Respawn Entertainment's Apex Legends tends to be thought of for its thrilling BR shooter gameplay and its massive, lavish settings. Yet, there also exists plenty of unique, imaginative lore surrounding the game's playable Legends. One of the most mysterious comes in the form of the traverser and manipulator of spacetime, Wraith.

This character manages to stand out amongst a cast of similarly rich and interesting Legends, with her ominous backstory and distinct, mystical skills.

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So without further ado, let's venture into the void as we explore 10 interesting facts and characteristics surrounding this offensive Legend.

10 The Amnesia-Stricken Product Of Experimentation

This troubled Legend comes with a particularly harsh past - namely because she's unable to remember any of it. In fact, Wraith's only known origins can be traced back to her waking up in a "Detention Facility for the Mentally Ill," run by IMC (Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation). It was at this point she realized she was the product of experimentation which had some adverse effects.

She was stricken with amnesia, with no idea as to what led her to this lab, or who she even was. She thus joined the Apex Games in order to delve deeper - both literally and figuratively - to discover the buried secrets of her origins.

9 Voices In Her Head Drove Her To Near Madness

Not only was Wraith's memory wiped following these IMC experiments, but their tinkering with her head produced another peculiar side affect - the ability to hear voices in her head, seemingly separate from herself. This distant voice in her mind would keep her awake for days on end and had nearly driven her to madness.

However, like a classic superhero origin story, Wraith learned to utilize this function for her benefit, using it to harness and refine her powers. As the voice had given her added foresight and knowledge, this helped her become the spacetime manipulator she's evolved into.

8 The Only Known Pilot In Apex Legends

Wraith may be able to "fly" around in a figurative sense thanks to her Dimensional Rift and "Into the Void" ability. Fittingly though, she had apparently once also been a pilot, enabling her to glide around swiftly and with ease. This is revealed through an in-game audio log inside the research labs, which shows she was a Research Science Pilot, possibly for the IMC.

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Redditor KaptnKrunch09 has also pointed out that Wraith sports a pilot insignia on her chest, which resembles the symbol used by Titan pilots in Titanfall.

7 Ran Into Herself From Another Dimension

As it happens, Wraith's psychological, reality-bending origin story gets even more bizarre.

One day at the Detention Facility, she was about to be sedated when a portal had opened up in front of her. An unidentifiable person emerged, sporting a purple helmet, who promptly coaxed the staff to scamper away in fear. This person seemed to know more about Wraith than she knew about herself, as she proceeded to berate her for not fighting back.

After removing her helmet, Wraith was baffled to find that this was, in fact, herself, who had seemingly mastered her powers and traveled from another dimension.

6 Her Abilities Are Derived From Titanfall 2

As both games were developed by the same studio, there exists some crossover between Apex Legends and the Titanfall games, and in fact, they share the same in-game universe. Wraith in particular comes with a prominent link to Respawn's mech-based shooters.

In fact, her abilities, which stress speed, evasion, and teleportation, are all based on the Phase Shift ability from Titanfall 2. This is fitting, as these powers are "Pilot Tacticals," which fits into Wraith's background as a former pilot, even if the terminology refers to different specialties.

As this phasing ability was only possible by Simulacrums and Titans up to this point, Wraith stands as the first human character with this power.

5 Can Use Her Portal As A Doorway Trap

Apex Legends Wraith Portal Doorway Trick

While this is a tricky exploit to pull off successfully, Wraith's portal can double as a boobytrap if it's placed quickly and cleverly enough.

A player can place one of their Dimensional Rifts directly inside a doorway and shut the door, which will instantly kill and unsuspecting traveler once they reach the other side. Of course, you'll need to somehow coax an opposing team to use your portals - while making your teammates avoid it, as it can take them out as well.

While Mirage is typically known as the deceptive Legend, Wraith certainly has her own bamboozling tricks up her sleeve.

4 Can Still Ride Ziplines While Using Into The Void

Wraith's Into the Void perk can be useful in its ability to get you moving fast and allow you to evade danger for a few seconds. Yet, it can also be a bit dicey. Not only will it obscure her vision, but Wraith will not be able to interact with most in-game objects while in this inter-dimensional state.

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Funny enough, though, she can still utilize ziplines and ride onto balloons while Voided. This is a good fallback option if you're concerned about being shot while ziplining in the open, or need to make a quick break from pursuers.

3 Possesses The Smallest Hitbox

Though Wraith has undergone a slew of changes and the occasional nerf since Apex's release in 2019, she still possesses the smallest hitbox. This, coupled with the speed granted from her abilities, makes her essentially the toughest target to hit.

Unfortunately for Wraith mains, however, Respawn has migrated some of this advantage with some hitbox alterations. They've also inserted the hindering Passive, "Low Profile," which amplifies the damage she takes by 5%. Still, an astute Wraith player can definitely take advantage of her small build and general swiftness, especially from a distance.

2 Can Double Up On Two Abilities To Run Faster

As it happens, you can bust out Wraith's Ultimate and Tactical Abilities to move far quicker.

Similar to our previous entry, Respawn has recently dialed back a bit of Wraith's advantage when it comes to her speed, as well. Still, while you no longer get bonus speed from this exploit, you can still take advantage of the combined speed of Into the Void and Dimensional Rift.

Simply trigger the Rift first, then quickly follow it up with Into the Void, and you'll be moving quickly along with this whirlwind fighter. This will only last for a handful of seconds in total, so you'll want to take advantage.

1 Can Detect Other Voided Wraiths While Using Into The Void

This mysterious Legend possesses yet another ability that relates to her spacetime manipulation and heightened senses. It's a subtle one that isn't easy to pick out, given how fast everything moves by, but it can make for a neat and useful perk.

If she happens to be using her Into the Void ability at the same time other Wraiths are, she'll actually be able to see silhouettes of other Wraith players triggering this power at the same time as you. It can be a brief, but a handy tool in scouting out your surroundings.

One can't help but think of Frodo's use of the Ring of Power as a pop-culture comparison...

NEXT: Apex Legends: 10 Tips For Playing As Wraith