Isekai anime are extremely popular but few have captured the hearts and minds of fans quite like Arifureta. Hajime going from timid boy to certified hardened overpowered killing machine provides a bit of power fantasy that so many people can enjoy.

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Other fans have absolutely fallen in love with the harem of girls that Hajime slowly finds himself surrounded by. All of the major characters in Arifureta have their own interesting quirks and personalities, and it's only natural that fans of the show would want to know more details about them.

Although they will be kept to a minimum, spoilers will not be completely avoidable. Those not caught up with the anime should keep this in mind.

Arifureta Statistics Chart

Main Cast Of Arifuerta

There are several important characters in Arifureta so to keep things simple, the following table has been constructed to provide a breakdown of each character's age, birthday, and height.

Disclaimer:Some characters have aged or grown in height throughout the series, so both will be listed in their entries. If any information is unavailable officially in any form, it will simply be listed as N/A.





Hajime Naguno

  • 17 - 23/24
  • N/A
  • 5'4" / 165cm - 5'7" / 175cm


  • 323
  • N/A
  • 4'5" / 140cm

Shea Haulia

  • 16
  • N/A
  • 5'2" / 160cm

Tio Klarus

  • 563
  • N/A
  • 22'9" / 7m¹

Kaori Shirasaki

  • 17
  • N/A
  • 5'5" / 170cm

Shizuku Yaegashi

  • 17
  • N/A
  • 5'6" / 172cm

Aiko Hatayama

  • 25
  • N/A
  • 4'6" / 143cm

Liliana S.B. Heiligh

  • 14 - 24
  • N/A
  • N/A


  • 4 - 10/11
  • N/A
  • N/A

¹ Tio's official height is only ever shared when she is in dragon form.

Hajime Nagumo

Hajime Nagumo

Hajime Nagumo is the main protagonist of Arifureta who started as a weak-willed and timid boy before being betrayed by a friend and being shoved into the abyss. From there, he became a ruthlessly powerful killer after eating monster meat while trying to survive. He is a man who believes heavily in self-reliance making it all the weirder for him to have so many travel companions as the series goes on.

Despite being one of the strongest characters in isekai anime, he still wants to find a way to return to his true home in the end and keeps fighting to do so.


Yue Arifuerta

Formerly known as Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl, Yue is a vampire from the abyss that is absolutely obsessed with Hajime and becomes the first person to join him on his journey. Her devotion and loyalty to Hajime after he frees her is unyielding, meaning she will listen to any orders he gives her, including killing people. She's also a bit pervy in nature, always trying to seduce Hajime and find ways to suck his blood.

She may not be the strongest vampire in the world, she may be a bit immature despite her age, but she's by far a ride-or-die companion.

Shea Haulia

Shea Haulia

A strong rabbitman that wields a massive hammer while fighting in what is essentially a bikini, Shea is also a shameless flirt when it comes to Hajime. She's not too bad in a fight, but one of her coolest powers comes in her ability to see the future, especially when her life is in danger.

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When she's really angry however, she flies into a furious rage and won't stop under any circumstances until whatever it was that got her started is demolished into nothing. Her will and determination are also almost as strong as Hajime's himself, having also gone through hard times without letting anything stop her from living her best life.

Tio Klarus

Tio Klarus

Joining up with Hajime after having a massive piece of metal shoved inside her more tender areas while brainwashed and in the form of a dragon, no that isn't a joke, she becomes quite masochistic and enamored with the protagonist. This is partially due to her promising herself that she would never have a spouse that was weaker than her. Since Hajime was able to take her down, he's the perfect prospective partner.

Kaori Shirasaki

Kaori Shirasaki

Kaori had been extremely close with Hajime before the two of them were transported to another world. She tried her best to find him after he fell into the abyss, and when they reunite eventually, she ends up joining the full squad. While she starts off as the weakest member of the group, the priest uses her magical abilities quite well to help the team. She's extremely kind, caring, and responsible.

Shizuku Yaegashi

Shizuku Yaegashi

Shizuku has been Kaori's best friend since childhood. Her stoic appearance hides the fact that she's actually quite the girly girl too, loving things like cute little bunnies and the color pink. She's also extremely grossed out by bugs, showing there are cracks in her strong demeanor.

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The girl who always wanted to be a princess and be saved by a knight in shining armor, Shizuku becomes one of the most level-headed and capable characters in the entire story. She may not have the exact life of her dreams, but she's able to accept it with time.

Aiko Hatayama

Aiko Hatayama

Aiko has a lot of character growth, going from being a high school social studies teacher to being treated like a literal deity after being transported to another world. Her moral fortitude and ability to work hard make her shine especially bright throughout the series. While she's forced to confront her objections to using violence in order to keep herself and her students safe, she is able to do so with serious dignity.

Though it is a little weird she eventually ends up in her former student's harem by the end. Anime can be weird sometimes, right?

Liliana S.B. Heiligh


Lilianna is the princess of the Heiligh Kingdom and her compassionate nature combined with a strong will makes her perfect for the job. She's not the kind of royalty that just stays in her castle either, instead choosing to go out and do many things herself — even without a royal escort.

She also shows that he has a capacity for a lot of growth, being able to cast away her beliefs in the false God Ehit despite believing in him up until she learns about his treachery.



Myu treats Hajime quite a bit like a father figure after she's rescued from being kidnaped by him. She is a dragon, essentially a mermaid in the world of Arifureta, and quite a brilliant one for her age. While she starts off as the type to throw fits and be rude, she slowly matures after being saved and adventuring with the group for a while. Though sometimes Hajime still shows he has a soft side by spoiling her, it doesn't affect her personality.

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