Battle royale enthusiasts know that a surefire way to victory in games like Apex Legends is overwhelming the enemy team as soon as they encounter them. Time is precious in a fast-paced battle royale like Apex Legends, so firepower is always the priority in firefights. However, not all fans like an extra-aggressive playstyle. In fact, Gibraltar is perfect for fans of battle royales who want to do the opposite: secure their team’s safety in order to ensure they outlast every other enemy team in the match.

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Thanks to Gibraltar’s toolkit, his performance in the Apex Legends Season 16: Revelry rework allows him to become one of the best defensive characters in the hero battle royale. When played correctly, his access to various defensive measures and even a deadly defensive bombardment can allow him to ensure his team remains safe and sound while enemies are always kept at bay.

Gibraltar: Giant With A Heart Of Gold

Gibraltar as a rescuer

Despite his size, Gibraltar is quite the kind giant. Being the son of volunteers from SARAS (Search and Rescue Association of Solace), Gibraltar received training to help others in various dangerous situations in the Outlands. And it’s when his parents saved Gibraltar’s boyfriend from a mudslide and his father losing his arm in the process that the gentle giant understood the value of helping others in need.

This was rather an interesting story for a participant in the Apex Games, a competition where everyone else enters for fame and glory. However, Gibraltar hasn’t necessarily entered the Games for his sake, as he’s motivated more by his desire to protect his new friends and force his enemies to stop their attacks.

Why Use Gibraltar: Introductory Defense

Gibraltar and his shield

Players looking for a more defensive approach to playing battle royales like Apex Legends as solo or with a team may appreciate the toolkit of Gibraltar, as it’s built specifically for this type of preference. Using Gibraltar allows players to be more mindful of how they can protect the team instead of engaging opponents, allowing more skillful teammates to serve as frontline attackers while players focus on protecting the rear and defending the team for various threats. Here are other reasons why players should use Gibraltar:

  • Defense is not the focus: Despite Gibraltar’s potential as a defensive Legend, his toolkit isn’t built solely for him to protect his peers. This makes him an ideal Legend to begin learning the battle royale’s damage mechanics, as Gibraltar’s skills are pretty much standalone and don’t need much supervision.
  • Extra cover is good for firefights: While Gibraltar lacks a lot of combat utility, and since his Ultimate is more or less a last-resort option, his Gun Shield (Passive) is a neat defensive option for players who want to engage in firefights without losing defense. Thanks to its added extra shield, Gibraltar’s upper body is safer in encounters - a needed protection, considering headshots deal much higher damage.
  • Learn timing essentials: Gibraltar’s Dome of Protection (Tactical) seems like a nifty shield until players realize that only bullets and gadgets aren’t allowed in - almost everything else gets a free pass. That’s because the Dome of Protection is less than a true defensive option and more of a deterrent, allowing Gibraltar and his team to learn the more intricate aspects of timing their held skills - healing, reviving, and the like - without compromising their locations.

The Basics Of Gibraltar: Always Take Cover

Gibraltar taking down an enemy

Compared to other defensive Legends, the straightforward toolkit of Gibraltar allows most players to be able to engage in firefights from a defensive standpoint even with Apex Legends SMGs. Instead of babysitting allies with various abilities, Gibraltar’s all-rounder toolkit provides teammates with enough room to adjust - allowing them to take cover or recover in his dome, or even engaging enemies head-on with a shielded-Gibraltar providing sniper cover. Here’s a quick rundown on what Gibraltar’s kit offers in terms of abilities in Apex Legends:

  • Gun Shield (Passive): Gibraltar’s ADS can be accompanied by a deployable gun shield that gives an extra defense against incoming fire.
  • Dome of Protection (Tactical): Gibraltar throws a disc that projects a shield after landing. This shield stops all incoming and outgoing shots.
  • Defensive Bombardment (Ultimate): The Legend calls forth a concentrated mortar strike on a marked position, usually near Gibraltar’s point of reference.

