Season 11: Escape is in full swing for Apex Legends, and with the new season comes a brand-new weapon and map for players to try out. The C.A.R. SMG is a returning fan-favorite from Titanfall, and the new Storm Point map is one of the most ambitious designed by Respawn yet. While the character meta is in flux thanks to Ash and big Wattson changes, the weapon meta is also in flux thanks to the new map and SMG.

As always, the rating of these weapons do not factor in any attachments or hop-ups, they are purely based on performance when picked up. The Apex Legends weapons are placed in their respective tiers, and the tiers are then organized aphabetically.

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Apex Legends Lifeline with Alternator

Alternator - The Alternator still resides in the Care Package in Season 11, and features the infamous Disruptor Rounds that excel at ripping shields apart. While the Alternator is (thankfully) not as strong as it was back in Season 2, it is still an absolute destructive force when it comes to tearing apart enemy shields. The Alternator has always been a reliable, if a bit weak, SMG, but with Disruptor Rounds it not only maintains that "easy-to-use" feel, but ramps up its damage potential considerably.

C.A.R. - The C.A.R. is a familiar name to Titanfall fans, and an infamous one at that. In Titanfall, the C.A.R. tore through enemies like paper and was one of the smoothest weapons to control in the game. In Apex Legends however, the C.A.R. is not quite that strong, but it offers versatility in ammo choice while dishing out damage to keep it competitive with the likes of the R-99 and Volt SMGs. The C.A.R. is yet another solid and powerful choice when it comes to close-range engagements, and since players can use either Heavy or Light ammo for it, odds are players will never have to worry about running low. It would be hard to not recommend the C.A.R. in most situations if players happen to find one.

R-99 - The R-99 is infamous in Apex Legends. It features an insane fire rate, and one of the fastest time-to-kill stats bar none. However, it has a limited range and an unstable recoil, so it is certainly a high-risk, high-reward weapon. For those who can master this weapon, there will be few other weapons that would serve better.

Volt - The Volt is essentinally in the same boat as the R-99, though not quite as fast. To make up for this, the Volt uses Energy ammo which has less damage falloff than the R-99's Light ammo. It has always been a top-tier weapon since it debuted, and for the time being that does not seem to be changing.


apex legends new rampage lmg loading thermite grenade emergence trailer

G7 Scout - The G7 Scout joins the Spitfire and Kraber in the Care Package this season. The Scout excels on Storm Point thanks to the open spaces around the map, so players should definitely keep an eye out for Care Packages on the map. It features the Double-Tap Trigger hop-up, though many players prefer to shoot in single fire to hit more shots quickly. It can deal massive damage in the right hands, and thanks to the buff it received by going into the Care Package, it may be one of the stars this season.

Hemlock - The Hemlock intrinsically can change its fire mode between 3-round burst and single fire, allowing for players to control their ammo usage and burst damage. Many players have discovered the absolute power of the Hemlock, as it has great range, solid damage, and is easy to control. It can be fired nearly as fast as a player can pull the trigger, so in single fire mode it can burst down targets fairly easily.

Kraber - The Kraber, in most cases, would belong in S-Tier. However, the Kraber features one big drawback: ammo capacity. It is one of the best weapons for dealing massive amounts of damage, but only if a player can reliably hit headshots. It can down any Legend (with the exception of Gibraltar) in one shot, if it is a headshot. While body shots deal big damage, it almost seems like a waste. Due to the very limited ammo supply and the massive skill barrier to entry, the Kraber falls just shy of S-Tier.

M600 Spitfire - LMGs have historically been very powerful in Apex Legends, and the Spitfire has been the most reliable among them. Featuring a massive magazine, solid damage, and reliable recoil, the Spitfire is an all-around great weapon. While it is in the care package, the Spitfire deals even more damage than usual, at the cost of a limited ammo supply. Thankfully, being an LMG means that it will take some time to cut through that limited supply, and it will deal a lot of damage doing so.

