Apex Legends season 14 is underway, which means fans are trying to figure out the new meta on Kings Canyon, with the legend buffs/nerfs, and of course with newcomer Vantage. Leading into her release, Vantage gained a lot of popularity due to her passive and other abilities.

Still, it often takes time for the dust to settle on a legend's viability, even if Vantage is off to as good a start as any other Apex Legends character. However, she definitely has potential, and one recent clip shows that perfectly.

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Shared to Reddit by u/Common_Ad1866, one solo Apex Legends player managed to take out a duo in a fashion fit for a trailer. From a solid distance away, the player is able to use Vantage's ult to hit a running Octane twice, dealing 150 damage in total and breaking their shield. That Octane then uses their jump pad to escape, just as the Vantage player is also using their tactical to close in for the kill. Vantage throws out Echo, lands on the same jump pad deployed by that Octane, and manages to down that Octane with the Alternator before ever touching the ground.

From there, it was a clean-up act, with Vantage able to hit the other target with their sniper rifle and finish them off with Apex Legends' Volt SMG. It was a clean and well-executed takedown of the opposing duo, and it uses all of Vantage's abilities well. Indeed, it's hard to predict where Vantage will fall in Apex Legends' meta, but she definitely has a ton of potential to be a game-changer.

What's great about her gameplay, too, is how well it ties into her story. Vantage is now the youngest character in Apex Legends, taking that title from Rampart, and she was raised a survivalist on a forsaken planet. In other words, she doesn't really know how to communicate well, can be blunt, and perhaps even runs a little unusually. But when it comes down to her skills with Echo and a sniper, this clip captures those elements perfectly too.

Apex Legends season 14 has just begun, meaning fans have plenty of time to discover more tricks with Vantage in the long run. It definitely seems her kit is full of possibilities like this.

Apex Legends is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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