Passive: Gun Shield

Gun Shield activated

Gibraltar as a defensive Legend in Apex Legends means he’s the most equipped to protect his peers, and this is exactly what Gun Shield (Passive) does for him. Whenever he uses ADS, Gibraltar can deploy an energy shield in front of him that can absorb some bullets from enemies and return fire with heavy weapons like Apex Legends LMGs.

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  • Properties: This energy shield has 50 health that protects Gibraltar’s upper body from attacks. If this is broken, it needs nine (9) seconds to recharge.
  • Take note of interactions: Given how Gibraltar’s Gun Shield is attached to himself, it’s important to check how this ability can interact with other abilities and items. For instance, while Silence (Revenant) can disable Gibraltar’s Gun Shield, he can deflect Arc Stars with them.
  • Check defensive advantages and disadvantages: One of the most glaring disadvantages of the Gun Shield is how its glow is easily seen in the map. However, its added defenses make Gibraltar a great combatant when using snipers, and opponents can have a hard time shooting him while he is crouching.

Tactical: Dome Of Protection

Dome of Protection Tactical

Perhaps the most important ability of Gibraltar in Apex Legends gameplay, Dome of Protection (Tactical) allows the Legend to defend his allies even with an Apex Legends Pistol. This dome not only blocks incoming shots, it also stops shots from getting out, allowing Gibraltar’s team to recover inside its premises.

  • Properties: This ability has a 30-second cooldown and lasts for 12 seconds, and launches with a 6-meter radius. However, while it blocks bullets, players can still move it. Not only that, but Gibraltar can revive allies 33-percent faster when inside the Dome.
  • Take note of line of sight and weaknesses: One of the most important setbacks of Dome of Protection is how it lets players pass but not certain items. Attacks from abilities such as Wrecking Ball (Mad Maggie) and Drone EMP (Crypto) can destroy the Dome quickly. Meanwhile, the Dome can also block the line of sight of things such as Neurolink (Crypto) and Perimeter Security (Wattson). Other weaknesses include the fact that enemies can still throw grenades inside the Dome, and the glowing nature of the Dome gives it away.
  • Enjoy with direct damaging abilities: The Dome is best paired with other direct damaging activities that ordinarily affect its users. This is best applied to Gibraltar, as his Ultimate attacks his direct location. However, when the Dome is activated alongside Defensive Bombardment, Gibraltar and his allies aren’t affected even if they’re within the vicinity.

Ultimate: Defensive Bombardment

Bombardment Ultimate

In worst case scenarios, Gibraltar can pull out all stops and call in a last-ditch effort to win the match: Defensive Bombardment (Ultimate). With this Apex Legends ability, Gibraltar throws a smoke grenade within a 24-meter radius that calls forth an extremely deadly mortar strike that can target both enemies and Apex Legends teammates.

  • Properties: When activated, the smoke grenade signals a six-second continuous mortar strike that not only deals 40 damage per hit but also causes shell-shock to players. Areas to be hit by mortar are marked by red circles.
  • Take note of glaring weaknesses: The most glaring weakness of this ability is how it can affect and even damage Gibraltar. Despite the potency of Defensive Bombardment, its nature as a projectile gadget means Interception Pylon (Wattson) can disable this entire Ultimate.
  • More tactical than damaging: Instead of focusing on Defensive Bombardment as an enemy-damaging ability, try to use this ability to secure defensive points instead. For instance, Defensive Bombardment is more useful when targeting a knocked-down enemy to force their team to either retreat or advance. Likewise, Defensive Bombardment can be a neat way of protecting their escape.

