Infamously known as Apex Legends' worst gun, the Mozambique shotgun has become something of a meme within the game's community. Thanks to its slow projectile speed, low DPS, and horrendous damage output, most players groan whenever they happen to pick the Mozambique up upon dropping into the arena. It was so bad that during the preseason and season 1, Respawn Entertainment created a unique animation wherein all the legends would throw the gun away in disgust when swapping armaments.

Thankfully, Apex Legends season 12 is a good time to pick up the Mozambique. With its previous buffs still in place and the much requested return of the Hammerpoint Rounds hop-up attachment, players just might have an easier time surviving the initial drop when picking up this shotgun pistol. While it is certainly not the best option available to fans of the game, it should not get them killed as much as it normally does thanks to the much-needed buff the hop-up provides.

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The Mozambique Has Never Had A Nerf

Apex Legends Mozambique

Barring the depowering of the Hammerpoint Rounds hop-up this season, the Mozambique is the only shotgun that has never had any nerfs throughout its lifespan. In fact, it has been only been buffed, with the gun being improved in a few different ways since launch. It has had its recoil spread and reset reduced, its iron sights improved, and most importantly, its magazine size increased from a measly 3 shots to a now acceptable 6. Even though its damage output is meager, these stats make the Mozambique fairly consistent when it comes to hitting shots on close range opponents in Apex Legends.

Hammerpoint Rounds Make The Mozambique A Beast

Apex Legends Mozambique

The Hammerpoint Rounds hop-up, which was recently returned into the loot pool after it was removed back in Season 9, makes a significant difference when it comes to the weapon's quality. This Apex Legends hop-up is the real reason someone would pick the Mozambique, the RE-45, or the P2020 pistol, as it massively increases damage against unshielded targets. Currently, Hammerpoint Rounds on the Mozambique add an extra 35% damage when shooting a shieldless enemy, which is a shame since it used to do 140% of unshielded damage per shot. To make sure players weren't one shotting their opponents with the Hammerpoint Rounds, the hop-up has understandably been nerfed (and quite possibly been made harder to find).

Despite the reduction to the Hammerpoint Rounds' power, players should not overlook its return in Apex Legends. A player using the hop-up on the Mozambique can catch Legends by surprise, as their health makes up roughly half of their character's well-being. A quick swap to a Hammerpoint-infused Mozambique after cracking an opponent's shield can make for a quick end to a fight. It can also be used to easily kill downed opponents, giving it another purpose.

The Mozambique is still Apex Legends' worst gun, and it will likely stay that way, but it has thankfully gotten some love over the course of the game's lifecycle. Players will still roll their eyes when they pick one up, but at least now it's better than having a fistfight against an armed opponent at the start of a match.

Apex Legends is available on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One, while a Mobile version is available in some regions.

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