Table of contents

Despite being the latest entry in one of the most well-known mech series out there, Armored Core 6 doesn't simplify things much for new players to the genre. Armored Core 6 stats are about as numerous and interconnected as they come, and the AC Customization menus can seem daunting for players unaccustomed to the sheer amount of numbers on display.

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But, by understanding all stats in Armored Core 6, and how each part contributes to the overall stats of one's AC, players will better understand just how their AC works, and how different configurations and stats create some of the game's most powerful builds.

Though each of these stats is explained in-game (via the Context option), the following explanations of every Armored Core 6 stat cut out the jargon to simplify each stat's effects.

Weapon Stats, Explained

Armored Core 6 All Stats Explained Weapon Stat

Attack Power

General damage stat, can be affected by Ricochet and distance


How much ACS Strain is inflicted by this weapon's shots

Accumulative Impact

Affects how long it takes for enemy ACS Strain to dissipate

Blast Radius

The size of explosions fired by this weapon

Direct Hit Adjustment

Extra damage multiplier when attacking Staggered enemies


How much aiming sways while continuously firing

Effective Range

Distance from targets necessary to deal damage

Total Rounds

How much Ammo the weapon will begin missions with

Reload Time

Measured in seconds

Ammunition Cost

Cost per round fired, charged at the end of the mission

Chg. Attack Power

Extra Damage of Charged Attacks

Chg. Impact

Extra impact of Charged attacks

Chg. Accum. Impact

How quickly Charge attack ACS Strain wears off

Chg. Heat Buildup

How quickly Charge attacks Overheat the weapon


How quickly Heat is reduced while not firing a weapon that can become Overheated

Ideal Range

The guaranteed distance that all attacks will connect without Ricocheting

Effective Range

Maximum distance that this weapon's attacks will deal damage, but won't connect all the time

Rapid Fire

How many times the weapon can be fired every second

Chg. EN Load

How much EN it takes to charge this weapon

Charge Time

The time it takes to charge this weapon before being able to fire it, measured in seconds

Chg. Ammo Consumption

How much ammo a Charged attack consumes

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AC Specs, Explained

Armored Core 6 All Stats Explained AC Specs AC6


The total value of the AC's durability, represents total Health

Anti-Kinetic Defense

Ability to mitigate Kinetic (bullets) damage

Anti-Energy Defense

Ability to mitigate Energy (laser) damage

Anti-Explosive Defense

Ability to mitigate Explosive damage

Attitude Stability

Maximum ACS Strain, determines how easy it is for the AC to become Staggered

Attitude Recovery

How quickly the AC recovers from being Staggered

Target Tracking

How effectively fired weapons hit enemies, is determined partially by Firearm specialization

Boost Speed

Maximum speed while boosting

QB Speed

Distance traveled during a Quick Boost (dodge)

QB EN Consumption

How much EN a Quick Boost consumes

QB Reload Time

How fast a Quick Boost takes to become usable again, measured in seconds

EN Capacity

Total EN (stamina) the AC is capable of using

EN Supply Efficiency

How fast EN recharges after being depleted

EN Recharge Delay

The time it takes for EN recharge to begin

Total Weight

Combined total Weight of all parts

Total Load

Combined total Weight of all parts except for Legs

Load Limit

The maximum allowed Weight for all parts, can be exceeded

Total Arms Load

Combined total Weight of equipped weapons

Arms Load Limit

The maximum total Weight for equipped weapons, cannot be exceeded

Total EN Load

The combined total EN load of all parts, cannot be exceeded

EN Output

The ability of the Generator to support heavy EN parts, can improve EN Recovery Speed

Current Load

Max Weight vs. equipped Weight, represented as a bar. If bar exceeds Max, AC becomes overburdened

Current Arms Load

Max Weight vs. equipped Weight of equipped weapons, represented as a bar. Cannot sortie if bar exceeds Max.

Current EN Load

Max EN Load vs. equipped EN Load, represented as a bar. Cannot sortie if bar exceeds Max.

All AC6 Parts Stats, Explained

Armored Core 6 All Stats Explained Parts Specs AC6 Head

Stats Present On Multiple Parts


How much AP this part contributes to overall AC AP

Anti-Kinetic Defense

Improves AC's ability to defend against Kinetic damage

Anti-Energy Defense

Improves AC's ability to defend against Energy damage

Anti-Explosive Defense

Improves AC's ability to defend against Explosive damage

Attitude Stability

Increases AC's ability to withstand being Staggered


How much Weight this part contributes to the overall Load

EN Load

How much EN Load this part contributes to overall EN Load

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Head Stats

System Recovery

Determines the Head part's ability to recover from System Abnormalities (conditions/negative effects)

Scan Distance

Distance objects and enemies can be scanned, doesn't work outside of this distance

Scan Effect Duration

How long the effects of a Scan linger on enemies, measured in seconds

Core Stats

Booster Efficiency Adj.

Adjusts how much EN is consumed when Quick Boosting

Generator Output Adj.

Adjusts how much EN output the Generator is capable of

Generator Supply Adj.

Adjusts how quickly the Generator can recover EN

Arms Stats

Recoil Control

Improves accuracy by reducing spread when continuously firing

Firearm Specialization

Improves ability to track, hit, and deal damage to enemies with weapons

Melee Specialization

Improves Attack Power when using Melee attacks

Legs Stats

Load Limit

The maximum Load the Leg parts are capable of carrying, determines parts available on Core, Arms, Head, and others

Jump Distance

Horizontal distance the AC will be able to jump with these Leg parts equipped

Jump Height

How high the AC will jump with these Leg parts equipped

RELATED: Armored Core 6: NG+ Changes Explained

Booster Stats


The power of boosted movement in general

Upward Thrust

The speed at which the AC ascends

Upward EN Consumption

How much EN (stamina) it takes to Ascend

QB Thrust

Quick Boost (dodge) speed

QB Jet Duration

How long the Quick Boost jets are active, measured in seconds

QB EN Consumption

How much EN a Quick Boost will consume with this Booster equipped

QB Reload Time

How fast Quick Boosts are usable consecutively, measured in seconds

QB Reload Ideal Weight

Maximum weight limit without affecting Quick Boost reload time

AB Thrust

Assault Boost thrusting power

AB EN Consumption

How much EN is used while Assault Boosting

Melee Attack Thrust

Boosted speed while honing on on an enemy for a Melee attack

Melee Atk. EN Consump.

How much EN is used to perform Melee attacks

FCS Stats

Close-Range Assist

Value representing the FCS chip's ability to track targets within 130 meters

Medium-Range Assist

Value representing the FCS chip's ability to track targets from 130 to 260 meters

Long-Range Assist

Value representing the FCS chip's ability to track targets beyond 260 meters

Missile Lock Correction

Represents speed the AC can lock onto enemies with missiles

Multi-Lock Correction

Represents speed the AC can lock onto multiple enemies instead of just one

Generator Stats

EN Capacity

Determines total AC EN value

EN Recharge

How fast the AC will be able to recharge EN with this Generator equipped

Supply Recovery

How fast the AC can recharge EN if all EN is depleted

Post-Recovery EN Supply

Immediately available EN supply once EN begins to recharge

Energy Firearm Spec.

Improves AC's ability to field Energy (laser) weapons

Armored Core 6 is available for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.