Gibraltar Gameplay: Close, But No Cigar

Gun Shield Passive

When playing as Gibraltar, players need to trust their Apex Legends teammates in their combat decisions. Unlike other support units, Gibraltar isn’t built solely to protect his teammates as a tank. Rather, Gibraltar ensures there are safe points for retreat should his team need a position to fall back into. This sets him apart from other shielders such as Newcastle, who likes to create mobile defenses. Unlike the latter, Gibraltar’s Apex Legends skills allows him to create quick pitstops for easy recharges, ensuring the team gets back to the fight without staying overconfident in defense. Here are other ways to play him:

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  • Abilities best used in emergencies: The Dome of Protection (Tactical) is an extermely useful defensive skill, but not only does it still let enemies in, it’s also extremely obvious when used in firefights. This forces Gibraltar and the team to be careful with timing their usage of Dome of Protection. Players should only deploy this in emergencies, especially when wanting to do quick heals or even reviving allies. The Dome should never be a permanent cover, but rather a control point before transitioning to the next location.
  • Long-ranged potential: Due to the extra upper-body defenses that the Gun Shield offers, Gibraltar has a lot of long-ranged potential. Since his Gun Shield reveals his location to the sharp-eyed anyway, Gibraltar may as well capitalize on its defenses as a sniper. In sniper duels, Gibraltar gets the upper hand in shields as it takes more time to destroy his Gun Shield than it is for Gibby to potentially find his opponent and shoot them down.
  • Run and gun defense: Unlike other Support Legends, Gibraltar is never meant to completely stay on the field to protect his peers. Instead, his Tactical and Ultimate are built to help him cause distractions long enough to do quick heals and escort his teammates to safety. Players should capitalize on the few seconds of time Gibraltar’s abilities offers, especially since they work in the context of providing short-term defense.

Support Class: Get Back To The Fight

Gibraltar with a combat pose

Gibraltar’s focus in keeping the team alive doesn’t just extend to his defensive-leaning toolkit. Previously delegated as a defender, Gibraltar’s association with the Support Class in Season 16: Revelry means his Apex Legends gameplay has become more optimized to keep the team in the fight for as long as possible. As with other Legends, his designation as a member of the Support Class granted him special perks:

  • Crafting Ally Banners: Once Gibraltar’s team loses any members, he can craft their Ally Banners through any Crafting Station. These cost 30 Crafting Materials, and may even allow Gibraltar to recreate Ally Banners of teammates who were timed out. This ensures teammates have a shot of fully returning to the fight even in the worst situations, provided Gibraltar is able to get to a Crafting Station.
  • Access Blue Bins - Special Compartments: Thanks to Gibraltar’s access as a Support Class, he’s now able to open Special Compartments in Blue Bins to get more advantageous consumables. Compartments now follow a unique algorithm to make sure Gibraltar’s team gets exactly what they need. For instance, there’s a likelihood of more Heat Shields to appear in Bins when outside the ring, and more chances of Mobile Respawn Beacons if GIbraltar has a teammate banner with him.

Loadout Recommendations

Gibraltar with a loadout

Gibraltar’s tanky nature in Apex Legends gameplay might inspire players to sink their teeth in short-ranged weaponry, but this won’t always fit the Legend’s gameplay. Instead, players should tailor their Gibraltar build depending on how they want to play him as of the moment, be it as a long-ranged cover-provider or as someone in the frontlines. Here are some weapons like Apex Legends Assault Rifles to consider for a Gibraltar build:

  • EVA-8 (Shotgun): One of the biggest threats Gibraltar faces on the battlefield has to be an enemy entering his Dome, as allies recovering there are left defenseless. A convenient way for Gibby to deal with them is through the EVA-8 Shotgun, especially since Gibraltar can simply unload round after round without having to worry much about recoil and frequent reloads.
  • Sentinel (Sniper): Given the existence of Gibraltar’s extra defenses via the Gun Shield, using the Sentinel as a sniper can make this Legend an excellent long-ranged combatant. A skillful eye spotting enemies from afar and shooting them quickly is a common thing for snipers to do, but Gibby’s extra defenses makes him much harder to hit even then enemies retaliate.
  • R-301 Carbine (Assault Rifle, Light Rounds): Among the weapons in the game, the R-301 has got to be one of the easiest to use due to its innate accessibility, ease of handling, and firepower consistency. Gibraltar looking to come to the aid of his allies won’t do wrong with an R-301, especially when he has to defend his teammates from opponents across a wide array of ranges and distances.

Apex Legends is currently playable in the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and the Nintendo Switch.

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