Apex Legends players ask for a new Limited-Time Mode (LTM) following the release of a video where 8 teams fought it out without ammo, using only melee and legend powers within a ring that's less than a few meters in diameter. Limited-time modes are common in Apex Legends, dropping a few times each season such as Control, Ultra Zones, or Always Be Closing. Each LTM adds a spin onto the Battle Royale shooter that alters the rules just enough to keep everything fresh and fun. In this instance, fans think an LTM for Apex Legends focused on melee and the use of legend abilities would make for a fast-paced and exciting game mode.

A new Apex Legends LTM using only melee wouldn't be unheard of, as there have been modes where players were only allowed to use shotguns or snipers, as well as modes where players spawn already wearing armor and guns or modes where players don't die but return as shadows to help their team. Though, who knows if a melee-only mode would be viable if the circle isn't shrunk down all the way. Punches only do 30 damage in Apex Legends, which would take four hits to kill someone without armor, five to kill someone with level one armor, six with level two, and seven with level three.

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Reddit user johnnypricetv shared the clip on the apexlegends subreddit that showed eight squads, 14 people, battling it out within a circle that was shrunk down to a few meters in diameter. They felt that the tense play style of the match should have its own LTM, as players had to balance staying within the circle to avoid ring damage and leaving the circle to avoid being punched, all while trying to use their abilities to do damage and buy time for heals. This isn't so different from the boxing matches that occurred during the season 7 Pathfinder's Town Takeover event, but while those were one-on-one fights, the team element makes brawling it out feel less like button mashing and requires more strategy.

The brawls are made high stakes by the fact players must enter the striking range of an enemy in order to do damage. By forcing a close-quarters fight, it encourages everyone to stay in the action from the beginning of the match to the end. An LTM using this sort of battle as the focus has a few problems it must solve in order to properly balance it, such as how big the map should be and how legends like Caustic who can create area-of-effect damage can be included without being overpowered for the game mode.

Sometimes Battle Royale games can be frustrating when players get sniped from a great distance, felling as if they were killed too quickly before even seeing their enemy. In this proposed melee-only LTM that won't be a problem since everyone is going to be up close and personal, trying to sprint after players in order to punch them four to seven times without getting hit in return.

Apex Legends is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Dexerto