Season 14 of Apex Legends is officially underway, and players are diving back into the popular battle royale to try out the brand-new Legend and new map changes. This season, Vantage joins the game and the beloved King's Canyon is getting a facelift. With these additions, it's worth revisiting all the Legends to see how they fit into the new season's meta.

As with every Apex Legends seasonal tier list, the Legends are first sorted into their respective tiers, and then the tiers are sorted alphabetically.

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Bloodhound - Apex Legends features several different Recon Legends at this point, and each specializes in a different style of information gathering. For Bloodhound, they excel at tracking down opponents and securing the kill. Their Tracker highlights enemy tracks and clues. Eye of the Allfather scans a large area in front of Bloodhound and marks any traps, clues, and enemies. Lastly, Beast of the Hunt highlights enemies and enemy tracks in red, and gives Bloodhound a 30 percent speed increase, making it easier to find their target. Bloodhound continues to be the go-to Legend when it comes to tracking and securing kills in Apex Legend. Their kit is great for intel gathering in a wide area, and the benefit of their clue gathering cannot go understated.

Gibraltar - Gibraltar has long been one of the most feared Legends in the game thanks to his bulk and resilience. Season 14 is no different, though there should be consideration for the powerful Mad Maggie buff that seems almost tailor-made to counter Gibraltar. His deployable Dome Shield is great for giving on-the-go cover, or for picking up downed teammates as it gives a revive speed buff that feels more appropriate for Lifeline. His Gun Shield is great for absorbing shots mid-fight, and could even save Gibraltar from a perfectly aimed Kraber shot back when that actually meant something. Lastly, his Bombardment Ultimate causes heavy damage in a concentrated enemy, perfect for enemies who have nowhere else to run. Gibraltar is still an absolute unit in the Apex Games, even if Maggie can sometimes counter him.

Revenant -Revenant received a few really strong buffs following his lackluster launch that have made him one of the best characters in the game. Revenant's Tactical ability launches a field of Silence that nullifies Tactical, Ultimate abilities, and even some Passives for enemies in the area. His Death Totem allows those who interact with it to temporarily attack enemies nearly risk-free, as when the shadow forms are defeated, the Legend reappears at the Death Totem. Lastly, his passive allows Revenant to move quickly while crouched, and climb walls higher and faster than other Legends. Revenant is an absolute powerhouse and his kit makes him a deadly force to be reckoned with.


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Ash - Since Ash joined the games, she has excelled at securing kills or finding her next target with ease. Her Arc Snare is perfect for slowing down fleeing opponents and her Phase Breach ultimate allows her to move quickly using a one-way portal, which is perfect for getting the drop on her target. She can track down those recently involved in battle thanks to her Marked for Death passive, which occurs when she interacts with a player's Death Box. Ash hasn't seen any major changes since her introduction back in Season 11, and she has continued to be a solid Legend who does one specific thing very well, and that's finishing opponents off.

Crypto - Crypto has always been strange to use in Apex Legends. While his drone provides very useful intel and utility, it does take Crypto out of the fight for the most part. Over the past few seasons, Crypto's drone has received a few quality-of-life changes to make it useful without downplaying Crypto himself. Of course, Crypto can still control the drone to gain access to the useful tools that it provides, like picking up team banners and respawning teammates, but it allows Crypto to be a bit more proactive than he used to. While some players still want more buffs or reworks for Crypto, he's currently in a solid spot overall.

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Fuse - Fuse is the resident explosions expert in Apex Legends. Not only can Fuse carry more grenades and throw them further than other Legends, he can quickly pepper enemies with constant damage thanks to his Knuckle Cluster Tactical and The Motherlode creates a ring of fire that locks enemies in place and deals damage to those who try to leave. Fuse is great for dealing heavy damage to a wide area, defending areas with ease, and is overall one of the most fun characters to use.

Mad Maggie - Mad Maggie is one of the few Legends this season who received a buff, and it was a potent one. Mad Maggie's kit is all about using shotguns and her abilities to disrupt Defensive Legends. Her Riot Drill, which attaches to surfaces to walls, doors, and even deployable cover like Gibraltar's Dome Shield while damages enemies on the other side, had its projectile launch speed doubled. The largest changes come to Maggie's Wrecking Ball Ultimate. By default, the Wrecking Ball will follow along a path and damage enemies it runs into. The buff makes it so Wrecking Ball will now deal damage to placeable objects, and it completely destroy Gibraltar's Dome Shield. Mad Maggie was previously one of Apex Legends' least-picked characters, but these buffs may send her pick rate up.

