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Magic systems in anime can come in all shapes and sizes and some are far more complex or thoroughly explained than others. However, Arknights and its TV series Prelude to Dawn intertwine the magic system with its themes of prejudice and imperialist oppression, giving the magic in the story an extra edge.

Arknights is set in the world of Terra, where the world is plagued by a disease called Oripathy that slowly kills the infected by turning their bodies into crystalline matter before shattering. However, this infection is made that much more complicated by the material that causes it, a mineral on the planet of Terra called Originium.

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The Magic Mineral


Originium is distinct from other crystalline minerals, in that it is capable of growing by shattering and spreading through dust, thus growing larger, leading to fields full of the mineral. However, the origin of Originium happens through events known as Catastrophes, where powerful storms brew in the sky, raining down meteors full of Originium, which in turn grow to large size.

With the threat of catastrophes striking anywhere, the societies of Terra created mobile cities to move away as soon as storms begin to brew, avoiding disaster and providing an empty area for more Originium to grow so that it can be harnessed.

By the very nature of the catastrophes, it is a plentiful resource that is also a monumental energy proponent in the world of Arknights. In Episode 2, the Doctor is told that Originium is a fundamental part of society's advancement, thanks to the technology used to harness it. However, the mineral itself isn't enough to fully make use of it. For that, there are "Arts."

Arts are magical abilities that those with particular aptitude are able to perform, using Originium as a conduit. Through technology with Originium inside, those proficient in Arts can cast magic, such as the medic that heals Amiya's injuries. But in truth, those that have the greatest compatibility with Originium are those infected with Oripathy.

Give and Take


When Originium shatters and turns to dust, it can become synthesized with the human body, infecting it with Oripathy, the aforementioned affliction that turns the body to stone. The infected are often quarantined and discriminated against worldwide, despite the fact that they themselves are not infectious. Physical contact does not cause infection. Those infected with Oripathy aren't contagious until the Originium growing out of their bodies shatters and creates an infectious dust cloud. Until then, they are by all counts safe to be around. However, it doesn't stop superstitions about the infected and how they could become infectious at any time.

And with prejudice and discrimination comes anger and unrest within those that are discriminated against. In anger, the infected that have an aptitude toward magic can use their own bodies to cast Arts. The resistance group Reunion was created to fight back against oppressive governments using Arts. Unfortunately, using such powerful magic slowly eats away at a person and prolonged use of the abilities only quickens the severity of the infection. So begins an endless cycle of self-destructiveness in retaliation to senseless prejudice, hence where the protagonists come in. The members of Rhodes Island wish to find a cure for Oripathy in hopes of eradicating the stigma surrounding the infected.

Similar to stories like X-Men, the very powers that give the characters their unique attributes are also what divides them from the populace at large, who are compelled to fear them. However, in Arknights' case, those powers are further complicated by the fact that they are slowly killing the users, creating quite a delicate conundrum.

At the time of writing, Prelude to Dawn is halfway through its 8-episode season, which might be the first of many. While it hasn't always been at the top of its game, its world and its presentation of it, both the beautiful and the dreary, has been consistently great thanks to its lore like Originium and Oripathy.

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