Competitive multiplayer shooters like Apex Legends are great at drawing players into the game. Completing a match and coordinating with their team can take up all the player’s focus, allowing the real world to fade into the background.

However, that background can still react to what they say and do, leading to some interesting results where the two worlds collide. For example, one Twitch streamer’s Apex Legends match was interrupted when his cries for in-game help led to the police knocking on his door.

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Twitch streamer Vuzby was in the middle of a heated Apex Legends match and loudly called out for help from his teammates. The streamer may have been playing up his desperation up for the camera and sold it a bit too well. Someone heard the Canadian streamer shouting from the street and attracted the attention of two police officers, who also heard the shouting and came to investigate.

The police first knocked on Vuzby’s window before moving to the front door where his girlfriend let them in. The streamer was soon surprised to find a Canadian police officer standing behind him. The officer asked if he was streaming and whether Vuzby had screamed for help at any point. The up-and-coming Twitch streamer replied that he was and had been shouting “for content.” This prompted a chuckle from the officer, who explained how they ended up there. The police left soon after, with one of the officers wishing him luck with the stream.

Vuzby was obviously startled to find two cops standing in his apartment, telling them, “You guys scared the s*** out of me.” However, the whole encounter played out reasonably calmly. Later, the streamer described the cops as “chill” in a subsequent Twitter post. Vuzby also joked about doing a collaboration with the police after mentioning that one of the officers asked for his Twitch tag before leaving. Fellow Apex Legends streamer turnzz replied to the Tweet, noting that he must have done an outstanding job of selling his cries for help.

Fortunately, the interaction ended without incident, and there was no damage to Vuzby or his property. It went a lot better than many of the other times police officers walked in on a stream in progress, as the last few years of swatting victims on Twitch can attest. However, the Twitch streamer may want to consider toning it down the next time he decides to exaggerate his reactions to drive engagement. Unless, of course, he wants his comment about a police collab to become more than a joke.

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