
  • Having a balanced team in Apex Legends Season 20 is crucial for wins, with perks shaking up the meta.
  • Support legends like Lifeline and Mirage offer strong perk upgrades for better team assistance in battles.
  • Gibraltar and Newcastle cater more to higher-ranked players, while Loba's looting and Lifeline's reviving abilities shine.

In Apex Legends, having a balanced team is crucial if players want to rack up wins, especially in Season 20 with the addition of perks. This means players must be happy with using a variety of different types of legends so that their team will always be balanced, alongside playing with a team-first mindset that will assist all players of the three-player squad to perform best.

Apex Legends Season 20: 7 Best Weapons, Ranked

With the arrival of Apex Legends' Season 20, new nerfs and buffs have shaken up the meta, with these weapons now reigning supreme on the battlefield.

One legend class that is vital to success in Apex Legends is the support class. Not everyone enjoys playing as a support class, as like in any FPS, most players will look to choose the most offensively effective characters. However, for the support fanatics out there, being a team player is a bundle of fun, as long as the support player prepares themselves for teammates asking for heals or revives constantly.

6 Gibraltar

Solid Option For High-Ranked Games

Gibraltar with a combat pose
  • Dome Shield Comes In Handy
  • Ultimate Deals Good Damage
  • Slower Than Other Support Legends

A support legend that is more useful in the higher ranks as opposed to lower ranks where it's more run-and-gun, Gibraltar is very strong in Season 20. His dome shield is as useful as ever, and the perk system includes a perk for Gibraltar that extends the duration of the dome, allowing for extra protection from enemy fire.

His character is still very slow, thus making him ideal for teams that are more passive and like to attack from afar, as opposed to speedy and aggressive attacks. His ultimate is also strong in Apex Legends Season 20, dealing decent damage to enemies and providing suppressing fire for players to heal up inside the safety of the dome shield, making Gibraltar's tactical and ultimate a great duo of abilities.

5 Newcastle

Upgraded And Much Better Than Season 19

Featured - Apex Legends Newcastle Ultimate Guide

Newcastle is a support legend that feels very much tailored to the players in the higher ranks, mainly due to his abilities being not very user-friendly. His mobile shield remains and has some neat-looking perk upgrades, such as a boost to the shield's HP and speed being available at the first upgrade.

Apex Legends Best Legend Level Upgrade Options, Ranked

These upgrades make playable characters even more powerful in Apex: Legends.

His second pair of perk upgrade selections are also strong, with the Miracle Worker perk in particular giving players 75 HP on revive. His other second perk upgrade boosts his ultimate abilities' health, along with an extended duration to the energized element of his ultimate. Despite his strong perk upgrades, Newcastle is still slow and requires lots of experience to master in Apex Legends Season 20.

4 Loba

Balanced Support Legend With Helpful Tactical

Loba Apex Legends
  • Ring Throw Tactical Boosted By Perks
  • Black Market Boutique Ultimate Slightly Less Effective
  • Still Very Useful And Strong

The thief legend who thrives in the Apex Legends games has been nerfed for Season 20, with Loba's ultimate ability, Black Market Boutique, needing a perk upgrade for extra looting range, as opposed to her Black Market stretching across a large chunk of the map as a base ability. Her tactical perk upgrade is very useful, with added height and range to her teleportation ring throws.

Loba is still a good legend to use, with the balance of her easy looting ultimate and quick getaway tactical enabling her to handle herself 1v1 while providing great support for her teammates in the form of loot. Factor in that her second perk upgrade allows her to take an extra item from the Black Market and Loba starts to look like a strong legend once again.

3 Lifeline

Revive And Fight At The Same Time

Lifeline with her Drone
  • Strong Perk Upgrades
  • Self-Revive Available For Second Upgrade
  • Much Better Than Season 19 Version

After Apex Legends Season 19, where Lifeline was one of the lesser support legends in terms of abilities, in Season 20, Lifeline has certainly been propped back up to her status as one of the better support options in the game. Her revival drone in its most basic state remains the same as before in Season 19. However, the perk upgrades significantly improve the drone.

Players can choose between a quicker tactical cooldown or a quicker revive speed for the first upgrade, then a self-revive or highly improved care package for the second upgrade. These perks are all very strong and make up for the lack of versatility of Lifeline, as she is essentially only able to heal, making 1v1 fights difficult.

2 Conduit

Temporary Shields And Helpful Speed Boost

Conduit from Apex Legends
  • Nerfed After Overpowered Season 19
  • Solid Support Option
  • Provides Helpful Shield Boost

After storming onto the legend scene as an extremely helpful shield-based support legend, Conduit has, of course, been hit by a slight nerf in Season 20. Her rapid chase down speeds and quick tactical cooldown time were rather overpowered in Season 19, so this nerf, while being relatively weak, comes as no surprise.

Apex Legends: 7 Best Weapons For Early Kills

Players going for the early kill in Apex Legends should try out these weapons.

Her speed is slower, along with the new legend perk upgrades for Conduit being rather underwhelming in comparison to some of the other legends' perks. Despite this, she is still a great option and will remain a highly common pick throughout the Apex community, simply due to her shield ability being very helpful in dire situations. Her perk upgrades, while underwhelming, are still somewhat helpful, with the ability to have an extra shield boost and a wider range for her ultimate.

1 Mirage

Holographic Confusion-Based Trickster

Mirage - Apex Legends Zodiac Signs
  • Benefitted Massively From Perk Inclusions
  • Feels Like Season 20 Is Mirage's Season
  • Provides Helpful Revive Invisibility

The superstar trickster that is Mirage is back at the top of his game in Season 20 as one of the better options from the support legend pool. His perk upgrade selections are up there with the best perks in the whole game, especially the perk that grants Mirage an extra holograph, allowing for double holographs and even more confusion for the opposition.

Mirage is one of the support legends in the sense that he feels much more rounded, with a skirmisher feel that makes him more versatile than some of the more heal-first legends in the support category. His Bamboozle ultimate is as effective as ever, with a squadron of Mirage holographs being deployed upon activation, which is very confusing for opponents. He also goes invisible when reviving teammates, who once revived, become invisible themselves, which is more than helpful when stuck in a sticky situation.

Apex Legends

February 4, 2019
Respawn Entertainment
Battle Royale , First-Person Shooter