Apex Legends Season 10: Emergence has arrived. With it comes a new Legend, meta changes, Ranked Arenas, a map update, quality of life alterations, and so much more. One major shift is the LMG weapon dynamic. A brand new LMG has been added to Apex Legends, and many of the other weapons in that category have received a shakeup. The entire weapon group has been flipped upside down, and understanding which guns are the most optimal is important to stay ahead of the game in Apex Legends this season.

Thanks to the patch notes and the new season having gone live, it is clear that LMGs received some significant changes during the Season 10 update for Apex Legends. All of the LMGs have reduced headshot multiplier damage from 2.0 to 1.75, and increased limb shot multiplier damage from 0.75 to 0.85. The point of this was so that players would be less effective with spray-down gameplay with LMGs, forcing them to be a bit more strategic. The Respawn Entertainment development team works hard on improving the Apex Legends experience, and time will tell if this adjustment is effective. However, there are still some very powerful LMGs to chose from in Season 10.

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S-Tier LMGs in Apex Legends

Apex Legends Caustic with Spitfire

M600 Spitfire - The Spitfire has almost always been a popular gun in Apex Legends, but it's back to being an S-Tier weapon in Season 10. The LMG is fully automatic, uses Special Ammunition, and can take out an entire team in one magazine. As great as the gun has been in previous seasons, it may be better than ever in Season 10. The Spitfire is in Supply Drops in Apex Legends Season 10, and the weapon has received quite the boost. The Alternator SMG is also joining the LMG in Supply Drops and it is replacing the Prowler SMG, which will go back to being floor loot.

The Spitfire's damage has been increased from 18 to 19 for its move to a Supply Drop weapon. Meanwhile, the hip fire of the Spitfire was adjusted back to the Season 8 pre-nerf mark, making the gun better than its Season 9 Apex Legends levels. The magazine size was increased as well, so the gun now has the capabilities of taking down a full squad even without headshots. According to the patch notes, the developer note made it clear that the point of adding the Spitfire to the Supply Drop was to balance out the new LMG (Rampage) with a dangerous Supply Drop LMG that was just as deadly. The only difference is that it is much harder to access the Spitfire now, as a Supply Drop weapon.

A-Tier LMGs in Apex Legends

Rampage - The new Rampage LMG compares favorably to the Spitfire and other LMGs in Apex Legends. The Rampage is stronger than the Spitfire, as it outputs a whopping 28 damage, but it is significantly slower in its fire rate. In general, the Rampage is a great weapon for mid-range, but not so efficient in close-range affairs. The Spitfire has a damage per second of 170 while the Rampage has a damage per second of 140, which is why the Spitfire is an S-Tier LMG. However, the Rampage has some tricks up its sleeve. It is possible to load a Thermite Grenade into the Rampage LMG to overclock the weapon and make it more powerful. This also allows the Rampage to do things like break destructible doors.

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B-Tier LMGs in Apex Legends

Apex Legends L-Star

Devotion with Turbo Charger - The Devotion, specifically with the Turbo Charger Hop Up, comes in as the next LMG on the list. This gun has the highest damage per second, uses energy ammo, and can take some time to rev up the fire rate. However, with the Hop Up, the LMG shreds through opponents with ease at close range. It is not very accurate at further ranges due to its sporadic spray control, but used almost like an SMG, it can be very powerful. The Devotion did not receive any updates with Season 10 of Apex Legends, but the weapon is still deadly in the right hands. Specifically the Turbo Charger Hop Up is what makes the Devotion a very solid choice.

L-Star - The L-Star received quite the overhaul this season. Some of the major changes have to do with the visuals of the weapon. The projectile VFX scale has been reduced by about half, so the combat readability has been improved. Hip fire spread has increased, meaning the weapon will not quite be the laser beam it was in close range scenarios. Players will also be able to add two attachments to the L-Star now. Barrels will be able to be added to the LMG for recoil stabilization, and the L-Star now takes Energy Magazines. The Energy Magazines work slightly differently than with other weapons, in that it allows players to fire the gun longer before the weapon overheats. With Season 10 of Apex Legends just getting started, of all the guns on this tier list, the L-Star could climb once more players get used to these new changes.

C-Tier LMGs in Apex Legends

apex legends devotion flame skin weapon viewer

Devotion without Turbo Charger - The last weapon on the list is the Devotion, specifically without its Hop Up. The Turbo Charger is so important to the Devotion that the weapon simply is not as effective as the other options without it. The gun is better than nothing in early game situations, and the Devotion can even be used to hold Energy attachments for a great weapon like the Volt SMG, but in general, the Devotion should probably be dropped without a Turbo Charger if better options are found.

Apex Legends is in a very solid state right now, but a fight could be around the corner at any given moment. With that in mind, there are some fantastic LMGs inside Supply Drops, as floor loot, and inside of bins just waiting to be looted.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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