EA has revealed that it will be releasing not one, but two physical editions of Apex Legends, offering exclusive cosmetics and other content for players that want the battle royale on their shelves.

Each physical edition will focus on a specific Apex Legends character. The Apex Legends Lifeline Edition will offer skins for the healer character, while the Apex Legends Bloodhound Edition will award skins for the legendary tracker.

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Each Apex Legends physical edition will cost $19.99, and come with some cosmetics and 1,000 Apex Coins. The Lifeline Edition comes with the Legendary Guardian Angel skin, the Legendary Chooser of the Slain skin, a Winged Guardian banner, and an Angel Struck badge. The Bloodhound Edition, meanwhile, will have the Legendary The Intimidator skin, the Legendary Wrath Bringer Prowler skin, a Feeling Impish banner, and the Tormentor badge. EA states that the badges and banners are exclusive to the physical editions, but the skins don't have the same designation on their post.

While Apex Legends is a free-to-play title, this physical edition is a pretty good deal. 1,000 Apex Coins alone normally costs $10, so half of the price of a physical edition is made back with the bundle of coins alone. A featured banner can cost 1,100 coins on its own, and skins are usually limited to Apex Legend's loot boxes and Battle Pass rewards. With two legendary skins, these editions are worth the money, although the rewards are restricted to one character. If the Lifeline Edition and Bloodhound Edition sell well enough, though, there may be more character physical editions in the future.

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Apex Legends going the physical route is not new ground for free-to-play battle royales. Fortnite physical editions are practically collector's items now, going for high prices on the second-hand market. With Apex Legends releasing physical editions that are catered to each character, the same may happen here, if EA doesn't print a lot of stock for these first physical copies. Regardless, Apex Legends is still completely free-to-play, so no one has to invest in these physical editions if the cosmetics don't entice.

If anything, though, the thought of ten different Apex Legends physical editions, one for each character, sounds a bit overwhelming.

Apex Legends is available now for free on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. These physical releases will be available for the same systems on October 28.

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Source: EA