Peacekeeper - The Peacekeeper is the sniper rifle of shotguns thanks to the ability to use the Precision Choke function of the weapon. It can deal massive damage well outside of standard shotgun range, which is especially handy on Storm Point. When at close range, if a full burst is landed, it can shred through enemies like paper. The only drawback is the reload time for the weapon, but if players make the shots count, there will be nobody nearby to fight against while reloading.

R-301 - The R-301 is easily one of the most reliable weapons in Apex Legends. It has a stable recoil, solid damage, and a forgiving magazine even with no attachments. While the single-fire mode is less than stellar without the missing Anvil Receiver hop up, it can even be used to take pot shots at distant targets. Players can never go wrong picking up this gun.

Rampage - The Rampage was the weapon added during Season 10, and much in the same way as the Spitfire, it is a solid LMG that deals great damage while also unloading a ton of bullets. It also features a special function that allows players to consume a thermite to let the Rampage shoot open doors and have increased stats for a short time. It launched in a great spot last season, and remains in that same spot for Season 11.

VK-47 Flatline - The Heavy ammo counterpart to the R-301, the Flatline trades the stability of the R-301 (and the ability to get barrel attachments) for increased damage. If players have better control over recoil, the Flatline may serve them better than the R-301. It deals solid damage at close and medium range, and is another solid choice that players cannot go wrong with.


bloodhound holding charge rifle

30-30 Repeater - The 30-30 Repeater blends the playstyle and functionality of the G7 Scout and the Triple Take to make a hybrid weapon that can deal solid damage at both close range and medium range consistently. For those unfamiliar, the Repeater works a lot like Ash's Rifle from Overwatch, where when players aim down sights, the weapon gains increased damage, but it can fire much faster (for less damage per shot) when firing from the hip. The weapon can take some getting used to, but once players learn how to use it, it can be a solid, reliable weapon.

Bocek - The Bocek launched in an absolutely broken state in Season 9, and after the series of nerfs it received, it is finally in a comfortable spot. The Bocek excels at mid-range engagements, but suffers when enemies begin to push due to the bow's draw time. Much like the Wingman, in the right hands (those who can consistantly hit headshots), the Bocek can pick apart enemies from a safe distance with considerable ease.

Charge Rifle - The Charge Rifle was originally designed as a Titan-killing weapon in Titanfall, and while it is nowhere near as powerful as that in Apex Legends, it still has a special place in the weapon meta. The Charge Rifle can pick enemies off from absurd range, and while the inital ticks of damage do little in the way of breaking shields, the follow-up blast does enough damage to send nearly any enemy running for cover. While it is worth little in close-range engagements, if players can track down a 4x-10x scope, they can deal a lot of damage to distant enemies with virtually no repercussions.

Devotion - The Devotion is one of two weapons in Apex Legends that features a spin-up mechanic, which makes it less reliable than most weapons. If players get the drop on the enemy, then it is not an issue. However, if being pushed, those couple seconds of spin-up could make-or-break the fight. When fully spun up, the Devotion burns through both enemies and ammo in equal measure, so make sure to stock up on Energy ammo when using this weapon.

EVA-8 - The EVA-8 got slapped with a small nerf at the start of Season 11, but it is not enough to bring this weapon down a peg. This full-auto shotgun can cut through enemies quickly at close range, even with the reduced damage. While it may not reign supreme like it did last season, it is still reliable as a secondary, assuming you can get close enough to use it.

Havoc - The Havoc is the second weapon that features a spin-up mechanic, and by that same logic, is less reliable than other assault rifles. While at close range, the Havoc can deal impressive damage if players can get the drop on their opponent, but players will need to be careful if they are getting pushed, and factor the spin-up into their defense plan.

L-STAR - The L-STAR received a bit of a nerf this season, having its projectile size and damage reduced. However, even with that in mind, the L-STAR is still a powerhouse at close range, acting more as a shotgun than the LMG it is classified as. Thanks to its unique bottomless mag mechanic, players that can control the weapon's overheating can burn through enemies at an alarming rate, even with the reduced damage. While it is less effective now than it was, it is still a solid weapon.

