilogy, FromSoftware's first games, are all difficult. And starting in 1997, the Armored Core franchise has been known for its difficulty, as well.

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Armored Core 6 is now available and continues the franchise's trend of difficulty. Some players have even gone so far as to admit they gave up battling Armored Core 6's tutorial boss, and it only gets more difficult from there. In response, modder Xylozi has uploaded something that might help struggling players. The EZ-CORE mod dramatically decreases the difficulty of Armored Core 6 through a variety of balance changes. It's a defacto Easy Mode mod.

armored core 6 explosion screenshot

As for what the mod changes in Armored Core 6, there are six balance adjustments and four optional changes. The six changes include reducing equipment Energy Load by 50%, reducing equipment Weight by 50%, increasing all weapon rounds by 300%, increasing currency rewards from missions by 200%, and increasing weapon range by 300%. The mod won't make Armored Core 6 players invincible, but it should make combat much less risky.

There are also four different options to choose from in the EZ-CORE mod. The first option enables the mod with Armored Core 6's vanilla camera. The second option makes adjustments to the camera, pulling it back and providing a wider FOV. The third option makes all boosts and ascending cheaper. The fourth option reduces mech equipment Weight and Energy Load by 50%. These last two options can be used without any of the other balance changes in the mod.

The key thing to know about the EZ-CORE mod is that once it's installed, it's on. It's not a mode to be selected. Players install the files based on the options they prefer and difficulty will be adjusted in Armored Core 6 as soon as the mod is installed. The modder also warns users that they shouldn't play Armored Core 6 online with the mod installed, because they could have their account banned. Still, for those looking to tone down Armored Core 6's difficulty, this is a decent option.

Armored Core 6 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Armored Core 6: How to Farm Money Fast

Source: Nexus Mods