Practically since his induction into Apex Legends, fans have been begging for Revenant to receive a few much needed tweaks. Many love the character idea and design, but when it comes to competitive play in Apex, he left much to be desired.

It remains to be seen how this tweaks, which come alongside Bloodhounds Old Ways' event, affect the character, but they seem like a step in the right direction. His tactical ability, Silence, now lasts twice as long, has twice the AoE, has two charges, and will disable Gibraltar's Gun Shield.

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The most viable change comes to his Death Totem Ultimate ability. Now, Apex Legends character who die under his death protection will respawn with 50 health, unless what they had before was less than that. This should do much to make countering his Death Totem harder, as before, a simple Caustic container outside the Death Totem was all that was required.

apex legends revenant wallpaper screenshot

Finally, the passive ability Low Profile was removed from Revenant. For smaller characters like Wraith, this passive makes sense as it makes them harder to hit but increases their damage taken, but for Revenant who is a surprising large character, it was a strange addition from the get-go in Apex Legends.

Check out the full Old Ways event patch notes HERE.

Apex Legends is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Wraith