Battle royale games have evolved from a fledgling genre to a pillar of the video game industry over the last few years. From mods in Arma 3 to the unshakable popularity of Fortnite and Call of Duty Warzone, it's clear that battle royales are more than just a passing fad. Many developers have made attempts to capitalize on the surging popularity of the genre to mixed results, but one game that has firmly established itself as a foundational battle royale is Respawn Entertainment's Apex Legends. With 17 seasons and a growing roster of characters, Apex Legends shows very few signs of slowing down.

Apex Legends built up a massive community from the very beginning, with tens of millions jumping into the game when it was shadow dropped in 2019. Many of those players have stuck around since then, with many more jumping on for the ride with each new content drop. As Apex Legends hit season 17 and is still counting, its community has developed an identity around its dynamic gameplay mechanics, establishing a list of unwritten rules in the process. In a game with high stakes and even higher levels of competition, Apex Legends' unwritten rules help ensure a smooth experience for all players no matter their skill level.

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Respect Dibs in Apex Legends

Apex Legends Season 17 Tier List

Apex Legends, like some of the best battle royale games, revolves around players collecting the best loot they can find to take out enemies. Where it differs from some of its peers is the emphasis on teamwork, as Apex Legends is built around teams of two or three taking on each match. This cooperation has bred a list of unwritten rules, one of the most important being the dibs system. Essentially, if a player calls dibs on a loot bin, especially if they're Jumpmaster, it's good etiquette to let them take a first pick at whatever is inside. It's as uncomplicated as calling "dibs" in any other situation, and it does well to keep players as courteous as possible.

Don't Leave on Knockdown in Apex Legends

Apex Legends Season 17 Tier List (1)

Given the team-based nature of Apex Legends, it's important for teams to stick together during the highs and lows of any match. This is especially important when a player gets knocked down, as what might seem like the beginning of the end can turn out to be just a bump in the road for a cohesive team. That can only be accomplished by following one of Apex Legends' unwritten rules, and that is staying in the game even if you've been knocked down. In multiplayer shooters, it's commonplace to rage-quit at the first sign of defeat, but it's best to stick it out until you have a chance to be revived by a Legend like Apex Legends' new healer Lifeline.

Holstering Weapons in Apex Legends

Apex Patrol Apex Legends

The following unwritten rule may seem antithetical to every first instinct of competitive shooters, but in Apex Legends, it's one of the most widely accepted beliefs. Apex revolves around speed, and one of the most effective ways to increase movement speed is by keeping weapons holstered while moving around Apex's map. So, if a player isn't in active combat, it's generally recommended they holster their weapons to get around quicker. Any and all weapons can come out in combat, naturally, but if players want to move up Apex's competitive leaderboards, sacrificing immediate defense for increased movement is a must.

Apex Legends hasn't been around as long as some battle royales, but it has nonetheless carved out its own personality and devoted community. The unwritten rules of Apex Legends are an essential part of its identity, establishing a sense of etiquette and order amidst its chaotic matches. Though not all of them are always followed, even by those who support them the most, their existence ensures players understand how Apex Legends stands apart from Fortnite and Call of Duty Warzone. As the game continues to grow, Apex Legends is sure to continue developing unwritten rules that guide the community in a favorable direction.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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