One of the main aspects about battle royales is the team makeup, though some rely on it more than others. Battle royales like PUBG have everyone playing equally, with skill being the only factor that separates players. However, as the genre grows, more games add more elements. One of the most significant additions to the battle royale genre is the inclusion of heroes and abilities, in the same regard as Overwatch. In Apex Legends, each hero has a unique ability that is only for them. In turn, every match can be different.

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But as new elements like heroes are added, the learning curve gets steeper. While Apex Legends can hard to play, team composition makes a world of difference. The best part is that players can experiment with what character works best with others. Apex Legends gives players the freedom to pick and choose what legend they want to play it. While there are many great combinations for legends, these are a little more out there. They may not deliver the results that players want, but they can make gameplay more fun.

5 Valkyrie, Bangalore, and Mirage

apex legends valkyrie bangalore mirage

This is a challenging combination, because it requires all members to play more offensively. Firstly, having a Valkyrie in the air provides good cover and is great for scouting, although players should be cautious of using her like that. Bangalore can throw off enemies while the Valkyrie is in the air distracting the enemy team. Then Mirage can come in and use his ultimate, which is more helpful than others. This combination is a great way for the squad to create chaos for the enemy and play aggressively at the same time.

On top of that, if Valkyrie uses her ability to throws a barrage of rockets mixed with electricity, the rest of the team can come in and finish up. Bangalore's ultimate calls in an artillery strike, which can have devastating results because it forces enemy players to scramble, allowing the rest of the squad to give chase. If players want to confuse the enemies, this composition does it quite well, provided players know that they'll need to fight more aggressively.

4 New Castle, Rampart, and Ash

Apex legends ash rampart new castle

If players want to hold a position indefinitely, this team can do that surprisingly well. New Castle offerers great support. His mobile shield ability is great, but his ultimate, Castle Wall provides all the protection. He can jump on a player or an area, and create a wall. New Castle works well with other legends that are like him; in this case, it's Rampart.

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While New Castle gives protection, Rampart can help the team fight back in many areas. The most prominent ability is her amped cover, which is a shield that players can shoot through to increase damage. This helps the make the best guns in Apex Legends, with the fastest Time-To-Kill, even faster and stronger. Plus, with Rampart's minigun, the squad becomes deadly. Those who play as Ash are important too. They can use her arc snare to pull enemies towards it, making them easy targets for a player on Rampart's minigun.

3 Caustic, Wattson, and Fuse

apex legends wattson caustic fuse

Players who want to clear out an interior area quickly should consider using this team makeup. Caustic is a good defensive legend; however, players may not know that he's good at playing offense as well. He can be useful in making enemy players act first and think later, by throwing a Nox Gas Grenade into a closed room, which will throw off the enemy team. Even though his Nox Gas Trap is a good defensive ability, it's also great for a follow-up attack after the grenade.

Wattson, like Caustic, is a defensive character but can be used in other ways. Her tactile ability creates an electric fence or wall, so enemy players trying to escape Caustic's poison will run into Wattson's fence. Plus, while the squad is fighting, her Interception Pylon repairs everything for the squad. This is essential for close combat because most of the damage is taken in this style. All this combines with Fuse's tactical ability, which is launching mini bombs into the area, providing additional damage with Caustic's gas.

2 Wraith, Octane, and Revenant

apex legends octane wraith revenant

This team makeup is a strange one, but it's also one of the best ones players can use. Most of the abilities of each legend work in tandem with one another. On top of that, this composition makes players fight aggressively, but offers protection when they do. The main thing is Revenant's ultimate, which is the Death Totem. If players run in a die, they'll respawn at the Death Totem.

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This team combination makes the whole squad mobile. Wraith's ultimate opens up a portal that anyone can use, giving the squad an escape route in case it all goes south. Octane, being one of the fastest characters in gaming, can use his speed to confuse the enemy, which makes him harder to hit. Players can use Wraith's portal to get out of the area, heal up and come back. They can then Octane's jump pad, to quickly jump into the fight, or leave. Meanwhile, Revenant can come in and disable the enemy squad's abilities.

1 Crypto, Vantage, Bloodhound

apex legend crypto bloodhound vantage

No enemy team can hide from this team. All three members have abilities that allow them to see what others can't. Vantage, the newest legend, has abilities that allow to see what other enemies have on them. Players who use Vantage should not that while she's good with most combinations of weapons, she shows her strength with long range weapons like the Flatline and Triple Take.

Vantage can help the squad plan out the attack, while Crypto can offer additional help in this department. His Neurolink can allow other members of the team to see what he sees. If players are in the midst of a firefight or need to know if the area is clear, Bloodhound comes in handy. He can help the team chase down a squad, and offer insurance that the area is safe.

Apex Legends is available now on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Mobile, and PC.

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