Longbow - The Longbow fires faster than most snipers, and deals less damage for it. However, the Longbow has a high headshot multiplier just like the Wingman, meaning that skilled players can make this weapon work incredibly well if they can land the shots. It features a forgiving magazine size, and the faster fire rate makes it a bit safer if a team pushes when compared to other snipers, making it a great weapon for larger areas, of which Storm Point has several.

Mozambique - What has historically been Apex Legends' "meme" weapon, the Mozambique is actually one of the most underrated weapons in the game. It deals solid damage at close range, and now has a bigger magazine to make it more forgiving if missing a shot, or for finishing larger targets. Even without the Hammerpoint Rounds, it is a great weapon for finishing off targets that have broken shields.

Prowler - The Prowler is the only burst SMG in the game currently, but features a 5-round burst that can deal a ton of damage if players can land the shots. With the removal of the Selectfire Receiver, players cannot change the weapon to full-auto, where it really shines, but players should not underestimate the Prowler's damage in the right hands.

Sentinel - The Sentinel is one of the more slow-firing weapon in the game, but the damage it deals helps make up for that. As with most snipers, it suffers at close-range engagements, but if players have good accuracy and have time to line up their shots, the Sentinel can certainly make short work of unsuspecting enemies. It also features the added function of being able to consume Shield Cells to deal bonus shield damage, making it one of Apex Legends more unique weapons.

Triple Take - The Triple Take returns to ground loot this season as the G7 Scout enters the Care Package. Alongside the expected nerfs that come with returning to ground loot, the Triple Take was also reclassified as a Marksman Weapon, and now once again consumes Energy ammo. It eats more ammo per shot now, which is a shame, but the Triple Take does deal enough damage to warrant the cost. Being able to charge the shots to hit long-range targets is great, and the non-charged spread shots are perfect for dealing with closer enemies. It has more versatility than most weapons, making it a solid pick for exploring the new Storm Point map.

Wingman - The Wingman rose to fame early in Apex Legends as the premier "skill" weapon of choice, especially by popular streamers. Players that can reliably land headshots can get away with using this weapon as a primary instead of a secondary thanks to the Wingman's high crit multiplier, but those who cannot make every shot count will be at a disadvantage when picking up this hand cannon. As the name would imply, the Wingman is mainly designed to assist the player's primary weapon, and help seal the deal on a kill. If a player has the skill for it, this weapon is a solid choice, but in clumsy hands it can do more harm than good in a fight.

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Mastiff - The Mastiff is an unreliable weapon, which is why it is so low on the tier list. While it has an incredibly high damage potential, the odds of reaching that damage ceiling are low. Shots fired in the Mastiff's effective range tend to miss just as often as they hit a lot of the time. The massive Season 11 update brought a new hop-up for the Mastiff, which allows it to reload two shells at once, but even if that were factored in to the rating, it would maybe only be bumped up to a low B-tier at best.

RE-45 - The RE-45 fills a strange roll in the meta. It fires like it's an SMG and deals decent damage, but it has a limited ammo capacity considering how quickly it fires. It can deal a lot of damage, but it has limited range so it is best used at close-range. But in those situations, players would be better off using an SMG of virtually any kind, or even a shotgun. It is definitely a serviceable weapon, but it is unfortunately outclassed by many other archetypes.


Apex Legends Revenant

P2020 - Maybe one day the P2020 will get a buff to let it not be at the bottom of the barrel, but this season is not it.

Players are still getting accustomed to the meta on Storm Point, where longer range weapons have more time to shine thanks to the wide-open spaces that the map provides. While this may not mesh will with some players who prefer enclosed areas that maps like Olympus and certain areas of World's Edge provide, it's nice to see different weapons get picked up more often among the many weapons in game. Hopefully the new weapon meta will sit well with more of the fanbase, and allow for different types of engagements instead of the typical Shotgun/SMG meta many players are tired of.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions in development.

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