With the release of Season 12 of Apex Legends on February 8, loads of new content was added to the battle royale. Among the highlights, perhaps the most impactful addition was the new Legend, Mad Maggie. A freedom fighter from Salvo, she came with a collection of exciting equipment to use on the battlefield, such as her Wrecking Ball and Riot Drill. While these various abilities make her kit fun to use in battle, it seems many players have started to pick other Legends instead.

Recently, it was revealed that the pick rate for Mad Maggie in Apex Legends had taken a significant hit in the last couple of weeks. While she was the 3rd most picked Legend at the beginning of the season, she recently dropped to 12th in the popularity rankings, according to Apex Legends Status. Even though other newer characters, such as Ash and Valkyrie, experienced declines following their releases, this was still doubtlessly concerning for fans of the Rebel Warlord. Recently, this reduction in popularity led one Reddit user known as Supercomfyplanet to pose a question about Mad Maggie to the community. “Do you think she’s balanced or in need of buffs?” they asked, sparking an interesting discussion.

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The Case For (And Against) Mad Maggie Buffs

Unsurprisingly, this post regarding potential buffs for Mad Maggie piqued the interest of numerous members of the Apex Legends community. With over 4,700 upvotes in only a day, many were quick to weigh in on the topic. Among the comments, many believed that the Legend needed some sort of buff in order to remain viable in the battle royale. Specifically, some gamers thought that her Ultimate, Wrecking Ball, should be improved. According to the comments, the speed boost effect needed to be increased, while its damage required a buff. In addition, some Reddit users claimed that Mad Maggie was only effective on teams that wanted to be extremely aggressive.

However, some thought that the Legend was reasonably balanced and feared buffing her abilities could cause her to be OP. Instead, some players noted that there could be other reasons contributing to her decline, claiming that a Legend could be balanced while not being popular. With this in mind, they pointed to the popularity of other Legends, such as Wraith and Octane, as a significant factor for her lower pick rate in recent days. “There are 20 characters, some are bound to fall to the wayside for a variety of reasons,” Inconcievable_Lorb said on Reddit.

It will be interesting to see what the future holds for Mad Maggie in Apex Legends. Perhaps Respawn Entertainment will take the advice of some of its fans and buff the Legend in the coming weeks. Time will tell if a possible future buff will increase her pick rate among players in the battle royale.

Apex Legends is available on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One, while a Mobile version is available in some regions.

MORE: Apex Legends Season 12 Character Tier List

Source: Dexerto