Players of Apex Legends who enjoyed the battle royale’s extremely fast-paced approach to its combat will likely appreciate the ability to make everything go boom - especially when the game’s wide array of grenades can transform any firefight into a deathtrap. This is exactly the specialty of Fuse, as this Legend is capable of raining hellfire into the battle royale’s many sprawling locales.

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Thanks to Fuse’s toolkit and adjustments in Season 16: Revelry, Apex Legends players have access to even more grenades than what ordinary souls could carry. Instead of relying on mere weapons, Fuse has ordinances capable of blasting any foes to smithereens. However, for newcomers to the battle royale, just how should they use Fuse to contend with the rest of the game’s quick-footed and more aggressive characters?

Fuse: Former Mercenary, Always A Gladiator

Fuse in the glory of battle

Before Fuse entered the Apex Games, he was the most popular gladiator in the Bonecage. Such a life of violence was normal for Fuse, having grown up in a life of brutality in wartorn Salvo. While his childhood friend Maggie would want to become one of Salvo's finest warlords, Fuse relished in the thrill of combat.

When Fuse and Maggie joined the Syndicate, he finally saw an out for his life as a gladiator and into the thrilling life of being an Apex Legend. And while Mad Maggie would pursue him throughout his time in the arena, Fuse would become one of the most explosive Legends to ever grace the Apex Games - both figuratively and quite literally.

Why Use Fuse: Everything Goes Boom

Fuse and his extra grenades

Players looking for an extra brutal twist in their team or solo Apex Legends gameplay should definitely give Fuse a shot. His toolkit emphasizes using more grenades and more explosives than ever, making him the perfect frontline attacker to jump the gun on enemies or even the perfect companion to provide covering fire. In turn, those interested in using Fuse for his skillset should use him for the following reasons:

  • Grenades are just as important as weapons: FPS fans who got used to games without abilities know that every weapon in a kit is important for victory. Since Fuse lets players carry more weapons, he can capitalize on transforming the game’s grenade mechanic into a more viable combat option instead of a limited supply of trick shots.
  • Tactical aggression: Despite his nature to make everything go boom, Fuse’s kit requires precise timing and aiming to ensure he hits his targets properly. This is especially the case with his Ultimate that creates a circular wall of fire. Players looking to capitalize on the tactical potential of these area-based abilities may enjoy using Fuse.
  • Angles are fun with explosives: Due to the multiple surfaces in the game, angles matter in ensuring projectiles and other gadgets get to their destination Fuse’s usage of explosive ordinances may help players find more enjoyment in the game’s angular gameplay, allowing them to attack opponents and even hit them with explosives through unexpected angles, courtesy of Fuse’s improved grenade-throwing.

The Basics Of Fuse: Grenade Lover

Fuse's grenade arm glows in combat

At its core, Fuse as a Legend gives players of Apex Legends a distinct advantage of being able to use more ordinances compared to other characters. This can get quite attractive for more aggressive players who want to sow chaos wherever they go, especially for action enthusiasts who want to keep on pressuring their foes. Players with a penchant for making things go boom need to consider the main elements of Fuse’s toolkit, which essentially takes the form of the following skills:

  • Grenadier (Passive): This gives Fuse an extra stack of grenade per inventory slot. Not only that, Fuse can launch grenades faster, farther, and more accurately.
  • Knuckle Cluster (Tactical): Fuse unleashes a sticky cluster bomb that explodes into smaller explosions, making it a perfect short-ranged companion to Apex Legends SMGs.
  • The Motherlode (Ultimate): Fuse will launch a bombardment that rains literal hell on the battlefield, surrounding an area with a wall of fire.

Passive: Grenadier

Grenadier Passive

Perhaps the in-game representation of Fuse’s specialization as a demolitions expert in Apex Legends gameplay, Grenadier allows Fuse to not only carry multiple grenades but also launch them more efficiently in tandem with using heavy weapons like Apex Legends LMGs. Unlike other Legend abilities, this is one of the more straightforward Passives out there.

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  • Properties: Fuse’s right arm will launch the grenades for him, throwing them 70-percent faster. The Legend can also carry one (1) more grenade per stack. He can also track the bounces of Frag Grenades.
  • The more the merrier: Due to Grenadier’s extra carrying capacity, Fuse is incentivized to carry more grenade types, further diversifying his combat choices.
  • Take note of special interactions: Despite the simple nature of this Passive, Fuse does have special interactions with grenades in different methods. For instance, Fuse now takes two (2) grenades per stack when dealing with Loba’s Black Market Boutique.

Tactical: Knuckle Cluster

Knuckle Cluster Tactical

One of Fuse’s most important abilities in Apex Legends is his Knuckle Cluster (Tactical), wherein he can throw sticky grenades that detonate into various micro-explosions. This essentially gives Fuse an extra kind of grenade to use in combat situations, transforming him into an extremely versatile demolitionist even when only using an Apex Legends Pistol.

  • Properties: This Tactical has two (2) charges, which explode after 1.5 seconds upon deployment. Each ordinance deals 10 damage during the initial stick and a total of 60 damage through its mini-explosions. The explosion sequence lasts for about six (6) seconds, and the Clusters get refilled after 20 seconds.
  • Bypass angles and ranged combat with them: Hitting enemies with the rather “smaller” range of normal grenades can be difficult, and the multi-explosive nature of Knuckle Clusters can solve these challenges. A well-angled Knuckle Cluster can attack groups of enemies even from afar.
  • Still acts as grenades: One of the coolest aspects of the Knuckle Cluster is its ability to act like normal grenades. This means they’re capable of destroying doors and disabling/destroying gadgets such as Surveillance Drone (Crypto), Nox Gas Traps (Caustic), Black Market Boutique (Loba), Death Totems (Revenant), and Amped Cover (Rampart).