Mirage - Mirage is a tricky character to place in the tiers because he is reliant on a player's ability to bamboozle the opponent. In Season 14, Mirage got a buff to his decoys which allow them to be detected by Valk's skydive and Seer's Heart Seeker ability. While on paper this doesn't sound like much, these buffs can confuse opponents into falling for a decoy instead of the real Mirage. He is great at adding chaos to a fight and instigating enemies without putting himself or his team in danger. Mirage can be quite deadly in the right hands; he just takes some getting used to when it comes to using his decoys to the best of their ability.

Newcastle - Newcastle started off strong when he was introduced in Season 13, but as the meta formed he slowly fell out of favor. His kit is all about creating safe areas for him and his team, making reviving teammates safer too. With Season 14, every aspect of Newcastle's kit received a buff, from his revive shield to his deployable walls. He's certainly in a much stronger place than last season.

Octane - Octane is the local speed demon in Apex Legends, excelling in traversing the maps quickly and helping his team with jump pads. While Octane does damage himself using his Stim Tactical, so long as he avoids damage for a short time he will start to regenerate health. While he has received some small nerfs in the past few seasons, Octane remains a staple Legend that is seen often due to his high mobility. Fans of Apex Legends' lore are also a big fan of Octane due to his surprisingly complex character backstory.

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Pathfinder - Pathfinder was at one point the king of mobility thanks to his Grappling Hook ability. After a rollercoaster of buffs and nerfs, Pathfinder finds himself in a solid spot in the meta: not busted like he used to be, but certainly more powerful than he was at his lowest point. Apex Legends' peculiar robot comes equipped with a grappling hook that has a variable cooldown depending on how far Pathfinder travels. His Zipline ultimate is a great tool for helping his team cross large gaps with ease. Overall, Pathfinder is a solid and mobile Legend that can really gain an edge in any fight.

Rampart - Rampart serves a niche role in the Apex Legends meta, but after a series of buffs she has started gaining traction with the playerbase. Her Amped Wall not only provides solid deployable cover, but it also increases the damage of the shots that pass through it. Her deployable minigun "Sheila" can be carried around for a time, or placed to access infinite ammo and destruction. Because LMGs are strong in Apex Legends, her passive that increases LMG magazine side and reduces reload times is a great boost.

Valkyrie - Valkyrie was the big target of Season 14's balance changes, trying to bring her power back in-line with other Legends. Valkyrie is all about air superiority, being able to use her VTOL Jets to fly for a short time, and her Skyward Dive Ultimate allows her to act as a redeploy tower for teammates. Her Missile Swarm Tactical has always been secondary to her mobility, though they are a nice bonus. In Season 14, her VTOL Jets had their total fuel consumption rate increased across the board, and slowed the initial takeoff speed boost Valkyrie receives. Her Skyward Dive's maximum height was reduced by 25 percent, and the travel speed was reduced slightly as well. Overall, she is still a powerful Legend, but certainly not quite as strong as she was in previous seasons.

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Vantage - Vantage is the newest face on the field, and her kit is all about taking the high ground and using long-range weapons to their fullest. Her Tactical summons and positions Echo, a flying bat-like creature that Vantage can jump to, even in midair. Her Ultimate summons a special Sniper Rifle that, when fired, marks enemies for her team and debuffs them, causing them to take more damage for a short time. Lastly, Vantage gains a bullet-drop indicator and can see enemy details when aiming at them using a high-zoom scope (or when unarmed). She's excellent at long-range engagements and some players are even doing crazy plays with Vantage, so she is a great Legend to pick overall.

Wraith - Wraith may not be quite as powerful as before, but she is still one of the most reliable Legends in the game. Her Passive warns the player if there are traps nearby or if they are being targeted by enemies. Her Tactical allows Wraith to move unhindered and invulnerable for a short time, and her Portal Ultimate allows her to move her and her team across large distances easily. Her portal can even be the perfect bait for some fun traps to play on enemies. Her abilities may not be the flashiest, but if Wraith is used correctly, she can be one of the safest choices.



