Apex Legends has been a cornerstone of the battle royale genre since its debut in 2019, and Respawn Entertainment continually adds depth to its characters through official lore snippets and in-game items. Quite a few of these characters have gained popularity that transcend the actual game, but few are in the same ballpark as Wraith - easily one of the most beloved fighters in Apex Legends to the extent she could almost be considered its mascot. Wraith's charismatic persona and combat skills are reasons why her character is still waxing strong after all these years.

With Respawn Entertainment's commitment to fleshing out the backstories of its cast, there's enough content for players to decide which playable character they like the most. Wraith's traits fit the bill for most people, from her tear-jerking backstory of survival to her unique abilities and design, so it's not hard to see why players have become so enamored with her. Wraith, whose real name is Renee Blasey, is one of the eight characters in Apex Legends who has been around since launch, unlocked by default. Despite undergoing a series of nerfs over the years, Wraith remains one of the top options in Apex Legends.

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Wraith's Lore and Defensive Abilities Contribute to her Popularity

Wraith - Apex Legends Zodiac Signs

Through Apex Legends: Stories from the Outlands, fans have come to understand Wraith's nuanced backstory, which begins on the planet Typhoon where she worked as a Senior Science Pilot for the IMC. While working on groundbreaking technology, Wraith volunteered for an experiment and lost her memory. Her coworker Amer Singh took advantage of the situation and imprisoned Wraith, subjecting her to cruel experimentation so that he could take ownership of her project.

As a result of this, Wraith has the unique ability to see into different dimensions, and all versions of Wraith in these dimensions warn themselves of impending dangers using their Voices. The Wraith that Apex Legends players are familiar with swapped places with the one imprisoned by Singh, determined to kill the traitor for his crimes. However, by the time the switch happens, Singh is long dead. She instead runs into Luc Paquette - Wattson's father, who comes up with the name "Wraith." At the current point in the series' timeline, Singh Labs are undergoing excavation as Wraith is hunting for clues about her background and relatives.

Although Wraith's tragic tale draws in plenty of players, her lore is only one part of why she is so beloved. Her combat abilities make her one of the most sought-after characters in the Apex Games, forming a defensive backbone to any team by affecting Apex Legends matches with her Tactical and Passive Abilities. Her Tactical Ability, called "Into The Void," lends her speed and near-invisibility to escape a closing ring and enemies alike. "Voices from the Void" is her Passive Ability, feeding Wraith audio cues that warn her when danger is nearby.

Wraith's ultimate ability is her most defining feature. "Dimensional Rift" lets Wraith drop portals that quickly transport her and her squadmates across the map. Apex Legends players can use this skill in a variety of situations; to save a critically injured teammate, get the team out of sticky situations, or even ambush another squad. Wraith's abilities might not be the easiest to master, but she is easily the most valuable Legend for defensive strategies. Her skills combined with engaging lore make up a premium character, and Wraith's popularity does not appear to be waning anytime soon.

Apex Legends is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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