After previous criticisms of not crediting artists in-game for skin collaborations, Apex Legends made a recent attempt at giving collaborators recognition that unfortunately fell flat due to misspelling streamer LuluLuvely's name. Being one of the most popular free-to-play games on the market, Apex Legends' most recent update left some of its fans feeling sour.Although LuluLuvely gained prominence in the streaming community by playing Apex Legends, she and the game have had a rocky relationship for the past year. Just last summer, LuluLuvely was considering stopping playing Apex Legends altogether due to a lack of content. However, that's not the worst of her experience with the game. She's also claimed that EA refused to pay royalties for the skins many Apex Legends content creators helped create. These criticisms from LuluLuvely began the push from many in the game's community to get Apex Legends to credit the artists who helped create skins.RELATED: Apex Legends Private Matches Now Available To All PlayersThe game's developer Respawn recently took initiative to give artists the credit they deserve for their Apex Legends collaborations, but a spelling mistake made the attempt result in disappointment. Instead of LuluLuvely, the game had her name spelled as "LuluLovely." Although it's a simple mistake, it's surprising that there wasn't more of an effort made to make sure the spelling was correct.

To make matters even worse, Respawn's apology tweet did not sit well with a lot of fans. The developer claimed that the update was shipped incomplete. Comments on the studio's apology tweet ranged from criticisms of not giving artists credit sooner to stating the apology was a weak attempt to correct its mistake. To many in the game's large community, the unique skins in Apex Legends serve as some of the most exciting content. It's only natural for some of those fans to be curious about the names of the artists responsible for creating a favorite skin.

Although it's great that Respawn has finally chosen to give credit where it's due, it's incredibly unfortunate that the update launched before it was ready. Releasing an update intended to credit collaborators but still misspelling one of their names makes it seem like crediting these individuals is still very much an afterthought to the studio. With Apex Legends being one of last year's biggest games, there's an expectation from many that updates and in-game content will be handled with the utmost care. However, with the game having such a vocal community, it can also put a lot of pressure on devs who are trying to do their best. Whether it was an afterthought or simply just an honest mistake, it's great that credit is finally being given where it's deserved.

Apex Legends is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Apex Legends Should Ease Up On Recolored Skins

Source: Dexerto