Lifeline - Apex Legends' resident healer received several tweaks and modifications that make her situationally weaker than she used to be, though she's still powerful if the player knows what they are doing. She can revive two teammates at the same time and still fight and defend them. Her D.O.C Drone also has infinite healing for the duration of the ability. Her Care Package is perhaps still the weakest part of her kit, and is still in need of tuning or reworking. While it does guarantee upgrades, it comes with the caveat that it reveals the team's position to anyone who can see the package drop. She's still a strong Legend, but her kit could still use a bit more refinement to become truly top-tier.

Loba - When it comes to securing loot, no Legend does it better than Loba. Loba can see high-tier loot through walls, teleport with (relative) ease thanks to her Burglar's Best Friend Tactical, and even pull loot from a large area using the Black Market Boutique. While Loba does not have any abilities that are a major help in the heat of combat, she may allow her team to be better equipped before combat starts. Her Tactical used to be broken in the worst way, but after several fixes it is a solid, reliable way to navigate the map or even get out of a fight if needed. She's a strong Legend, though she falters a bit in the combat department compared to others.

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Seer - While Seer is nowhere near as busted as he was at launch, he is still a powerful Legend capable of revealing a lot of intel. Seer's passive allows him to detect heartbeats of nearby Legends while aiming. His Tactical shoots out a blast forward that interrupts enemies and applies silence for a short time. Affected enemies are marked for Seer and his team, and their health bars are visible during the duration of the effect. Seer's Ultimate is Exhibit, which creates a field that reveals the locations of enemies who are moving quickly or firing weapons. Seer is great at gathering intel in close-quarter engagements, and the power to interrupt enemy healing cannot be understated. He does struggle with longer-range engagements, however.

Wattson - Arguably one of Apex Legends' most beloved characters, Wattson's kit is all about making a location as safe as possible using her electric fences and her Interceptor Pylon. While her fences can be useful when things get chaotic, they don't deal a ton of damage, though the stun effect can be enough to give players an edge in combat. Her Interceptor Pylon is great for preventing projectile Ultimates like Gibraltar's, as well as stopping enemies from throwing grenades into the team's fortified location. She's a great defensive Legend, but tends to struggle when moving the fight out of enclosed locations. She also has an an incredibly lackluster heirloom.


Bangalore aiming at an opponent

Bangalore - Bangalore is always a safe bet when it comes to picking a Legend. She serves the role as Apex Legends' typical "soldier" class with a well-rounded kit that's good for a variety of situations. Her Passive allows her to get a speed boost when she is shot at, so it aids in a quick getaway or for advancing on a fortified opponent. Her Smoke Launcher allows for quick deployment of a smokescreen that is great for obscuring teammates or confusing opponents. Lastly, her Rolling Thunder is perfect for zoning enemies who are out in the open, forcing either a retreat or causing damage and a debuff. She's a well-rounded Legend, but is hard-countered by several Legends when it comes to her Smoke Launcher. She's still a solid pick, but is perhaps overdue for a buff or two.

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apex legends caustic vial feature

Caustic - Caustic was hit pretty hard with a couple nerfs back-to-back that make it hard to justify being a Caustic main in most situations. The Season 12 nerf completely gutted his Gas Traps by allowing them to be destroyed after being triggered. They also disappear faster after being triggered, and the gas does not linger for long after the trap is gone. Then in Season 13, a change to the Fortified class of Legends made it so they no longer have damage resistance to headshots, which really is salt in the wound for Caustic. While Season 14 brought no changes to Caustic, he is still in a rough spot.

Horizon - Season 14 is not a good season for Horizon mains. While Horizon received a few (justified) nerfs since her launch, Season 14 brought yet another big hit to Horizon's kit, this time for her Black Hole ultimate. N.E.W.T, the vessel for her Black Hole, now takes friendly fire damage and increased damage from explosives (which was a common tactic with Black Hole). While it is technically a fix and not a nerf, N.E.W.T is also easier to hit and destroy now as well. Overall, her Black Hole ultimate ability just became a lot less useful overall. Her Gravity Lift is still a great tool, and while she's still a fun and strong Legend in the right hands, her kit has been heavily weakened since her introduction.

Apex Legends is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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