Ultimate: The Motherlode

Motherlode Ultimate

Perhaps a callback to Fuse’s time as a mercenary gladiator, The Motherlode (Ultimate) allows him to launch a bombardment strike in an area, covering a radius in flames that forces people in and prevents them from going out - useful for securing the enemy for the Apex Legends teammates to finish off.

  • Properties: The Motherlode has a 2-minute cooldown. When launched, the Motherlode creates an explosion mid-air and lands on the ground in a ring of fire that lasts for 17 seconds. This can be fired up to 200 meters away, with an ADS that allows players to launch with as much as 3x zoom. Anyone touching the ring gets 35 damage immediately, and then causing a 5-second burn effect that slows them and deals 8 damage per second. If the burn effect ends and the affected player touches the Motherlode again, the burn is reapplied.
  • Consider special interactions: One of the most interesting aspects of the Motherlode is its special interactions with certain gameplay elements. For instance, while the Interception Pylon (Wattson) can destroy it, the Motherlode can go through the Dome of Protection (Gibraltar).
  • Maximize chaos: Being trapped in the Motherlode can force enemies to want to go out, something Fuse and his team can take advantage. This makes the Ultimate synergize well with the pull of Black Hole (Horizon), and the innate confusion with Nox Gas Traps and Grenades (Caustic), and the destruction of Defensive Bombardment (Gibraltar).

Fuse Gameplay: Prioritize Booms Over Gunplay

Fuse making a dramatic exit

While Fuse’s toolkit is similar to other Legends in that he gets extra damaging skills, the Legend’s access to more grenades and explosives aside from Apex Legends weapons forces players to take a more aggressive approach when using him. This hyper-offensive approach can make players a bit uncomfortable using him in the fast-paced battle royale, but Fuse pays off in aggressiveness when his Apex Legends skills are used to their full potential. Here are certain considerations when using him:

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  • Prioritize getting different kinds of grenades: Thanks to Fuse’s Grenadier (Passive), his extra stack of grenades allows him to perform more in long-ranged, area-of-effect situations compared to other Legends. Stocking up on various grenades gives Fuse players the opportunity to transform surfaces into death traps through precision aiming of different grenades.
  • Team up with precision targeters: Thanks to the AOE-based nature of Fuse’s kit, he is best paired with Legends capable of attacking large areas. Immediate examples are Bangalore and Gibraltar, as both their Ultimates unleash ordinances that can occupy a relatively close area, meaning they can transform Fuse’s Motherlode (Ultimate) into a death trap when timed properly.
  • Traditional FPS gameplay is key: Similar to Bangalore, Fuse’s dependence on grenades means he’s not as “unique” as other Legends in terms of ability. That being said, Fuse’s ideal gameplay is that of a traditional FPS, where players need to act as though Fuse is a regular soldier with access to a primary and secondary weapon, as well as a slate of various grenades. Having this mindset allows players to be more careful when dealing with other Legends, as Fuse has a more “ordinary” kit compared to them.

Assault Class: Not Just A Grenadier

Fuse with a Machine Gun

As expected with Fuse’s inclination to make a lot of things explode, he’s added into Season 16: Revelry’s Assault Class in the February 2023 update. This time around, Fuse is made to capitalize on his potential for creating absolute carnage with a renewed Class toolkit that allows him to find exactly the kind of equipment that suits his needs. As a member of the Assault Class, Fuse is expected to be able to do the following:

  • Weapon Supply Bins - Secret Compartment access: Fuse now has access to the Secret Compartment of Weapon Supply Bins. This guarantees four (4) Rare Smart Loot attachments, one of which is always an Optics and a lower chance for Magazines & Hop-Ups. Likewise, accessing the Secret Compartment with no one in other team having weapons will give the team a gun with two (2) attachments.
  • Carry more ammo: As an Assault Class character, Fuse is expected to deal more damage compared to others. This is reflected in his capacity to carry more ammo. He can grab an extra stack of Light, Heavy, and Energy Ammo while he gets a smaller amount of extra stacks for Shotgun and Sniper Ammo.

Loadout Recommendations

Fuse and his Motherlode launcher

Given Fuse’s nature as the game’s resident grenadier, the ideal Apex Legends weapons for the Legend naturally lean towards letting him dish as much damage with grenades as possible. At its core, the ideal philosophy for Fuse’s loadout would have to be choosing weapons like Apex Legends Assault Rifles that fall close to his skillset’s range. Here are some suggested weapons:

  • R-301 Carbine (Assault Rifle, Light Ammo): Given the long-ranged nature of Fuse’s armaments, an Assault Rifle like the R-301 remains a safe choice. After unloading his kit, Fuse can always rely on the R-301 to keep him alive from afar or even up close if Fuse wants to rush in and get the job done.
  • Mastiff (Shotgun): Considering how Fuse’s AOE damage kit can force enemies to run away from his grenades, getting up close and personal against them means the Legend needs a weapon that hinders enemy escape. The Mastiff is an awesome choice for these situations, as the horizontal spread of the shotgun ensures enemies still get hit even if they somehow escape the area of effect of Fuse’s multiple grenades.
  • M600 Spitfire (LMG, Light Ammo): When Fuse hits opponents with the Motherlode (Ultimate) or even his signature Knuckle Clusters (Tactical), the instinct on the enemy’s part is to run away from these abilities’ AOE range. This might be a little too late once Fuse charges the M600 Spitfire, as this LMG has a dirty-enough recoil to accommodate chaotic firefights. Enemies trying to confuse Fuse through running may get hit anyway if they find themselves in the general direction of the LMG’s crosshair.

Apex Legends is currently playable in the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and the Nintendo Switch.

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